Friday, October 31, 2008

10/31/2008 3:35 PM

me tired me need crystal likwid
me go now ok

10/31/2008 3:25 PM

oh my fucking god!!
can you please stop this madness..

helo vet ikke
u stil come child number 4
me wait what u wil say then ok
madnes is because u think u can not have more child
buu u can not stop next child
u wil have great child like mesiaha
me liuen and folow u then healing good

I asked you long time ago, tell me something you cant find here on GLP...
i have severall times told i have 4 kids (and can not have more)
i have also told that my husband has ms.
tell me something that dont kan be read...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 477041

here is waht elders say
jy moet glo
kind sal kom 23 eerste maand van 2011

10/31/2008 3:19 PM


Do you have suggestions on how I may focus? I already meditate and do shamanic journeys, even though I need to do them more often.
Quoting: canislatrans

helo canislatrans
pray is when u ask yor god
meditate is when u lisen 4 answer from yor god ok
me advice give u is 2 lisen answer
just lisen and folow sound
just lisen and folow flute
just lisen and folow wind in trees
just lisen and folow water in river
do not try cee anything just lisen harmonics in u
only sound wil lead u where u need 2 go ok
me glad 4 u

10/31/2008 3:07 PM

me sory when calculate wrong but eldets say me rite
event is rite but time is delayed ok
me frustrate just like u

its ok OP, we know this isn't easy!

You're an idiot. What the hell is wrong with you? Lemming.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 476073

helo 476073
me unerstan wording idiot
me also unerstan when u visit thread every day yor line time u may be the idiot
why u visit thread every day
does idiot never lern
open heart and give love u become wise no more idiot then ok

10/31/2008 3:00 PM

So OP what are you an alien or something??... and you where wrong about the 27th right...
Quoting: afa 401041

helo afa
me calculate wrong me make many mistake be4 but me very rite 27 october
open eyes
open smel
open think
u wil unesrtan many things begin new from 27 october yor line time
yor money is ilusion
yor religion is ilusion
on 27 october u cee money is ilusion
on 27 october u cee religion is ilusion
on 27 october sun go orange protect u ok

10/31/2008 2:54 PM

people good understanding not need google thing or rite spel they only needing belive
why u hope me rite these things are bad things very bad not good things eye worry cry
me not from contry name place

OP...OP, since you not from here I assume you came in expensive ship from far away...and you don't know proper English??....I have an dont.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 512435

helo 512435
me not unerstan question ok
but me try ok me not want b rude
there r many ship yor human eye not cee
but me not from any ship
me from wording paralel earth ok

10/31/2008 2:47 PM

We can try.
Please nok before you come in.


helo oannes
me not sure me unerstan
but me wil whisper softly
look 4 orange lite u go satniranjan ok me meet u ok

Satniranjan Baghel Resident: [link to]

Hi Op, i never heard that word before but it does exist. a place in india.

helo darza
not secret
but now u know please keep secret close 2 heart ok listen hum of lover
always sound is guide
not look lite
go where sound is ok

Hi Op, i do hear a sound, it sounds like chini-chini. a bit like white noise but then harmonious. I consider it hearing energy. Is that the sound you mean? because it is in my head not the heart.

Niranjan is one of the names of Vyankatesh, a god in Hindu religion. Niranjan is another name/form of Lord Shiva. : [link to]

Joti = light

I love Shiva, all are welcome with Shiva
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
u think rite many things
lisen whisper like hush wind
wind wil take u meet others like me ok
follow sound always
never follow lite ok

10/31/2008 2:44 PM

oh my fucking god!!
can you please stop this madness..
Quoting: vet ikke 477041

helo vet ikke
u stil come child number 4
me wait what u wil say then ok
madnes is because u think u can not have more child
buu u can not stop next child
u wil have great child like mesiaha
me liuen and folow u then healing good

10/31/2008 2:39 PM

me sory when calculate wrong but eldets say me rite
event is rite but time is delayed ok
me frustrate just like u

its ok OP, we know this isn't easy!
Quoting: 36burrows

helo 36burrows
tanku 36burrows me lose many friend because of acolyte me glad u stay

10/31/2008 2:36 PM

Hi, OP!

This is major fun, with you and Oannes!

I have had a feeling about this since Oannes joined the thread ~ because I sense that Oannes is a crystal child.

This will be interesting! Great to see you back, OP! xoxoxoxo Wasayo
Quoting: Wasayo nli 2804

helo wasayo nli
u warior stil me glad
me not know if oannes is crystal being but energy very srong like diamond ok
u also get very much stronger wasayo me feel u in pores
wasayo u very special being ok in al line time
wasyo u here 2 help
me lisen u ok

10/31/2008 2:31 PM

Like lotus petal I will.
Can you see the petal to.
Quoting: "oannes"

helo oannes
me not cee petal yet
me is petal like yor father jameskino
me wil lisen yor heart
me very glad me make contact u ok

10/31/2008 2:28 PM

We can try.
Please nok before you come in.


helo oannes
me not sure me unerstan
but me wil whisper softly
look 4 orange lite u go satniranjan ok me meet u ok

Satniranjan Baghel Resident: [link to]

Hi Op, i never heard that word before but it does exist. a place in india.
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
not secret
but now u know please keep secret close 2 heart ok listen hum of lover
always sound is guide
not look lite
go where sound is ok

10/31/2008 2:23 PM

maybe jotniranjan is beter place ok
look 4 many many lite in dreams like lotus petal u know
me there me wait 4 u ok

10/31/2008 2:19 PM

We can try.
Please nok before you come in.

Quoting: "oannes"

helo oannes
me not sure me unerstan
but me wil whisper softly
look 4 orange lite u go satniranjan ok me meet u ok

10/31/2008 2:13 PM

Thank you for the information. I do follow what animals do very carefully. Quoting: canislatrans
helo canislatrans
tanku canislastrans
yor energy very strong nature
focus u skip 0000 reset ok
me meet u then ok

10/31/2008 2:10 PM

helo oannes
tanku oannes
u very strong spirit energy
me try make contact ok
maybe u new vesel ok yes no

10/31/2008 2:04 PM

me sory when calculate wrong but eldets say me rite
event is rite but time is delayed ok
me frustrate just like u

10/31/2008 1:18 PM

hello OP,

What should we feed our pet animals after October 27th?
Quoting: canislatrans

helo canislatrans
beter u watch what pet do ok
pet know beter when time go 2009

10/31/2008 12:58 PM

if anyone doesn't see, what happened on 27th with "our Money", he is lost ;)

It's the date, when the lie about stock markets went public. From then the markets are shizo - no logical explanation anymore.

Greetings franz_liszt
Quoting: Franz Liszt 539052

helo franz listz
yes franz listz
money ilusion ok

10/31/2008 12:56 PM

hey your back.

helo jaze
me here now
u know julia yes no
julia and obama in danger 3 november ok

Quoting: -=LaZe=-

helo laze
yes laze

10/31/2008 9:39 AM

hey your back.

helo jaze
me here now
u know julia yes no
julia and obama in danger 3 november ok

Quoting: -=LaZe=-

yes 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 24 26 30 ok

10/31/2008 9:38 AM

do not trust phoenix
they become vp
it al opver then
no evolve ever reset time now ok

10/31/2008 9:33 AM

hey your back.
Quoting: -=LaZe=-

helo jaze
me here now
u know julia yes no
julia and obama in danger 3 november ok

10/31/2008 9:29 AM

me here easy time now
me rite many money ilusion 27 october ok
only some u cee this
me do more calculate more ok

Saturday, October 25, 2008

10/25/2008 11:15 AM

Re: helo me want 2 playQuote

me give u last warning advise be4 27 october
everything begin change week 27 october and after til october 2009
u have 12 months only
u like money get money from money bank now
u like food get food from food bank now
u like medicine get medicine from medicin bank now get aspirin get h2o2
u like seeds get watermelon get sunflower seed now
watermelon can make puirified water after big event
sunflower can make protein and oil after big event ok
do not store weat or corn or rice 4 they wil get contaminate of radiations
do not store gold becuase alien raide wil come steal it and harm or kil u
u can survive on watermelon and sunflower
dont eat meat
al animal get mad if u eat animal meat u also get mad
do not drink animal milk
milk for baby animal only ok
only drink water from wartemelon
only eat seed bread from sunflower until event radaition is gone
only feed yor own tribe
only have sex with own tribe ok
only eat animal meat after third generation ok
me ask elders me give more advice ok

Thursday, October 23, 2008

10/23/2008 10:28 AM Helo thread

tell us more about october 27

helo 501458
27 october is begin of yor end this line time ok

What happens AFTER October 27?

Will we still be HERE, on earth?

helo 501458
if u not part of second 144000 portal u wil stil be here yor line time ok
u need pasport of orange pope 2 escape

Who is orange pope, and how does one get a passport?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 501458

helo 501458
orange pope is last pope now
yor last pope is sick wil demise soon
pope wil leave rome 4 hospital london then chigaco
when pope leve rome it al ove 4 yor line time when end time prophecies begin and foretel
4 pasport prepare mind body spirit soon

10/23/2008 11:34 AM

O.P. did you post a new thread? and if so, why?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 375399

helo 375399
yes me explain this previos page
27 october and after vey important week
elders say me must tel every being here ok
not al being visit this thread so me post front page also ok

10/23/2008 11:25 AM


Somewhere in this thread you said China will make a big move in October 10. What was that?
Quoting: th€bbo

helo thebo
china did make big move october 10
me not always calculate rite
me cee things hapen but me make mistake sometime when u wil cee it

10/23/2008 10:52 AM

If this doesn't come true, your retarded ass posts hopefully will die.

You got May 15 predictions wrong this year, but for some reason people continue to buy your drivel. You're just some guy desparate for attention.

October 27th will be your test. If you're right, I'll withdraw my comments. But I doubt you will be right due to your failed predictions of May 10.

helo 476073
me lern from spirit like u why yor line time not evolve

You're an idiot seeking desperate attention like a black hole. My elder tells me you're a false prophet and be prepared for misleading the naive people on this board.

This post is bullshit.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 476073

helo 476073
u beter keep lisen yor elde
me wil lisen my elder ok
me not prophet me todai now me never say this
me sory u alone
next time kis partner beter ok then u keep her felix

10/23/2008 10:39 AM

If this doesn't come true, your retarded ass posts hopefully will die.

You got May 15 predictions wrong this year, but for some reason people continue to buy your drivel. You're just some guy desparate for attention.

October 27th will be your test. If you're right, I'll withdraw my comments. But I doubt you will be right due to your failed predictions of May 10.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 476073

helo 476073
me lern from spirit like u why yor line time not evolve

10/23/2008 9:37 AM

elders say make ready
everything wil begin change big from 27 october ok

10/23/2008 9:09 AM

me here now short time
after 27 october me not sure me can come back again ok

10/21/2008 11:24 AM

me here now

Helo OP
OP why did you "kill" the Moon in your timeline?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 340915

helo 340915
long time ago godlike elders decide want speed up line time
they decide kil moon
when moon die our earth begin rotate faster
this speed up our time but bring some problem
continents begin drift faster close
storms begin stronger and stay longer
ice melt everywhere
oceon become biger
we become water beings
many things change
no time 2 fite wars 2 short
we begin dream beter dreams when moon demise
peace come when earth spin faster
we learn other portals
we grow body mind spirit
but soon our line time faster we evolve ok
we cee how love works
we hapy when we lern this

Sunday, October 19, 2008

10/19/2008 12:02 PM

Hi OP. Thank you for being here. There are many people with a disease called Cancer and have much pain. Can you tell them where to find natural herbs from our earth to take for this disease and also herbs for pain? Thanks again. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 403351
helo 403351
me unerstan wording cancer
me ask elders ok

10/19/2008 11:58 AM

me here now

Good Morning OP...How r u? What can u tell us?xo
Quoting: OrangeRay3 530250

helo orangeray3
elders say many difrent dangers near 27 october
obama in danger near 27 october
money danger near 27 october
sun danger near 27 october
keep mind body spirit open u safe

10/18/2008 6:36 AM

Hi Op, suddenly i experience a wave of feelings of "lucky i met you". I have that sometimes. lol
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
me feel u also
luck come when mind and spirit both open
when spirit open it show destini 2 come
when mind open it alow destini 2 come
when both open it show destini where 2 come
when both open u make destini become u

10/18/2008 6:30 AM

wats happening your time op?
from which direction will the boomcome?
is mica a substitute for copper

would copper sulphate in water shield from emp/gamma rays?

Quoting: Flaming Sword 521398

some efect cosmosonicboom here already
me think other efect wil come from behind sun 2 u but me not sure this directions
when sun go orange ful efect cosmosonicboom arive ok
me must ask elders other question ok

10/18/2008 6:25 AM

Hi Op, Springsongs made a thread on the moon being out of place. Many glp'ers post they made the same observation. Those i know are open minded. Others claim to also watch the moon but they do NOT see it. So the moon is out of place or not yet there are 2 groups with different observations.

Can you say something on how programming of the mind influences our observations of reality?
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
me not sure question but me try ok
moon efect feeling that why we take away moon
we kil our moon long time ago
moon can trap u
moon is like yor prison guard

Thursday, October 16, 2008

10/16/2008 11:18 AM

hello OP

I listen to music spiritual
and then i dream many dimension very realistic
many different timeline not only simple dimension
complex, very complex dimension

i want to ask you a question

are we all ONE in ONE dimension


are we all ONE in many dimension but communicate telepathycaly?

we cee only simple and not others?
is this true, OP?
Quoting: 527931

helo palachinka
many wordings but me try ok
yes spirit cee al is 1 dimension same time now
body only cee and live 1 dimension at a time
mind can cee more then 1 dimension only when harmonic with spirit is same tune

10/16/2008 10:56 AM

Don't mean to be rude, OP, but I was wondering why you started a new thread saying the same things you just said here.
Quoting: Ahim-sa

helo ahim sa
elders say 27 october very important
27 october yor line time most important yor line time
elders say me must tel al being here
me lisen 2 elders me post first page ok
me wil tel u more when elders tel me more

10/16/2008 10:02 AM

Can someone please explain to me why this thread is still running?
The OP gave a lot of predictions in the opening post that DID NOT COME TRUE.
Why are you reading this shit?
am I missing something?
Quoting: WTF? 373223

helo WTF
u ask me come back
me not want b rude ok so me come back 4 friends after 15 may

10/16/2008 9:58 AM

I bet alot of that optimism contributed to the strength of the portal. but I don't know
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 527839

helo 527839
harmonics help

10/16/2008 9:57 AM

Hi Op, you were correct with the lots of disappointments because of the aliens not landing. It was in many threads.

Here is the vid with BG explaining the non-event and her feelings.
She seems to have learned a lot of it: [link to]
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
sory me not unerstan question adn wordings

10/16/2008 9:55 AM

me ask elders
elders wory
me tel u why elders wory now
me tel u be4 2 thing
me tel u obama secret come soon 1 thing
me tel u also 27 october important 2 thing
time 4 obame secret now here
u lern obama secret soon many u not like obame anymores
elders also wory very much yor october 27
elders cee demise on 27 october of important leaderings
elders cee change on october 27 after leaderings demise
elders cee cern begin wory 27 october
on 27 october yor line time leaderings in dangers

I hope this future can be improved.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 527839

helo 527839
yor future is now time catch up
on yor line time now the future canot get beter it go worse from here
yor line time hold is over dark catch up with lite it only go worse now
only spirit and unerstanings of spirit can get beter now
prepare yor mind body spirit
body go worse
mind go worse
only spirit go beter now ok

10/16/2008 9:13 AM

me ask elders
elders wory
me tel u why elders wory now
me tel u be4 2 thing
me tel u obama secret come soon 1 thing
me tel u also 27 october important 2 thing
time 4 obame secret now here
u lern obama secret soon many u not like obame anymores
elders also wory very much yor october 27
elders cee demise on 27 october of important leaderings
elders cee change on october 27 after leaderings demise
elders cee cern begin wory 27 october
on 27 october yor line time leaderings in dangers

10/16/2008 9:05 AM

see you guys l8r!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 527839

helo 527839
me not cee u
me not feel u sory
post more me try again ok

10/16/2008 9:04 AM

me here portal strong now

Hi Op, a happy thought but what does that mean for us glp'ers?
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
portal always strong on 15 of yor month with yor moon
sometime 13 or 18 because of yor wrong moon cycle and calender
elders have big wory
me tel u when me get beter explain from elders ok

10/16/2008 9:01 AM

that's good news for us hey OP!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 527839

helo 527839
portal open 4 every being and every energy
me not sure that good 4 everyone

10/16/2008 8:44 AM

me here portal strong now

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

10/14/2008 3:20 PM

can we, as individuals help improve the overall harmonics OP?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 526113

helo 526113
yes but u must first be in tune with yor iner harmonic firsts

10/14/2008 3:18 PM

Hello, OP! Blessings to you... Wasayo Quoting: Wasayo nli 1685
helo wasayo
tanku wasayo
is u real wasayo

10/14/2008 3:16 PM

Hi OP...if I could see you what would I see
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 456872

helo 456972
if u use eye u cee me very soft wite lite body
if use mind u only hear me
if use spirit u cee me yelow or orange ok
me not blue like elders

10/14/2008 3:13 PM

hey OP! seems like lots of bad harmonics around the forum today. peace and harmony to you
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 526113

helo 526113
tanku 526113
yes harmonic is 5 yor line time now
harmonic not even
harmonic must b 8

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

10/13/2008 10:28 AM

Hello, OP.

It's good to see that China did not do anything huge on Oct 10; undersea cable was not cut last week...
Quoting: March 411116

helo 411116
me cee problem
elders say cabel was cut
u say cabel was not cuting
me not know how answer more this ok

10/13/2008 10:26 AM

do you forsee anything special for our full moon OP? it's tomarrow

helo 524934
me cee many disapointings 4 many

what disappointing things are you seeing op?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 524955

helo 524955
me cee many u not like when alien not come on 14 ok

10/13/2008 9:18 AM

helo darza
me cee yor soul stil ful

Lol yes Op, i have enough of all the reading, i long for action. I long to practice what i learned. To have more experience.
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
yes action must begin with u
u create yor own unerstaning

10/13/2008 9:17 AM

OP do you know where crop circles come from?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 524934

helo 524934
me not know this sory ok

10/13/2008 8:58 AM

do you forsee anything special for our full moon OP? it's tomarrow
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 524934

helo 524934
me cee many disapointings 4 many

10/8/2008 1:14 PM


What can we expect in the immediate future?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 501458

helo 501458
yor future line time is now
elders say u must prepare mind body spirit
me come back 2 play lern watch
body is play
mind is lern
spirit is watch because spirit know everything already ok

10/8/2008 1:05 PM

Hi Op, can you tell us why you are actually concerned with our timeline?

What is in crystal liquid? (how is it made, is it something that organic humans can consume?)

I would ask other questions, however, I don't really feel the need. I know many answers already, and the ones I dont know i believe will soon be answered by the events that are upon us. Take care.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 145043

helo 145043
u colide our line time be4 we ready 4 u
me need lern how 2 prepare your arival
me xplain crystal liwid already
yes trust wat u know already

10/8/2008 1:00 PM

hi OP! how's our timeline doing? any news? looking forward to having my own universe :)
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 520702

helo 520702
yor line time is goings
no more wait long ok
me also want own place to play god
me not there yet
me and u must wait with soul time 2 get our owen universings ok

10/8/2008 12:57 PM

Hi Op, i am without questions.
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
then yor soul is ful

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

10/3/2008 4:46 PM

me find op dificult to understan
op can yu write more clear ok
and 2 also write beter englsh ok
thanx 2 yu
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 25698

helo 25698
me speek 2 yor spirit not yor mind
many wordings confuse mind become wite like cloud
me speek litel wordings mind become clear and spirit can listen ok

10/3/2008 4:41 PM

Welcome back, OP! It's great to see you! Wasayo
Quoting: Wasayo nli 7113

helo wasayo nli
tanku wasayo nli
me canot cee u but me can feel u

10/3/2008 2:48 PM

Hi OP ...just wondering what you think about the UFO's that are suppose to be showing in our sky's very soon ?

also in the past you mentioned oil sickness but it seems the last while we have had and have a awful lot of food the tainted milk products from China ..the meat products problems in you have any comment on that ?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 456872

helo 456872
me tel u be4 sun make change
sun make some yeast go piosen
sun make some milk go piosen like china
melamin piosen from sun
yor vitamen d go poisen with melamin
stay out of strong sun til after cosmosonicboom ok

10/3/2008 10:55 AM

what will happen next week OP
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 422858

helo 422858
look 4 cabel cut under sea ok

10/3/2008 10:51 AM

Hi op....

We've been wondering about the last message from you.
Can you tell us more?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 501458

helo 501458
elders say it 4 certain souls only 2 unerstand
mind body spirit must be harmonic 2 unerstan lumeria warning