Thursday, April 9, 2009

Holy Shit! LOOK at the Magnetosphere!!

The thread on glp where the magnetosphere is being followed:

Holy Shit! LOOK at the Magnetosphere!!

Lots of vids on the youtube channel Chris:

[b]3-10 Magnetosphere Spike 2009[/b]

At about 9:40UT a Significant but short burst interacted with our Magnetosphere on 3-10-2009 . This data was caught by Soho ,Nict and various Ground observations that includes 1 Neutron Ground Observation .The Dens(p./cc) Reading was off the scale , Translated into about a 20 minute spike in the Magnetosphere

@ 9:45 Ace Data Stream Stopped and restarted @ 9:57 . This is visable in both the Data Sets from Ace and the animated model from Batsrus

There were triggers , but none really match up for the exact time of this event unless it were by precursor or the clock settings are not correct . The burst @ 07:43:33 was a Short Spike could be the actual suspect

Triggers listed for 3-10-2009

2009-03-10T 07:43:33 Short SpikeAUTO12.46240.1 7204two bins
2009-03-10T 04:22:22 Possible GRBAUTO 9.402530 6840Same as previous tri
2009-03-10T 04:22:21Possible GRBAUTO 9.285230 6840Possible long GRB 09

March Data Blackout

This video covers a strange period on 3-14-2009 to 3-15-2009 where data from ACE,SOHO,GOES 11 & 12 is strangely missing and all at the same time.The strange thing is Ace continued to stream wind data. And GOES 11 was able to issue 2 alerts

ALERT: Electron 2MeV Integral Flux exceeded 1000pfu. Threshold Reached: 2009 Mar 14 1920

Electron 2MeV Integral Flux exceeded 1000pfu. Threshold Reached: 2009 Mar 15 1230 UTC

With regrets the extent of the activity that bombarded the Earth in this period may never be known.

Strange enough during this outage period there was Ground Based Neutrinos Detected