Thursday, February 26, 2009


Quote from: Darza on February 22, 2009, 01:13:41 pm

Hi Op, yesterday i read one of your old posts where you mentioned karma. Can you share some more thoughts on karma?

helo darza
me try ok
karma can only get liter by doing spirit things not fisical things
if u do fisical good thing yor karma remain balanced
if u do fisical bad thing yor karma get worse
karma is a spirit thing so only by doing spiritual thing yor karma get liter
spirit thing is thing u do alone by yorself like meditate
when yor mind and body become 1 u can enter pure spirit universe
u can help others feed others clothe others but karma not leson only stay balanced
if u do spirit thing yor spirit wil guide yor body and mind to do good fisical thing anyway
doing good fysical thing is simptom of spirit practice and efort
spirit thing must come from within first