tell us more about october 27
helo 501458
27 october is begin of yor end this line time ok
What happens AFTER October 27?
Will we still be HERE, on earth?
helo 501458
if u not part of second 144000 portal u wil stil be here yor line time ok
u need pasport of orange pope 2 escape
Who is orange pope, and how does one get a passport?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 501458helo 501458
27 october is begin of yor end this line time ok
What happens AFTER October 27?
Will we still be HERE, on earth?
helo 501458
if u not part of second 144000 portal u wil stil be here yor line time ok
u need pasport of orange pope 2 escape
Who is orange pope, and how does one get a passport?
helo 501458
orange pope is last pope now
yor last pope is sick wil demise soon
pope wil leave rome 4 hospital london then chigaco
when pope leve rome it al ove 4 yor line time when end time prophecies begin and foretel
4 pasport prepare mind body spirit soon