Friday, April 24, 2009

Entraining the brain

I did some experimenting in the past researching brainwave entrainment using a "brainmachine". In the article bellow i substituted "binaural beats generator" for "incoming cosmic rays" and got an interesting picture. I considered, if these are the possibilities with such a rude instrument what are the possibilities with the infinite subtle cosmic energies? With the machine, only the ears and sometimes the eyes are stimulated. What if every single cell in the body receives the same combined frequencies?

[i][b]Theory Behind BrainWave Generator[/b]

[b]EEG and the brain's state[/b]
EEG (Electroencephalography) technology is used to measure brain's electrical vibrations from the surface of the scalp. The resulting EEG pattern will contain frequency elements mainly below 30Hz. The frequencies are categorized into four states as follows:

State Frequency range State of mind
Delta 0.5Hz - 4Hz Deep sleep
Theta 4Hz - 8Hz Drowsiness (also first stage of sleep)
Alpha 8Hz - 14Hz Relaxed but alert
Beta 14Hz - 30Hz Highly alert and focused

The dominant frequency in the EEG pattern determines what shall be called the current state of the brain. If the amplitude of the alpha range frequencies is highest, then the brain is said to be in the alpha stage. Note, that other frequencies still exist and it is impossible to give any "exact frequency your brain is operating on". However, later references to the brain states use the simplification of assuming that such a single frequency exists.

[b]Entraining the brain to a desired state[/b]
[u]If external stimulus is applied to the brain, it becomes possible to entrain the brain frequency from one stage to another. For example, if a person is in beta stage (highly alert) and a stimulus of 10Hz is applied to his/her brain for some time, the brain frequency is likely to change towards the applied stimulus. The effect will be relaxing to the person. This phenomenon is also called frequency following response.[/u]

When the brain's state is close to the applied stimulus, entrainment works more efficiently. Thus, when doing a sweep from one frequency to another, the starting frequency should be as close to your current brain state as possible. The sweep speed should be such that your brain's state changes steadily with it, so that the difference never gets very large. In practice, it is difficult to determine your brain state without extra equipment (like EEG devices). However, you can quite safely assume that during the day your brain is in the beta stage (about 20Hz) and you can start the sweep from there. If you are already somewhat relaxed, you can use a start frequency of 15Hz or a few Hz lower.

[b]Stimulating the brain with binaural beat frequencies[/b]
The easiest way of applying stimulus to the brain is via ears. Other senses could be used as well, and vision is actually used quite often (often in addition to hearing). However, humans cannot hear sounds low enough to be useful for brain stimulation, so special techniques must be used. One such special technique used is called binaural beats.

If the left ear is presented with a steady tone of 500Hz and the right ear a steady tone of 510Hz, these two tones combine in the brain. The difference, 10Hz, is perceived by the brain and is a very effective stimulus for brainwave entrainment. This 10Hz is formed entirely by the brain. When using stereo headphones, the left and right sounds do not mix together until in your brain. The frequency difference, when perceived by brain this way, is called a binaural beat.

[b]The effect of the audible frequencies used[/b]
To get a stimulus of 10Hz, you may use tones of 500Hz and 510Hz, or 400Hz and 410Hz, or 800Hz and 810Hz, or so on. The only requirements are that the tone is heard well enough and that it is below about 1000Hz. Below 1000Hz, the wavelength of the skull is sufficiently small so that the sound waves curve around it.

You may try out different audible tones with BrainWave Generator and see which ones work best for you.

[b]Altered brain states[/b]
As mentioned above, applying a stimulus to the brain will eventually bring the brain's state closer to the stimulus frequency. The following paragraphs describe some possible effects of this.

Note, however, that just passively listening to binaural beats does not necessarily alter your state of consciousness. For example, willingness and ability to relax and focus attention affects how effective the binaural beat stimulus is for inducing state changes.

[b]Helping in meditation[/b]
Meditation is essentially about willingly being able to alter one's brain frequency to a desired state. While meditators have traditionally used several years to learn the techniques of meditation, you can now attain the same effect with brainwave entrainment. No special training or great discipline is required. Good meditation frequencies are in the alpha range, from 8Hz to 13Hz.

When a certain brainwave state is experienced and practiced over a period of time, the brain will "learn" the state change and it will become easier to self-produce the desired brainwave state at will. Thus, using brainwave entrainment, you can expect to get some of its effects later even without any entrainment.

[b]Reducing learning time [/b]
The theta stage (4hz - 7Hz) has been found to increase learning capabilities. In fact, children spend more time in theta stage than adults, which probably explains the accelerated learning capabilities of children.

Alpha frequencies are also useful for learning purposes. You can play language cassettes, subliminal tapes, etc. during an entrainment session for a maximum effect.

[b]Reducing sleep needs[/b]
Some people have found that half an hour a day of the Theta stage can replace up to 4 hours of sleep.

[b]Treatment of certain mental diseases[/b]
Brainwave entrainment is used in treatment of depression, low self-esteem, attention deficit disorder, drug and alcohol addiction and autism, to name a few.

Brainwave entrainment has also been found helpful in alleviating headaches and migraines.

Some users have also reported increases in their sex drive as a result of brainwave entrainment. [/i]

Welcome to the Evolution: Mayan Calendar Comes North 3

Last one:

You know what the word entrainment is? Entrainment is the automatic syncopation of life forms, or even
mechanical objects. Science doesn’t have a good idea of why it happens but they sure know it happens. One
example is a baby and a mother when they’re nursing; her and the baby’s hearts go into rhythm, they beat at the same time. That’s called entrainment. The natural matching up. It works for objects too. If you take cuckoo
clocks, at a clock shop, for instance, and they are all ticking at different times; within a week or so they will all be ticking and tocking at exactly the same time. It’s called entrainment. What this is (Codex) is a tool to entrain your consciousness to the flow of creation. 13 and 20, 13 and 20 and it goes 1 through 13 and it goes through these different aspects of creation all 20 of them and it starts again; so it’s a weave of those two numbers. And you can go way into thinking about it and it will do you no good what so ever. It’s only what you don’t think about it, but end up just knowing from inside that does you any benefit. I know that sounds completely backwards from anything you were ever taught in school. Well, we’re not in school are we?

[b]Consciousness, Noticing Differences[/b]
A side note, a part of this is that consciousness as the awareness of being aware, and we’ve been talking about the mind as a tool that consciousness uses to see the similarities and differences between things. Consciousness overall has a job to do. Consciousness divides creation. It divides it. Have you ever noticed that when you are really conscious, you can see the veins in a leaf, or you can see the different colors on a butterfly’s wing? Or you can count the stars. But when you’re upset, and maybe not so conscious, everything kind of looks the same. Have you ever noticed that? The more conscious you are, the more divisions there are in your experience, and the less conscious you are, the more prejudice you are. Have you noticed that? Where everything and all the experiences with all the people, look the same. The job of consciousness is to notice the differences. That’s how you count your blessings; that’s how you appreciate the experience, by looking and picking out the differences.

So consciousness divides and the Mayan Calendar says it divides by 13. All consciousness is divided by 13,
in increments of 13 and 13 and 13. And 13 is the number by which consciousness operates; no wonder 13 is
unlucky and satanic. Hmm. Well, creation has a job, too. Creation, I mean all of creation, multiplies and all of
creation multiples by the factor of 20. 20 times. Has anybody here studied biology? I mean the very beginning — from the single egg and on, it multiplies by 20. That’s how you got so big; is through multiplication of your own selves and it does it in factors of 20 from top to bottom. Interesting, huh? So by following how this weave goes of 13 and 20, basically that’s what we’re talking about; this rectangle, just by being aware of that, it entrains your consciousness to all of the interplay of consciousness and creation. And there is nothing you can think about it that’s going to help. It’s just what you end up knowing, your intuition kicks in and you end up in the right place, meeting the right people, doing the right thing. That’s what’s going to get us all through this. I’m not saying that this is the only way to do that; I’m saying that this one works all the time. And that’s why this is important.

[b] Peace of Mind[/b]
There is something else I want to do and I want to do it for the camera. I want to do a formula, because
everybody desires this one thing. Look at the basis of all desires, this has got to be the one that’s the strongest. Everybody wants Peace of Mind, don’t they? Peace of Mind. Peace of mind has lots to do with intuition. When you have peace of mind, intuition occurs. In fact, in order to have peace of mind, the only time you can possibly have peace of mind is when you are centered. Isn’t that true? It’s only when you are in this position (center point) that you can have peace of mind. Okay. How do you get centered? There is only really one time that you can be centered; that’s when you are certain. When you are certain then you are centered. Okay. Where does certainty come from? There is only one source for certainty: the recognition of patterns. The recognition of patterns.

Remember the first time that you were trying to learn how to drive? Did you have peace of mind? Were you
centered? Were you certain? You didn’t recognize the patterns yet, did you? Where does the key go; which way
do you turn it; which is the gas, which is the brake, which is the clutch? Which way do I move this lever, what is
this guy doing stopping right in front of me? All of those are patterns. Anybody taken dance lessons, 2-step? I did. Square dance, tango? The more you recognize the pattern, the more certain you get, the more centered you are on the dance floor, to where you have peace of mind dancing in front of your friends, hundreds of people. It’s what you’ve been doing your whole life, in every case to learn something, you’ve got to recognize the pattern; to become certain, become centered and to have peace of mind about that subject.

[b]Being Certain[/b]
Now we have the pattern that we can prove, so you can be certain. Of course, it takes your own (certainty),
I’ve got mine. I have studied and have my own certainty about this pattern, centering and peace of mind about it. But it’s now available. A pattern of the last 16.4 billion years of everything that’s happened, and in fact the
pattern shows that things are getting better and better. No matter what it looks like at the time, we are evolving. And the situation is getting better and better and better. That will go forward into our future, too, because ethics is scheduled to overcome power, just like power overcame law. Have you recognized that? Law overcame reason didn’t it? Didn’t it? We studied the law quite a bit just previous to coming here – for about 20 months, and there is very little reason or sanity in the way laws are written. Laws overcame reason. Actually I should point this out. During the 4th day of this cycle (Planetary) Law overcame reason. During the 4th section of this right here (Planetary) from 1874-1894, was the 4th day, this is when power overcame law. That’s when Rockefeller and Carnegie and Westinghouse all were becoming corporate powers that overcame the laws of nations and people. So we have ethics coming in right now and during the 4th day – which is 2005, ethics will overcome power. We are just watching the throws of a dying animal right now. It’s going to look bad, but there is lots of goodness past it. So, peace of mind comes when you are centered, centeredness comes from certainty and certainty comes from the recognition of these patterns. So you can look out there and see what’s going on and know with certainty that things are getting better. It’s going to be very important. You’re outnumbered. There are more people worried than certain. There are more people afraid of the future than looking forward to it. That you know. You are outnumbered, so it is very important that you have this as down as you can get it. In our web page, and we have a web page are articles and dates and places to look up data and match the dates so that you yourself can do the research and don’t rely on me or anyone else. It’s your certainty you’re looking for, not mine. Does that make sense? Here’s the web site: . You can go to the learning lab; there’s a little button that says learning lab. That’s where you’re going to find lots of information, articles – we have something like 3,500 articles. Have fun. I know the winters are long here; have fun reading.[/i]

Welcome to the Evolution: Mayan Calendar Comes North 2

Lungold continued:

[i][b]If Not the Mind, Then What?[/b]
I would venture to guess that this is different from what you expected. We were going to talk about the
Mayan Calendar. We are not talking about Indians in the pyramids. No, we are talking about what’s going on in
our lives today and what’s going to happen tomorrow. And we are going to go into, from this point on, how to
resolve the situation that we’ve discovered and how you can take this out to your friends and neighbors and how you can help them resolve it, too. You want to have some company, don’t you? So we have this situation and I think it’s all registering on you, isn’t it? So, now, it’s pretty evident that we are all going to be going completely out of our minds. It’s gonna happen. So we might as well go ahead and look at what’s out there, outside of your mind. What’s out there is your intuition. What is outside of your own mind is your Intuition. Your own personal knowing. Your own personal power. Intuition—your own knowing without having to rely on any outside information or evidence whatsoever—was given a death sentence by the Catholics during the Inquisition. They murdered over 4 Million women for having intuition. [There was a news story, where the Pope was asking for forgiveness for what the Catholic Church had done during the Inquisition.] Should we go ahead and forgive them? I think so. Those 4 million women, anybody, anybody who professed to know something without first producing the actual physical evidence on how they came to know it, was declared a witch and they were burned and dragged and stabbed. They were persecuted. As a result, intuition went out of style. We just put it on the shelf. The Catholics knew what they were doing because this is your personal power, it’s your own power, and you know the law of supply and demand. If everyone’s got power then what’s mine worth. If nobody’s got power and I’ve got it, mine’s worth a whole lot more. And that’s what they were doing to everybody. And that caught on and has been brought forward to the situation we’re in right now. And thank you Pope for asking for forgiveness; it’s about time.

Actually it’s the perfect time, because we can now afford to forgive them, because there is a larger
understanding of what has been going on over all this period. There is no fault here. There is a process. Hitler was just doing his job. Bushies, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft — all those guys are doing a great job; they really are. Anybody want their jobs? Go guys. They are tearing down everything that the power structure stands for in record time. Go guys. We’ve got to get this stuff out of the way. And they are doing a wonderful job of it.

You know we pay athletes a lot of money, don’t we? To play silly games, don’t we? It’s almost ludicrous,
almost crazy, millions of dollars a year to go out and play a game. Are we nuts? Maybe not. Because you see
these athletes when they’re out there under very stressful conditions; playing for a national championship, with all kinds of money and your next year’s career on the line and all kinds of endorsements and all that; under tremendous stress. Instead of going into the fight or flight syndrome, which would have them kicked off the court or off the team, instead of doing that, these guys routinely go into the zone and they make the spectacular play. Under tremendous stress, with everything happening all at once, they just go step back, see and know everything about the moment. Have you read any of those interviews with the quarterbacks or hockey players who see the play in slow motion? Have you heard about that? That’s how they stay in the game, by being in the zone, riding their intuition. There is no time to think about it; if you think about it, you’ve lost. (He’s lost,) when a quarterback starts thinking about the game, his second string, third string and out there making commercial.

Being in the zone, being in their intuition is why we pay them the money, because they are doing something
that we know is vitally important, something that we admire. We admire it; that’s why we pay for it. Those
clothes that you’re wearing, I bet that at some time or another you bought them. And the reason you paid anything for them is because you admired that apparel. And the more you admire something, the more it is worth to you, and the more you will pay. And that’s really the basis of all exchange; is how much it is admired. You can even admire how much you hate something, or how much distaste you have for it, or how ugly something is, can’t you? Ugh, that’s ugly. It’s an amount of admiration. In fact, it’s what beings exchange. Beings exchange admiration rather than money or thoughts or communication. They really exchange admiration between one another. If you want to know where the economy is moving to, it’s moving away from money, isn’t it? It’s moving into the exchange of admiration, rather than physical goods.

But this intuition, being in the zone is very, very important. And, since we are all going to be going out of our
minds...oh, you’ll still have one. It’s sort of like you still have bodies; we’re using those as a vehicle. You’ll still
have a mind, you can still add 2 and 2 and that kind of thing. But when it comes down to dealing with changes,
and the amount of rapid change that is coming, this is the only thing that will work (Intuition). We will not have
time to think it through, you will only have time to take the action. And when you’re thinking, when you’re using
the mind, what’s also in there is all the fears, doubts, worry. Big clue, how do you know it’s your intuition and not your mind? Your intuition is always, no matter the circumstance—and you guys that were in the accidents,
remember—when you are engaged in your intuition, there is no fear. There was a calm certainty a knowing of
what to do. There was no time to worry about whether you were doing this right or wrong; it was direct action.
Your intuition no matter what or how dire the circumstances, your intuition will always be calm and knowing.
Your mind, on the other hand, will throw in the kitchen sink. I’ve talked to some people who have shared
experiences about these accidents and whatnot, they made it through the experience and other passengers or companions didn’t survive the situation. And these people knew exactly why the passengers didn’t survive and they did. It was because they personally stayed right there in the moment. While the passenger was going... “Oh, no, I’m denying this is happening at all.” They were in their mind; the survivor was in their intuition. That’s how important this is.

9/11 – it’s a big topic. Who survived and who didn’t? The people who followed their intuition and went fishing that morning instead of to work, survived. The people who got down out of the building when the first
plane hit, and including the second tower, the people who got out the building, followed their intuition, took a
break, went home, they survived. The people who got out of the buildings, then heard the all clear and their boss reminding them that they had customers on the west coast that they should be selling stuff to, and then got back into the elevators and went back up into the building, didn’t survive. What was the difference? The guys that went back up in the building had a reason. They had reasons for going back into the building. I’ve got to make my mortgage payment. You know the kid’s got to go to summer school. They had reasons; I would get fired if I didn’t go back. They had reasons and they were in their minds, rather than following their intuition. Just some examples. But this is going to become more and more critical as we go forward from here. More and more critical.
Staying in the Zone[/b]
Now, next problem. How do you find your intuition and how do you keep it tuned in? Because of course we
have all had the experience of our intuition. Usually it’s fleeting; it’s a little thing and then it goes away, and then it’s clouded by all this doubt about was that even my own, and all that stuff. The mind just jumps right on you. This mind thing is not your friend, friends. It’s a parasitic self-indulgent, self-preservation mechanism. It would rather be right than you be alive. The mind. You’ve probably had friends who denied there was anything wrong with them, because the mind said that can’t happen; that can’t be there; it’s not right; wouldn’t go for treatment, let alone alternative treatment. And, they aren’t here anymore. They were right until they kicked it. This is not a fairy tale; the mind would rather be right in a lot of people than be alive.

So getting a good grip on this thing is really important and having this (intuition) engaged really puts the
mind in its place, where it becomes just a tool rather than an identity. So, how do you do that? Well, intuition is
your own personal knowing, right. And all knowing, all knowing comes from a source, we don’t have to give it a
name, it just comes from somewhere. It comes in a flow of creation. See the source of this flow would necessarily be the source of all knowing, because it’s the source of all that exists is coming this way. So here we have your consciousness in this flow of event. Quicker and quicker and quicker. Your consciousness is oriented by time and place in this flow. Have you noticed that when you’ve had an intuitive moment that time doesn’t go by at all? Until way later and you go, where’d all the time go? But for that time you were just being there. In one moment it was a flow. This is the schematic of how this works. (see Figure 1, last pages)

When you are in your intuition, you’re centered in that flow of information. The trick is to stay there. It’s not
so easy, with everything that’s going on and with the mind preying on you, but the Maya had two things on their side; one, things were going slower. But they had a couple of other orientations. Our consciousness, our society is oriented by time and place, time and place, physical, physical, physical. The Maya had some more help. They had this orientation right here which is called personal intent, one through thirteen. Have you ever been some place that you didn’t really intend to be, like at school or work, or the middle of an argument? Did you feel centered or did you feel un-centered? Did you feel centered or were you off-centered? Me, too. When I was some place I didn’t really intend to be, I felt off-centered. These guys (Maya) knew their personal intent; they had that orientation. So it was easier for them to recognize when they were doing what they were intended to do for this lifetime. That would help keep you centered wouldn’t it? Right away, if you felt that wasn’t happening, you’d get back on to what you were suppose to do. Okay.

They also had this major orientation right here called the Divine Plan. In our civilization there is no plan. It’s
been 16 billion years of happy little accidents that ended up with you sitting on that chair. That’s the way our
science looks at it. It might as well have been an explosion in a chemical factory that produced you here. There
was no divine plan. These guys had a divine plan; they knew that there was 20 different aspects of creation.
Geometry – 20 sided figure. This personal intent and this orientation to the divine plan, that is the recognition of your part in the divine plan; that produces a symbol in the Mayan civilization; this diagram has a name, it’s called the “Eighth Division Sky Place.” And that symbol stands for heaven. You’ve been there; there are moments in your life when you were oriented by time and place, you knew you were doing what you desired or wanted to do and you knew you were part of something much larger than yourself. Felt cool, didn’t it? Heavenly, huh? This is the importance of this calendar (Codex). The Mayan Calendar was never about time. It was always about measuring and keeping track of the flow of creation, and the intent of creation and the aspect of creation every single day. Remember there is one law in the universe: what you pay attention to you, become conscious of. So what if every day you were paying attention to the energy of this flow of creation? What would you become conscious of? So, would it be easier to have your consciousness attuned to your intuition? Easier isn’t all that good a word; it’s automatic – without any effort, without any thinking about it at all; I mean no meditating, I mean, just forget it. You look in the morning to see what the intent of creation is for that day, then you go and live your life. The Maya woke up every morning and celebrated the day for the purpose it served on creation and then went and lived their lives. Every day.

Welcome to the Evolution: Mayan Calendar Comes North 1

I am going to post some stuff from Ian Lungold. It is from a transcript from his talk in 2004. It is about the relation between the mind, its limits, intuition, accelerating changes and the evolution of consciousness.

The transcript and the vids of the talk (Welcome to the Evolution: Mayan Calendar Comes North (Condor Flies to the Eagle) can be seen here:

[i][b]The Mind[/b]
Now remember 2 million years ago we picked up this tool called the mind. Well we’re going to have a little
bit of problem with that thing and I want to talk about that right now. The mind is a tool and it’s a tool that
consciousness uses to distinguish similarities and differences between things. Okay. It is a tool like a hammer or a saw. A carpenter doesn’t think that he’s his hammer. Well, not most of them. I know some guys that think they are their cars, but that’s not true. Some people think that they are their mind; get over that right away. You are not your mind or any of your thoughts. If you do hold to that, you are going to be in big trouble and I’m going to show you. See the don’t hear about this is in school, especially (you) don’t hear about (this) kind of information. I took psychology classes and no one in college ever talked to me about the flicker frequency. Have you ever heard of it? The reason you haven’t heard of it is because this flicker frequency is very, very important in subliminal advertising. Which of course you would never have experienced yourself. The mind works on a series of pictures. Special effects people know all about this. The flicker frequency is 24 frames per second. That’s how fast your mind works. Your mind has a speed limit. Your mind can only think 24 thoughts in one second. It can only make this action (similarities and differences) 24 times per second. It goes like a flip card, a strip: here’s a ball, the ball is coming, it bounces and then it’s going to bounce again. That’s how the mind actually works.

Has anybody here been in an accident? I don’t want to bring up bad times, but something that was really
dangerous and you could have died? Did you see time slow down when you were in that accident? Yeah.
Anybody see it go to stop motion? That was serious. What you just witnessed...and maybe some of you have
some of that and maybe not...I’m telling you and you guys can confirm it, these were peak experiences in your
life. You still clearly remember exactly what happened, don’t you? And, the reason it was so powerful an
experience is because it was a demonstration that you are not your mind. (It demonstrated) that your
consciousness, your consciousness is not limited to how fast this thing works (the mind). Very powerful
information. This flicker frequency, 24 frames per second, is as fast as your mind can work.

[b] Stress[/b]
The mind is a tool that’s suppose to do its job: seeing the similarities and differences so that you can make
decisions concerning your survival. Now when the mind—which is a self-preserving mechanism—when the mind
understands that it can’t do its job, or its not adequately able to make good decisions about your future, it’s got a built in, evolved in, safety over-ride system. And it goes in stages. The first stage of that safety over-ride is called stress. When your mind is not sure of what’s coming, it sends your body a signal. This is your walk-away response. You’re supposed to get up and walk away. Animals have this down really good. A dog will smell something weird and will just get up and leave. Us on the other hand, we have had parents and teachers and now employers who would not have us just get up and walk away, right. So, we have adapted to stress; as a matter of fact, stress is a character evaluation on you. How much stress can you handle?? That’s right, because if you could handle more stress, you’d go further up the corporate ladder. That’s really what the glass ceiling is on each person; how much stress can you handle? [I was just going to say that most disability companies no longer accept stress as a reason for being away from work. You cannot get that coverage anymore, as of 2 years ago.] Right.

Meanwhile, doctors, the AMA, proclaims that 80% of everything that goes wrong with your body begins with
stress. Stress is such an epidemic proportion that all the benefits that used to be afforded to workers for stress have been cut off. Everybody’s got stress; it’s a pandemic. Now you guys kinda have a clue as to why.
If you make a telephone call, you’re hooked up to computers that are making something like 4-5 billion
decisions per second. Your mind is doing 24. Consciousness is moving at at least 5 billion decisions per second.

Do you understand that consciousness is as fast as you can realize, so now we’re talking about nano-seconds
which is one hundredth thousandth of a second. Wow. Consciousness has just sped away from your mind. It used to be, when this territory was settled the people who settled it built everything in their house from the foundation, to the floor, to the windows, to the bunk beds, to the chairs, to the tables. Everything they built with their own hands didn’t they? Except maybe the pump and the skillet; everything else, they built it. They even had a certain amount of knowing about how to do it; they knew how to do it. Go ahead, go home and build a light bulb. That kind of thing is a source for stress. When your computer goes down, there’s a whole lot that the mind doesn’t know about, and it generates this stress. Like I said it’s a pandemic everywhere.

[b] Fight or Flight[/b]
Okay so you’re supposed to handle the stress; you’re suppose to adapt to stress and the stress builds and as we’ve just seen that this acceleration continues to accelerate. So what’s next, if you don’t handle the stress, then you go into this. The mind goes into the fight or flight. Now here, all logic is suspended. There is no similarity or difference any more. It’s just a drop of adrenaline in your system and the body is supposed to either run away or fight its way out to preserve your way of survival. That’s the mechanism. This though, this fight or flight, this is desk-rage, this is road-rage, this is Columbine High School, this is terrorism and all wars. That’s what this is. And that is on a massive increase, isn’t it?

[b]Going Unconscious[/b]
So what happens if you can’t fight your way out and you can’t run away? For instance, if you go in and punch the boss in the nose or your teacher, you’re going to end up in jail or at least out of a job. Right. So if you can’t fight your way out and you can’t run away, what’s left? There’s one last ditch effort on the part of the mind to survive this: unconsciousness. If you can’t run away or fight your way out, what are you supposed to do if a bear attacks you? You’re supposed to play dead. Maybe he’ll only eat your arm. You’ve seen other animals use that technique, haven’t you? They get caught and they just turn over on their back with their belly up and they play dead. It is a survival tactic. It also happens to be the mother of all addictions and the father of all suicides. Basically this is the denial of experience. And the southern belle done faint dead away. What happened here, someone clubbed this woman in the head? She just decided to deny the experience. Didn’t she? All addictions are a person’s chosen method to remain unconscious. And it doesn’t matter if it’s alcohol or drugs or work or gambling or shopping or sitcoms. All addictions are a chosen method to stay unconscious. And how many people do you know, yourself excluded [laughter], are stuck in that sort of thing? A whole bunch of people, huh? You’re starting to get the impact of what this acceleration means. 400 years ago, people had lots of time to sit and ponder things, before they changed. And 400 years ago, you had lots of 24ths of a second to work it out. Now it’s not that way and it’s going to get faster and faster on everybody you know, including yourself. This is a serious situation; this is why the world looks like it’s going to pieces, because it is. The mind was not built for speed. It was evolved when things were going a lot slower. Trying to keep your mind up to speed is sort of like taking your donkey for a run behind the family station wagon at 75 miles per hour. It’s just not pretty. But that’s what’s happening to everyone and it’s going to get even more dramatic in the future.[/i]

Monday, April 20, 2009

Cymatics - The Science of the Future?

[b]Cymatics - The Science of the Future?[/b]

Is there a connection between sound, vibrations and physical reality? Do sound and vibrations have the potential to create? In this article we will see what various researchers in this field, which has been given the name of Cymatics, have concluded.

Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (Part 1 of 3) (9:23)
Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (Part 2 of 3) (9:27)
Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (Part 3 of 3) (9:25)[/i]

Masaru Emoto

[i][b]Masaru Emoto
Masaru Emoto (,Emoto Masaru?, born July 22, 1943) is a Japanese author known for his controversial claim that if human speech or thoughts are directed at water droplets before they are frozen, images of the resulting water crystals will be beautiful or ugly depending upon whether the words or thoughts were positive or negative. Emoto claims this can be achieved through prayer, music or by attaching written words to a container of water. These claims have been strongly criticized as "pseudoscience."

Since 1999 Emoto has published several volumes of a work titled Messages from Water, which contains photographs of water crystals next to essays and "words of intent."

[b]The Message from Water Masaru Emoto[/b]
Positive & Negative Energy Effects on Water Crystals[/b]

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Protrude, Flow

[i]Title: [b]Protrude, Flow[/b] (2001) Sachiko Kodama + Minako Takeno

Concept of Art;

Modeling physical material more freely and making it move more flexibly is a dream long sought after by human beings, and many artists have created surreal illusions in pictures or moving images. But those were imaginary. Can we obtain a real object that transforms as we designed it? is an interactive installation which expresses the dynamics of fluid motion of physical material, the dynamics of organic, wild shapes and movements of liquid by means of digital computer control.

uses magnetic fluid, sound, and moving images. Affected by the sounds and spectators' voices in the exhibition place, the three-dimensional patterns of magnetic fluid transform in various ways, and simultaneously its flowing movement and dynamic transformations are projected on the wide screen.

The magnetic fluid appears as a black fluid. It is made by dissolving ferro magnetic micro-powder in a solvent such as water or oil, and it remains strongly magnetic even in the fluid condition. Therefore, it is more flexibly transformable than iron sand and so it is possible to create more complicated three-dimensional organic patterns. That appear occasionally as pointed mountains or pliable organic shapes, sometimes as flowing particle streams.
The transformation of magnetic fluid is caused by the interaction with environmental sound.[/u] The sounds in the exhibition place (sounds created by artists, and voices of spectators) are caught by a microphone hanging from the ceiling, and then a computer converts the sound amplitude to electromagnetic voltage which determines the strength of the magnetic field. At the same time, the magnetic fluid changes its three-dimensional patterns sequentially. Each pattern appears synchronized to the environmental sound and the points of the shapes move correspondingly. As a result, magnetic fluid pulsates according to the sound. A digital video camera captures images of the moving magnetic fluid, and projects it on the screen.

* PDF from SIGGRAPH'01 Art Gellary Catalogue
* Short PaperPDF : INTERACT2001
* PDF from Soundscape, Birkhauser, 2003

Neuromagnetic Signals as the Basis for States of Consciousness

[i]The Production of Consciousness out of States of Consciousness

© 1999 Todd Murphy

[b]Neuromagnetic Signals as the Basis for States of Consciousness[/b]

In what could turn out to be one of the most important discoveries in cognitive studies of our decade, it has been found that there are five million magnetite crystals per gram in the human brain (1). Interestingly, The meninges, (the membrane that envelops the brain), has twenty times that number. [u]These ‘biomagnetite' crystals demonstrate two interesting features. The first is that their shapes do not occur in nature, suggesting that they were formed in the tissue, rather than being absorbed from outside. The other is that these crystals appear to be oriented so as to maximize their magnetic moment, which tends to give groups of these crystals the capacity to act as a system. The brain has also been found to emit very low intensity magnetic fields, a phenomenon that forms the basis of a whole diagnostic field, Magnetoencephalography(2).[/u]

Unfortunately for the present discussion, there is no way to ‘read' any signals that might be carried by the brains magnetic emissions at present. We expect that subtle enough means of detecting such signals will eventually appear, as there is compelling evidence that they do exist, and constitute a means whereby communication happens between various parts of the brain. This system, we speculate, is what makes the selection of which neural areas to recruit, so that States (of consciousness) can elicit the appropriate phenomenological, behavioral, and affective responses.

While there have been many studies that have examined the effects of magnetic fields on human consciousness, none have yielded findings more germane to understanding the role of neuromagnetic signaling than the work of the Laurentian University Behavioral Neurosciences group. They have pursued a course of experiments that rely on [u]stimulating the brain, especially the temporal lobes, with complex low intensity magnetic signals (3). It turns out that different signals produce different phenomena.[/u]

One example of such phenomenon is vestibular sensation, in which one's normal sense of balance is replaced by illusions of motion similar to the feelings of levitation reported in spiritual literature as well as the sensation of vertigo. Transient ‘visions', whose content includes motifs that also appear in near-death experiences and alien abduction scenarios have also appeared (4). Positive affectual parasthesias (electric-like buzzes in the body) have occurred. Another experience that has been elicited neuromagnetically is bursts of emotion, most commonly fear and joy. Although the content of these experiences can be quite striking, the way they present themselves is much more ordinary. It approximates the ‘twilight state' between waking and sleep called hypnogogia. This can produce brief, fleeting visions, feelings that the bed is moving, rocking, floating or sinking. Electric-buzz like somatic sensations and hearing an inner voice call one's name can also occur in hypnogogia. The range of experiences it can produce is quite broad. If all signals produced the same phenomena, then it would be difficult to conclude that these magnetic signals approximate the postulated endogenous neuromagnetic signals that create alterations in State. In fact, the former produce a wide variety of phenomena. One such signal makes some women apprehensive, another doesn't (5). One signal creates such strong vestibular sensations that one can't stand up. Another doesn't.

[u]The temporal lobes are the parts of the brain that mediate states of consciousness. [/u]EEG readouts from the temporal lobes are markedly different when a person is asleep, having a hallucinogenic seizure, or on LSD. Siezural disorders confined to the temporal lobes (complex partial seizures) have been characterized as impairments of consciousness (6). There was also a study done in which monkeys were given LSD after having various parts of their brains removed (7). The monkeys continued to ‘trip' no matter what part or parts of their brains were missing until both temporal lobes were taken out. In these cases, the substance did not seem to affect the monkeys at all. The conclusion seems unavoidable. In addition to all their other functions (aspects of memory, language, music, etc.), the temporal lobes mediate states of consciousness.

[u]If exposing the temporal lobes to magnetic signals can induce alterations in States, then it seems reasonable to suppose that States find part of their neural basis in our postulated neuromagnetic signals, arising out of the temporal lobes.[/u]

Hallucinations are known to be the phenomenological correlates of altered States. Alterations in state of consciousness leads, following input, and phenomena, whether hallucinatory or not, follows in response. We can offer two reasons for drawing this conclusion.

The first is one of the results obtained by a study of hallucinations caused by electrical stimulation deep in the brain (8). In this study, the content of the hallucinations was found to be related to the circumstances in which they occurred, so that the same stimulations could produce different hallucinations. The conclusion was that the stimulation induced altered states, and the states facilitated the hallucinations.

The second has to do with the relative speeds of the operant neural processes.

Neurochemical response times are limited by the time required for their transmission across the synaptic gap, .5 to 2msec (9).

By comparison, the propagation of action potentials is much faster. For example, an action potential can travel a full centimeter (a couple of orders of magnitude larger than a synaptic gap) in about 1.3 msec. The brain's electrical responses, therefore, happen orders of magnitude more quickly than do it's chemical ones (10).

[u]Magnetic signals are propagated with much greater speeds than those of action potentials moving through neurons. Contemporary physics requires that magnetic signals be propagated at a significant fraction of the velocity of light, so that the entire brain could be exposed to a neuromagnetic signal in vanishingly small amounts of time.[/u]

It seems possible that neuromagnetic signals arise from structures which mediate our various sensory and cognitive modalities. These signals then recruit those functions (primarily in the limbic system) that adjust the changes in state. These temporal lobe signals, we speculate, then initiate signals to structures that mediate modalities that are enhanced or suppressed as the state changes.[/i]

Microwave absorption by magnetite

[i][b]Bioelectromagnetics[/b]. 1996;17(3):187-94.

Microwave absorption by magnetite: a possible mechanism for coupling nonthermal levels of radiation to biological systems.
Kirschvink JL.

Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA.

The presence of trace amounts of biogenic magnetite (Fe3O4) in animal and human tissues and the observation that ferromagnetic particles are ubiquitous in laboratory materials (including tissue culture media) provide a physical mechanism through which microwave radiation might produce or appear to produce biological effects. Magnetite is an excellent absorber of microwave radiation at frequencies between 0.5 and 10.0 GHz through the process of ferromagnetic resonance, where the magnetic vector of the incident field causes precession of Bohr magnetons around the internal demagnetizing field of the crystal. [u]Energy absorbed by this process is first transduced into acoustic vibrations at the microwave carrier frequency within the crystal lattice via the magnetoacoustic effect; then, the energy should be dissipated in cellular structures in close proximity to the magnetite crystals.[/u] Several possible methods for testing this hypothesis experimentally are discussed. Studies of microwave dosimetry at the cellular level should consider effects of biogenic magnetite.[/i]

Biomagnetism and Bio-Electromagnetism: The Foundation of Life[

by H. Coetzee, Ph.D. [Originally published in Future History, Volume 8]

[i]Throughout the past 30 years, scientists have been extensively researching organisms that have the ability to produce the ferromagnetic mineral magnetite. Magnetite is a black mineral form of iron oxide that crystallizes in the cubic or isometric system[/i], namely all crystals which have their crystallographic axes of equal length at 90 degrees to each other. It is a mixed Iron (II) Iron (III) oxide, Fe3O4, and is one of the major ores of iron that is strongly magnetic. Some varieties, known as lodestone, are natural magnets; these were used as compasses in the ancient world.

[i]The discovery of a biogenic material (that is, one formed by a biological organism) with ferromagnetic properties and found to be magnetite was the first breakthrough toward an understanding as to why some animals have the ability to detect the earth's magnetic field.[/i] Searches for biogenic magnetite in human tissues had not been conclusive until the beginning of the 1990's when work with high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction on human brain tissue extracts of the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and meninges (membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord) identified magnetite-maghemite crystals.

These magnetite crystals were found to be organized into linear, membrane-bound chains a few micrometers in length, with up to 80 crystals per chain. Furthermore individual crystals have their {111} aligned along the length of the chain axes (the "easy" direction of magnetization). The {111} crystal alignment has been interpreted as a biological mechanism for maximizing the magnetic moment per particle, as the {111} direction yields approximately 3% higher saturation magnetization than do other directions. This prismatic particle shape is also uncommon in geological magnetite crystals of this size, which are usually octahedra. The crystal morphology was found to be cubo-octahedral with the {111} faces of adjacent crystals lying perpendicular to the chain axis.

All the magnetite crystals that have been examined to date are single magnetic domains, which means that they are uniformly and stably magnetized and have the maximum magnetic moment per unit volume possible for magnetite. Elemental analysis, by energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, electron diffraction patterns, and high resolution transmission electron microscopy lattice images, showed that many of the particles were structurally well-ordered and crystallographically single-domain magnetite. [i]This means that the production of this biomineral must be under precise biological control.[/i]

[i][b]Ferromagnetic crystals interact more than a million times more strongly with external magnetic fields tha[/b]n do diamagnetic or paramagnetic materials[/i] (deoxyhemoglobin, ferritin, and hemosiderin).With this finding researchers were posed with a fundamental question for biology , namely: What is the mechanism through which the weak geomagnetic fields are perceived by organisms that are able to precipitate crystals of a ferromagnetic mineral such as magnetite (Fe3O4)? Could these crystals use their motion in a variety of ways to transduce the geomagnetic field into signals that can be processed by the nervous system?

The presence of membrane-bound biomineral magnetite, which has been shown to have a biological origin, and the implication that some kind of mechanical coupling must take place between each compass magnetite particle and a mechanoreceptor, or at least a functionally equivalent mechanism [i]allowing the position of the particle to be monitored by a sensory organelle in the body, is unique. Research has also found that the magnetite is produced by the cells of the organism when needed. Forms of advanced physical intelligence can directly tap into this information if they have a crystalline network within their brain cavity. [/i]

[i]Scientists are now asking the fundamental question: What is magnetite doing in the human brain?[/i] In magnetite-containing bacteria, the answer is simple: Magnetite crystals turn the bacteria into swimming needles that orient with respect to the earth's magnetic fields. Magnetite has also been found in animals that navigate by compass direction, such as bees, birds, and fish, [i]but scientists do not know why the magnetite is present in humans, only that it is there.
We have also seen in research done in the late 1980s [b]that proteins, DNA, and transforming DNA function as piezoelectric crystal lattice structures in nature.[/b] [i]The piezoelectric effect refers to that property of matter which may convert electromagnetic oscillations to mechanical vibrations and vice versa.[/i] Studies with exogenously administered electromagnetic fields have shown that both transcription (RNA synthesis) and translation (protein synthesis) can be induced by electromagnetic fields and furthermore that direct current in bone will produce osteochondrogenesis (bone formation) and bacteriostasis, as well as affect adenosine triphosphate (ATP) generation, protein synthesis and membrane transport.

In the human brain, pyramidal cells are present and arranged in layers in the cortex of the two cerebra. [i]The pyramidal cells act as electro-crystal cells immersed in extra-cellular tissue fluids, and seem to operate in the fashion of a liquid crystal oscillator in response to different light commands, or light pulses which, in turn, change the orientation of every molecule and atom within the body. Biogravitational encoded switches present in the brain allow a type of liquid network to release ions that induce currents to the surrounding coiled dendrites. Electron impulses from a neuron, on reaching the dendrite coil of the abutted cell, generate a micro amperage magnetic field, causing the ultra thin crystal, or liquid crystal in the pyramidal cell to be activated --- in a very unusual way. On flexing, this ultra thin crystal becomes a piezoelectric oscillator, producing a circular polarized light pulse that travels throughout the body, or travels as a transverse photonic bundle of energy.[/i]

According to Einstein, matter is to be regarded itself as part, in fact the principle part, of the electromagnetic field, and electric energy is therefore the fundamental origin of our entire physical world. Consequently, in work published by The Academy For Future Science it has been cited that "under present biological conditions, evolutionary development in living bodies from earliest inception follows unicellular semiconductivity, as a living piezoelectric matrix, through stages which permit primitive basic tissues (glia, satellite and Schwann cells) to be supportive to the neurons in the human system where the primary source is electrical. This has been especially shown in bone growth response to mechanical stress and to fractures which have been demonstrated to have characteristics of control systems using electricity."

[i]Ongoing research has shown that bone has electrical properties. The bone matrix is a biphasic (two-part) semiconductor, i.e. a crystalline solid with an electrical conductivity.[/i] The collagen component of bone matrix is an N-type semiconductor and the apatite component a P-type. When tested for piezoelectricity, collagen turns out to be a piezoelectric generator while apatite is not. These function as two semiconductors, one an N-type, the other a P-type forming a PN-junction, which sets up a potential barrier and acts as an efficient rectifier, i.e. a semiconductor diode.

Mechanical stress on the bone thus produces a piezoelectrical signal from the collagen. The signal is biphasic, switching polarity with each stress-and-release. The signal is rectified by the PN-junction between apatite and collagen. The strength of the signal tells the bone cells how strong the stress is, and its polarity tells them what direction it comes from. Osteogenic (bone forming) cells, which have been shown to have a negative potential, would be stimulated to grow more bone, while those in the positive area would stop production of matrix and be resorbed when needed. If bone growth and resorption are part of one process, the electrical signal acts as an analog code to transfer information about stress to the cells and trigger the right response. Hence, stress is converted into an electrical signal.

An interesting property of PN-junctions of semiconductor diodes may be observed when current is run though the diode in forward bias, i.e. when there is a good current flow across the barrier. Some of the energy is turned into light and emitted from the surface and are therefore known as light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Researchers found that bone was an LED that required an outside source of light before an electric current would make it release its own light, and the light it emitted was at an infrared frequency invisible to us, but consistent.

With the use of an applied current of a few microamperes regeneration of the spinal cord, optic nerve and bone has been demonstrated and naturally generated electric currents have been linked to changes in developing embryos and in regenerating limbs.

[i]During the past decades a great increase has taken place in research on the effects of non -ionizing electromagnetic radiation on biological systems. Much has been revealed about the human organisms on all levels but the question still being asked by scientists is: What electromagnetic signal might tune to a magnetic resonant energy which would alter the metabolic genetic regulation to bring about growth and repair? [/i]It has been considered by this author that tRNA molecules may play a central roll to cause cells to alter their normal properties which will then receive the original genetic transmission, given through a 'spin point' to a cell. These transmissions at the spin points, as discussed through research at The Academy For Future Science, may provide regenerating instruction for the manufacture of enzymes and proteins which are the building blocks for the 'new tissue' or the 'new organ form' which is regenerated on the physical plane. Projecting energy into the spin point allows for the formation of a blastema (mass of primitive type cells) that gives rise to the regenerated tissue. Thus, through the spin point, cells become the tissue responsible for the generation and transmission of direct current signals used in regeneration processes.


Paramagnetism is a weak magnetic condition of substances that have a positive but small susceptibility to magnetism.

Diamagnetism is the phenomenon exhibited by substances that are repelled by both poles of a magnet and thus lie across the magnet's line of influence i.e. have a negative susceptibility to magnetism. All substances are diamagnetic.

Ferromagnetism is the phenomenon exhibited by substances such as iron that show increasing magnetization with applied magnetizing field and persists after the removal of the applied field.

Magnetic domain is one of the regions in a ferromagnetic solid in which all the atoms have their magnetic moments aligned in the same direction.

Crystal faces are represented by indices and when the indices are enclosed in braces, e.g. {111}, the indices refer to a complete group of faces.


Becker, R.O. and Selden, G. The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life. New York, NY: Quill, William Morrow, 1985.

Dubrov, A.P. The Geomagnetic Field and Life: Geo-magnetobiology. New York, NY: Plenum Press, 1978.

Hurtak, J.J. "The Power of Healing." Lecture given to the members of the Bioenergetics Institute, Johannesburg, 1986.

Jacobson, J.I. "Exploring the potential of magneto-crystallization of genes and associated structures with respect to nerve regeneration and cancer." International Journal of Neuroscience, 64 (1992):153-165.

Kirschvink, J.L. "Magnetite Biomineralization and Geomagnetic Sensitivity in Higher Animals: An Update and Recommendations for Future Study." Bioelectromagnetics,10 (1989):239-259.

Kirschvink, J.L. et al. "Magnetite biomineralization in the human brain." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 89 (1992):7683-7687.

Nordenstrom, B.W.W. "Impact of Biological Closed Electric Circuits (BCEC) on Structure and Function." Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science, 27 (1992):285-303.

[b]Magnetite In The Brain.[/b]

War and Sunspot Cycles: A Form of Electromagnetic Pollution

Could cycles of war, peace be tied to cycles of the sun?[/b]
By Buryl Payne PhD

TV, cell phone towers, power lines, and house appliances—while they make our lives more convenient, they also contribute to polluting our electromagnetic atmosphere.

A growing number of scientists, health care professionals, and concerned citizens argue that these invisible frequencies are responsible for a host of various health problems. Meanwhile, the largest polluter has gone unnoticed: the sun. At certain times, the sun’s activity can also aggravate mental health problems.

Every 10–11 years, the number of sunspots found on our closest star rise from 0 (as it is currently in 2008) to a high of over 400. While the sunspots themselves don’t affect Earth, the solar flares and other disturbances emanating from our sun during increased sunspot activity result in an increased number of particles (electrons and protons) and harmful light radiation (ultraviolet and x-rays), known as solar wind. If it weren’t for Earth’s protective magnetic field and atmosphere, this bombardment of particles would burn us to a crisp!

Fortunately, our planet’s magnetic field diverts most particles into a circular path around the Earth. Like weather patterns found on Earth, solar wind patterns can change rapidly. Luckily, our planet’s magnetosphere quickly responds to the threat and absorbs the impact, wiggling and jiggling in the process. Geophysicists call this reaction a geomagnetic storm, but because of how it disrupts the Earth’s magnetic field, it could also be called electromagnetic pollution.[u]

These storms, although minute, affect brain waves and hormone levels, causing a number of different reactions, [/u]predominately in males. While a few women may also experience changes during these storms, they generally seem less affected by the sun’s behavior.

[u]Reacting to changing hormone levels, some men may become increasingly irritable and aggressive, while others may instead become more creative. An increase in solar activity is found to increase psychotic episodes in individuals who already suffer from unstable psychological states. While we might relate such behavior to a full moon, in 1963, Dr. Robert Becker and his colleague, Dr. Freedman, demonstrated that solar changes also lead to a noticeable increase in psychotic activity.[/u]
Yet these reactions are not simply isolated to a few particularly sensitive or unlucky individuals. Evidence indicates that wars and international conflicts most often break out when sunspots are rapidly forming or rapidly decaying, as these are times when there are more intense geomagnetic storms.[/u]

[u]In addition, this increase in solar activity also correlates to periods of more accidents and illness, as well as an increase of crimes and murders. The entire biosphere is affected by this electromagnetic pollution, and human behavior seems to react accordingly.[/u]

Storm Tracking

Thankfully, not all geomagnetic storms are disruptive. Some are generally beneficial to humans. But over time, these extremes in solar activity may also affect periods of earthly conflict. The data on cycles of war and peace extend back at least 2,500 years. (Some believe that they may be traced even further, but the records are not as reliable.) Although some may argue that it seems as if there is always war somewhere, records show that periods of conflict increase and decrease in nearly regular cycles.

[u]As early as 1915, some scientists were beginning to recognize connections between solar activity and human behavior.[/u] This work began with Russian scientist Alexander Chizhevsky, who observed that mass changes in human behavior correlated to sunspot cycles.

In the 1930s, Professor Raymond Wheeler, a historian at the University of Kansas, took this observation one step further. His research afforded numerical rankings to the severity of individual battles correlating to solar cycles.

His data was statistically analyzed by Edward Dewey, who validated the existence of these war cycles. Yet he was unable to make a definite connection with sunspot cycles because the data at that time was insufficient. In the 1980s, with a more detailed analysis of Wheeler’s data, the connection became clear.

Upon close examination of the data, a pattern begins to emerge wherein wars are most likely to start in key points of the sunspot cycle. This is when the geomagnetic activity is changing most rapidly on the upsurge of solar activity, or the downward part of the cycle, when sunspots are rapidly diminishing. In addition we can also see how this affects physiological mechanisms, such as altered brain rhythms and abnormal hormonal levels. In other words, wars are a kind of mass psychosis.[u] ‘War Fever’ is real.[/u]

[u]With this in mind, should we view warring behavior as a type of disease?[/u] Are the related socio-political or economic factors as much a symptom of solar cycles as the battles they appear to create? And if the data on sunspot cycles points to an impending crisis, how can we best use this knowledge?

When we see the connection to physical mechanisms (electromagnetic pollution), this gives us some predictive insight for when increased aggressions were apt to start. Calculations indicate that we’re due to see another rise in intense solar activity in about two years: September 22, 2010.

As with any disease, if we are aware of the cause, we can take precautions to lessen the symptoms. In past writings on this subject, I have suggested that global meditation might be one tactic for steering this aggressive cycle another way. (More information on this is available at

Imagine how valuable it would be to mankind, or even an individual, if we were able to address a potentially volatile situation by carefully studying the pattern of history. How would this influence our decisions and actions, and how might this change our fate?

Buryl Payne has a Ph.D. in psychology and an M.S. in physics and has written several books and articles on a variety of topics. He is currently working on a book exploring fifth dimensional consciousness.

Battros M. & Stubbs T. 2005. “Solar Rain: The Earth Changes Have Begun.” Earth Changes Press.

Becker, R. 0. and Marino, A. A., “Electromagnetism and Life,” State University of New York Press, P.O. Box 978, Edison, N. J. 08808

Friedman, H. and Becker, R.O., “Geomagnetic parameters and Psychiatric Hospital Admissions,” Nature, V. 200, pp 626–628, 1963.

Hundhausen, A. J., “Solar activity and the solar wind,” Rev, of Geophysics and Space Physics, 17 (8), 20314–2011.8, 1979.

Payne, B. 1986. “The Power of Thought to Influence the Sun, Interim Report.” National Council on Geocosmic Research, Winter-Spring.
Last Updated
Oct 17, 2008

War and Sunspot Cycles

War and Sunspot Cycles: A Form of Electromagnetic Pollution
Could cycles of war, peace be tied to cycles of the sun?
By Buryl Payne PhD

TV, cell phone towers, power lines, and house appliances—while they make our lives more convenient, they also contribute to polluting our electromagnetic atmosphere.

A growing number of scientists, health care professionals, and concerned citizens argue that these invisible frequencies are responsible for a host of various health problems. Meanwhile, the largest polluter has gone unnoticed: the sun. At certain times, the sun’s activity can also aggravate mental health problems.

Every 10–11 years, the number of sunspots found on our closest star rise from 0 (as it is currently in 2008) to a high of over 400. While the sunspots themselves don’t affect Earth, the solar flares and other disturbances emanating from our sun during increased sunspot activity result in an increased number of particles (electrons and protons) and harmful light radiation (ultraviolet and x-rays), known as solar wind. If it weren’t for Earth’s protective magnetic field and atmosphere, this bombardment of particles would burn us to a crisp!

Fortunately, our planet’s magnetic field diverts most particles into a circular path around the Earth. Like weather patterns found on Earth, solar wind patterns can change rapidly. Luckily, our planet’s magnetosphere quickly responds to the threat and absorbs the impact, wiggling and jiggling in the process. Geophysicists call this reaction a geomagnetic storm, but because of how it disrupts the Earth’s magnetic field, it could also be called electromagnetic pollution.[u]

These storms, although minute, affect brain waves and hormone levels, causing a number of different reactions, [/u]predominately in males. While a few women may also experience changes during these storms, they generally seem less affected by the sun’s behavior.

Reacting to changing hormone levels, some men may become increasingly irritable and aggressive, while others may instead become more creative. An increase in solar activity is found to increase psychotic episodes in individuals who already suffer from unstable psychological states. While we might relate such behavior to a full moon, in 1963, Dr. Robert Becker and his colleague, Dr. Freedman, demonstrated that solar changes also lead to a noticeable increase in psychotic activity.

Yet these reactions are not simply isolated to a few particularly sensitive or unlucky individuals. Evidence indicates that wars and international conflicts most often break out when sunspots are rapidly forming or rapidly decaying, as these are times when there are more intense geomagnetic storms.

[u]In addition, this increase in solar activity also correlates to periods of more accidents and illness, as well as an increase of crimes and murders. The entire biosphere is affected by this electromagnetic pollution, and human behavior seems to react accordingly.

Storm Tracking

Thankfully, not all geomagnetic storms are disruptive. Some are generally beneficial to humans. But over time, these extremes in solar activity may also affect periods of earthly conflict. The data on cycles of war and peace extend back at least 2,500 years. (Some believe that they may be traced even further, but the records are not as reliable.) Although some may argue that it seems as if there is always war somewhere, records show that periods of conflict increase and decrease in nearly regular cycles.

[u]As early as 1915, some scientists were beginning to recognize connections between solar activity and human behavior.[/u] This work began with Russian scientist Alexander Chizhevsky, who observed that mass changes in human behavior correlated to sunspot cycles.

In the 1930s, Professor Raymond Wheeler, a historian at the University of Kansas, took this observation one step further. His research afforded numerical rankings to the severity of individual battles correlating to solar cycles.

His data was statistically analyzed by Edward Dewey, who validated the existence of these war cycles. Yet he was unable to make a definite connection with sunspot cycles because the data at that time was insufficient. In the 1980s, with a more detailed analysis of Wheeler’s data, the connection became clear.

Upon close examination of the data, a pattern begins to emerge wherein wars are most likely to start in key points of the sunspot cycle. This is when the geomagnetic activity is changing most rapidly on the upsurge of solar activity, or the downward part of the cycle, when sunspots are rapidly diminishing. In addition we can also see how this affects physiological mechanisms, such as altered brain rhythms and abnormal hormonal levels. In other words, wars are a kind of mass psychosis.[u] ‘War Fever’ is real.[/u]

[u]With this in mind, should we view warring behavior as a type of disease?[/u] Are the related socio-political or economic factors as much a symptom of solar cycles as the battles they appear to create? And if the data on sunspot cycles points to an impending crisis, how can we best use this knowledge?

When we see the connection to physical mechanisms (electromagnetic pollution), this gives us some predictive insight for when increased aggressions were apt to start. Calculations indicate that we’re due to see another rise in intense solar activity in about two years: September 22, 2010.

As with any disease, if we are aware of the cause, we can take precautions to lessen the symptoms. In past writings on this subject, I have suggested that global meditation might be one tactic for steering this aggressive cycle another way. (More information on this is available at

Imagine how valuable it would be to mankind, or even an individual, if we were able to address a potentially volatile situation by carefully studying the pattern of history. How would this influence our decisions and actions, and how might this change our fate?

Buryl Payne has a Ph.D. in psychology and an M.S. in physics and has written several books and articles on a variety of topics. He is currently working on a book exploring fifth dimensional consciousness.

Battros M. & Stubbs T. 2005. “Solar Rain: The Earth Changes Have Begun.” Earth Changes Press.

Becker, R. 0. and Marino, A. A., “Electromagnetism and Life,” State University of New York Press, P.O. Box 978, Edison, N. J. 08808

Friedman, H. and Becker, R.O., “Geomagnetic parameters and Psychiatric Hospital Admissions,” Nature, V. 200, pp 626–628, 1963.

Hundhausen, A. J., “Solar activity and the solar wind,” Rev, of Geophysics and Space Physics, 17 (8), 20314–2011.8, 1979.

Payne, B. 1986. “The Power of Thought to Influence the Sun, Interim Report.” National Council on Geocosmic Research, Winter-Spring.
Last Updated
Oct 17, 2008

The Emerging Sunspot Cycle 24 and a Weakening Magnetic Field

[quote:Anonymous Coward 621485}
[color=blue]The Emerging Sunspot Cycle 24 and a Weakening Magnetic Field
What does this mean for our planet and species?[/color]

[color=red]Alex Ansary[/color]

February 25, 2009


If you were thinking that the only things we have to be concerned about include wars, famines, and economic crashes, think again.

New scientific discoveries are indicating that this next solar flare cycle could potentially be powerful enough to distrupt our planet's entire electric grid. In this report, I will document the number of changes taking place with our magnetic field, the sun and our solar system while expaining some of the concerns that today's leading scientists have voiced. I will also be examining how humankind may also be affected energically.

What is Electromagnetic Pollution?

TV, cell phone towers, power lines, and house appliances—while they make lives more convenient for some, they also contribute to polluting our electromagnetic atmosphere. A growing number of scientists, health care professionals, and concerned citizens argue that these invisible frequencies are responsible for a host of various health problems. Meanwhile, the largest polluter has gone unnoticed: the sun. And it's about to fire up again.

[b]Our Plant's Magnetic Field[/b]

[color=blue]The magnetosphere is a bubble of magnetism that surrounds Earth and protects us from solar wind. Fortunately, our planet's magnetic field diverts most particles into a circular path around the Earth. Like weather patterns found on Earth, solar wind patterns can change rapidly.[/color]

Luckily, our planet's magnetosphere quickly responds to the threat and absorbs the impact, wiggling and jiggling in the process. Geophysicists call this reaction a geomagnetic storm, but because of how it disrupts the Earth's magnetic field, it could also be called electromagnetic pollution. This is when we see the Aurora Borealis in our night skys.

But strange things are happening in both outer and inner space

[color=red]The Earth's magnetic field has been decreasing. This decrease actually began 2000 years ago, but the rate of decrease suddenly became much more rapid 500 years ago. Now, in the last 20 years or so, the magnetic field has become erratic. Aeronautical maps of the world — which are used to allow airplanes to land using automatic pilot systems — have had to be revised worldwide in order for the automatic pilot systems to work..[/color]

Late last year, the Arctic ice cap on the exact spot of the North Pole completely melted for the first time in known history. Green Peace reported that, relative to the winter ice pattern, the cap had previously melted over 300 miles toward the pole, and that late last year both military and civilian ships were able to actually pass directly over the North Pole. It was water. Until now, as far as we know, there has never been a time where the ice was less than ten feet thick. In contrast, the South Pole has an ice cap that is about three miles deep, and yet huge pieces of ice continue to break off and melt.

[color=red]There is a now a Giant Breach in the Earth's Magnetic Field.[/color]

NASA's five THEMIS spacecraft have discovered a breach in Earth's magnetic field ten times larger than anything previously thought to exist. When this happens, solar wind can flow in through the opening to "load up" the magnetosphere for powerful geomagnetic storms. Exploring the mystery is a key goal of the THEMIS mission, launched in February 2007.

[color=red]The big discovery came on June 3, 2007, when the five probes serendipitously flew through the breach just as it was opening. Onboard sensors recorded a torrent of solar wind particles streaming into the magnetosphere, signaling an event of unexpected size and importance. But the breach itself is not the biggest surprise. Researchers are even more amazed and baffled at the unexpected way it forms, overturning long-held ideas of space physics[/color]

"At first I didn't believe it," says THEMIS project scientist David Sibeck of the Goddard Space Flight Center. "This finding fundamentally alters our understanding of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction." "The opening was huge—four times wider than Earth itself," says Wenhui Li, a space physicist at the University of New Hampshire who has been analyzing the data. Li's colleague Jimmy Raeder, also of New Hampshire, says[color=red] "1027 particles per second were flowing into the magnetosphere—that's a 1 followed by 27 zeros. This kind of influx is an order of magnitude greater than what we thought was possible."[/color]

Scientists Surprised

The size of the breach shocked researchers. "We've seen things like this before," says Li's colleague Jimmy Raeder, "but never on such a large scale. The entire day-side of the magnetosphere was open to the solar wind.

This is changing our understanding of the universe. Space physicists have long believed that holes in Earth's magnetosphere open only in response to solar magnetic fields that point south. The great breach of June 2007, however, opened in response to a solar magnetic field that pointed north.

To the lay person, this may sound like a quibble, but to a space physicist, it is almost seismic. It means that something is happening out there that they didn't predict and that is what has them frightened.

Unexpected Shield Drop

Here is where the scientific understanding our how magnetic field is changing: What is understood today in the scientific community is that the solar wind presses against the Earth's magnetosphere almost directly above the equator where our planet's magnetic field points north. Scientists previously believed that if a bundle of solar magnetism came along, and points north, too, the two fields should reinforce one another strengthening Earth's magnetic defenses and slamming the door shut on the solar wind. In the language of space physics, a north-pointing solar magnetic field is called a "northern IMF" and it is synonymous with shields up.

The big suprise is that when a northern IMF came along, the shields went down. This is completely overturning many scientists understanding of things. As Researchers investigated the tear in the magnetic field, they discovered that twenty times more solar wind passed into the Earth's protective shield when the magnetic fields were aligned. Northern IMF events don't actually trigger geomagnetic storms, notes Raeder, but they do set the stage for storms by loading the magnetosphere with plasma. A loaded magnetosphere is primed for auroras, power outages, and other disturbances that can result when a CME (coronal mass ejection) hits.

This means the impact of sloar flares are twenty times as strong with the magnetic lines are aligned. Earth's and the sun's magnetic fields will be in sync at the solar cycle's peak, expected in 2012. This will cause an influx of solar particles. What the scientists didn’t discuss is the impact on the human bioelectrical system.

The earth's magnetic field impacts climate

The earth's climate has been significantly affected by the planet's magnetic field, according to a Danish study published in January 2009 that could challenge the notion that human emissions are responsible for global warming.

"Our results show a strong correlation between the strength of the earth's magnetic field and the amount of precipitation in the tropics," one of the two Danish geophysicists behind the study, Mads Faurschou Knudsen of the geology department at Aarhus University in western Denmark, told the Videnskab journal.

The results of the study, which has also been published in US scientific journal Geology, lend support to a controversial theory published a decade ago by Danish astrophysicist Henrik Svensmark, who claimed the climate was highly influenced by galactic cosmic ray (GCR) particles penetrating the earth's atmosphere.

What Drives Earth's Magnetic Field?

[color=blue]When an electric current passes through a metal wire, a magnetic field forms around that wire Likewise, a wire passing through a magnetic field creates an electric current within the wire. This is the basic principle that allows electric motors and generators to operate.

In the Earth, the liquid metal that makes up the outer core passes through a magnetic field, which causes an electric current to flow within the liquid metal. The electric current, in turn, creates its own magnetic field—one that is stronger than the field that created it in the first place.

As liquid metal passes through the stronger field, more current flows, which increases the field still further. This self-sustaining loop is known as the geomagnetic dynamo. Material from the liquid outer core slowly "freezes" onto the inner core, releasing heat as it does so. (High pressures within the Earth cause material to freeze at high temperatures.) This heat drives convection cells within the liquid core, which keeps the liquid metal moving through the magnetic field.

Energy is needed to keep the dynamo running. This energy comes from the release of heat from the surface of the solid inner core. Our planet's spinning motion causes the moving liquid metal to spiral, in a way similar to how it affects weather systems on the Earth's surface. These spiraling eddies allow separate magnetic fields to align and combine forces.

Without the effects caused by the spinning Earth, the magnetic fields generated within the liquid core would cancel one another out and result in no distinct north or south magnetic poles.

Rapid changes in the churning movement of Earth's liquid outer core are weakening the magnetic field in some regions of the planet's surface, a new study says

"What is so surprising is that rapid, almost sudden, changes take place in the Earth's magnetic field," said study co-author Nils Olsen, a geophysicist at the Danish National Space Center in Copenhagen.

The findings suggest similarly quick changes are simultaneously occurring in the liquid metal, 1,900 miles (3,000 kilometers) below the surface, he said. Fluctuations in the magnetic field have occurred in several far-flung regions of Earth, the researchers found.

The changes "may suggest the possibility of an upcoming reversal of the geomagnetic field," said study co-author Mioara Mandea, a scientist at the German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam. Earth's magnetic field has reversed hundreds of times over the past billion years, and the process could take thousands of years to complete.

The decline in the magnetic field also is opening Earth's upper atmosphere to intense charged particle radiation, scientists say.[/color]

[color=blue]Cosmic Rays are slamming Earth

An international team of researchers has discovered a puzzling surplus of high-energy electrons bombarding Earth from space. The source of these cosmic rays is unknown, but it must be close to the solar system and it could be made of dark matter. Their results are being reported in the Nov. 20th issue of the journal Nature.

"This is a big discovery," says co-author John Wefel of Louisiana State University. "It's the first time we've seen a discrete source of accelerated cosmic rays standing out from the general galactic background." To study the most powerful and interesting cosmic rays, Wefel and colleagues have spent the last eight years flying a series of balloons through the stratosphere over Antarctica.

Their NASA-funded cosmic ray detector found an significant surplus of high-energy electrons. "The source of these exotic electrons must be relatively close to the solar system—no more than a kiloparsec away," says co-author Jim Adams of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Galactic cosmic rays are subatomic particles accelerated to almost light speed by distant supernova explosions and other violent events. They swarm through the Milky Way, forming a haze of high energy particles that enter the solar system from all directions.

Cosmic rays consist mostly of protons and heavier atomic nuclei with a dash of electrons and photons spicing the mix. Why must the source be nearby? Adams explains: "High-energy electrons lose energy rapidly as they fly through the galaxy.

They give up energy in two main ways: (1) when they collide with lower-energy photons, a process called inverse Compton scattering, and (2) when they radiate away some of their energy by spiraling through the galaxy's magnetic field." High-energy electrons are therefore local but the researches cannot pinpoint the source in the sky.

According to the research, this source would need to be within about 3,000 light years of the sun. It could be an exotic object such as a pulsar, mini-quasar, supernova remnant or an intermediate mass black hole..[/color]

[color=orange]The Sun[/color]

[color=darkred]The sun is a massive electromagnetic broadcaster which floods the planets of the solar system with heat, light, UV radiation, and electrically charged particles. The Sun itself has a magnetic field, and that magnetic field creates an "egg" around the Solar System that is known as the "heliosphere." The heliosphere is shaped like a teardrop, with the long, thin end of the drop pointing away from the direction in which we're traveling.

The Sun is the center of our Solar System, and all life that is on this Earth came from the Sun. If there were no Sun, we would not be alive. This is simply scientific fact. And so any changes that occur in or on the Sun will eventually affect every person alive. The solar activity during this last sunspot cycle was greater than anything ever seen before.

The Sun's magnetic field has changed in the last 100 years

One recent study by Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories in California has been investigating the Sun activity for the last hundred years. He reports that since 1901 the overall magnetic field of the Sun has become stronger by 230 percent. Scientists do not understand what that means for us.

Some of the sunspot activity in this last cycle was greater than anything ever recorded before in history. But scientists claim that they don't understand what means either. "Obviously, the sun is Earth's life blood," said Richard Fisher, director of the Heliophysics division at NASA. "To mitigate possible public safety issues, it is vital that we better understand extreme space weather events caused by the sun's activity."

According to NASA, it is beginning another 11-year cycle of activity

The Sun flips its Magnetic Poles every eleven years. Considering that the Sun is to blame for some unfavorable climate changes on the Earth, the coming decade could spell more trouble for our planet. The years ahead could be intense.

Raeder explains: "We're entering Solar Cycle 24. For reasons not fully understood, CMEs in even-numbered solar cycles (like 24) tend to hit Earth with a leading edge that is magnetized north. Such a CME (coronal mass ejection) should open a breach and load the magnetosphere with plasma just before the storm gets underway. It's the perfect sequence for a really big event."

Every 10–11 years, the number of sunspots found on our closest star rise from 0 (as it is currently in 2008) to a high of over 400. While the sunspots themselves don't affect Earth, the solar flares and other disturbances emanating from our sun during increased sunspot activity result in an increased number of particles (electrons and protons) and harmful light radiation (ultraviolet and x-rays), known as solar wind. If it weren't for Earth's protective magnetic field and atmosphere, this bombardment of particles would burn us to a crisp.

Sunspot Cycle 24 peaking around 2012 could be one of the strongest in centuries

The next sunspot cycle will be 30-50% stronger than the last one and begin as much as a year late, according to a breakthrough forecast using a computer model of solar dynamics developed by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Predicting the Sun's cycles accurately, years in advance, will help societies plan for active bouts of solar storms, which can slow satellite orbits, disrupt communications, and bring down power systems.

The scientists have confidence in the forecast because, in a series of test runs, the newly developed model simulated the strength of the past eight solar cycles with more than 98% accuracy. The forecasts are generated, in part, by tracking the subsurface movements of the sunspot remnants of the previous two solar cycles. The team is publishing its forecast in the current issue of Geophysical Research Letters.

Solar Cycle 25 peaking around 2022 could be one of the weakest in centuries

The Great Conveyor Belt is a massive circulating current of fire (hot plasma) within the Sun. It has two branches, north and south, each taking about 40 years to perform one complete circuit. Researchers believe the turning of the belt controls the sunspot cycle, and that's why the slowdown is important.

"Normally, the conveyor belt moves about 1 meter per second—walking pace," says Hathaway. "That's how it has been since the late 19th century." In recent years, however, the belt has decelerated to 0.75 m/s in the north and 0.35 m/s in the south. "We've never seen speeds so low."

According to theory and observation, the speed of the belt foretells the intensity of sunspot activity ~20 years in the future. A slow belt means lower solar activity; a fast belt means stronger activity. "The slowdown we see now means that Solar Cycle 25, peaking around the year 2022, could be one of the weakest in centuries," says Hathaway.

History of measuring solar flare activity

The first measuring instruments made their appearance 440 years ago. They showed that our nearest star treats the Earth to more than just solar eclipses. Sunspots, solar flares, faculae and other phenomena affect everything on the Earth: from atmospheric events to human behavior. These phenomena are known collectively as solar activity. This activity, expressing itself through bursts of solar radiation, magnetic storms or fiery flares, can vary in intensity, from very low to very strong. It is the storms that pose the greatest danger to civilization.

History of solar activity affecting the grid

On August 28, 1859, polar lights glowed and shimmered all over the American continent as darkness fell. Many people thought their city was aflame. The instruments used to record this magnetic fluctuation across the world went off their scales. Telegraph systems malfunctioned, hit by a massive surge in voltage. It was perhaps the worst in the past 200 years and with the advent of modern power grids and satellites, much more is at risk.

This was an actual solar storm. Its results for humankind were small, because civilization had not yet entered a hi-tech phase of development. Had something similar happen in our nuclear space age, destruction would have been catastrophic. Meanwhile, according to scientific data, storms of such size occur relatively seldom: once in five centuries. But events with half the intensity happen every 50 years.

The last one took place on November 13, 1960 and disturbed the Earth's geomagnetic fields, upsetting the operation of radio stations.

How this could impact our grid today

Now our dependence on radio electronic devices is so immense that increased solar activity could disable life-support systems all over the world, and not only on the surface. Poor space weather makes all orbital systems malfunction. A heavy solar storm can cause disruption to space-based navigation systems.

NASA is now sounding an alarm because our continent is so close to the northern magnetic pole and is the most vulnerable to solar activity. A study by the MetaTech Corporation revealed that an impact similar to that of 1859 would incapacitate the entire electricity grid in North America. Even the relatively weak magnetic storm of 1989, provoked by solar activity, caused an accident at a Canadian hydro-electric power plant that left 6 million people in the U.S. and Canada without electric power for nine hours.[/color]

A new study from the National Academy of Sciences also outlines grim possibilities on Earth for a worst-case scenario solar storm. Modern power grids are so interconnected that a big space storm — the type expected to occur about once a century — could cause a cascade of failures that would sweep across the United States, cutting power to 130 million people or more in this country alone, the new report concludes. Such widespread power outages, though expected to be a rare possibility, would affect other vital systems.

"Impacts would be felt on interdependent infrastructures with, for example, potable water distribution affected within several hours; perishable foods and medications lost in 12-24 hours; immediate or eventual loss of heating/air conditioning, sewage disposal, phone service, transportation, fuel resupply and so on," the report states.

Outages could take months to fix, the researchers say. Banks might close, and trade with other countries might halt. "Emergency services would be strained, and command and control might be lost," write the researchers, led by Daniel Baker, director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

Could cycles of war and peace be tied to cycles of the sun?

Some researchers claim that geomagnetic storms affect brain waves and hormone levels, causing a number of different reactions, predominately in males. While a few women may also experience changes during these storms, they generally seem less affected by the sun's behavior. Reacting to changing hormone levels, some men may become increasingly irritable and aggressive, while others may instead become more creative.

An increase in solar activity is found to increase psychotic episodes in individuals who already suffer from unstable psychological states. While we might relate such behavior to a full moon, in 1963, Dr. Robert Becker and his colleague, Dr.Freedman, demonstrated that solar changes also lead to a noticeable increase in psychotic activity. Yet these reactions are not simply isolated to a few particularly sensitive or unlucky individuals.

Evidence indicates that wars and international conflicts most often break out when sunspots are rapidly forming or rapidly decaying, as these are times when there are more intense geomagnetic storms. In addition, this increase in solar activity also correlates to periods of more accidents and illness, as well as an increase of crimes and murders. The entire biosphere is affected by this electromagnetic pollution, and human behavior seems to react accordingly.

Not all geomagnetic storms are disruptive. But over time, these extremes in solar activity may also affect periods of earthly conflict. The data on cycles of war and peace extend back at least 2,500 years. (Some believe that they may be traced even further, but the records are not as reliable.) Although some may argue that it seems as if there is always war somewhere, records show that periods of conflict increase and decrease in nearly regular cycles.

Scientific Investigations into solar activity and a possible effect on society

As early as 1915, some scientists were beginning to recognize connections between solar activity and human behavior. This work began with Russian scientist Alexander Chizhevsky, who observed that mass changes in human behavior correlated to sunspot cycles.

In the 1930s, Professor Raymond Wheeler, a historian at the University of Kansas, took this observation one step further. His research afforded numerical rankings to the severity of individual battles correlating to solar cycles. His data was statistically analyzed by Edward Dewey, who validated the existence of these war cycles. Yet he was unable to make a definite connection with sunspot cycles because the data at that time was insufficient. In the 1980s, with a more detailed analysis of Wheeler's data, the connection became clear.

Upon close examination of the data, It appears that we are beginning to discover a pattern to emerge where wars are most likely to start in key points of the sunspot cycle

This is when the geomagnetic activity is changing most rapidly on the upsurge of solar activity, or the downward part of the cycle, when sunspots are rapidly diminishing. In addition we can also see how this affects physiological mechanisms, such as altered brain rhythms and abnormal hormonal levels.

In other words, wars could be a kind of mass psychosis. When we see the connection to physical mechanisms (electromagnetic pollution), this gives us some predictive insight for when increased aggressions were apt to start. Calculations indicate that we're due to see another rise in intense solar activity in about two years: September 22, 2010. NASA predicts that this will peak in 2012.

Animals can detect changes in the Earth's magnetic field

The internal compasses of some animals might work by detecting minute changes in the pace of biochemical reactions in different magnetic fields, researchers in the US suggested in June 2000.

Many creatures, including some birds, amphibians and reptiles, navigate by sensing tiny changes in the Earth's magnetic field. Sea turtles, for instance, can sense changes as small as a tenth of a microtesla—less than 0.2 per cent of the typical geomagnetic field.

But nobody knows exactly how these biological compasses work. One theory is that the magnetite molecules found in some tissues act just like miniature compass needles. Another is that animals sense changes in biochemical reaction rates caused by differing magnetic fields, which are known to alter the pace of a wide range of chemical reactions.

Studies in Russia

Some Russian scientists say that these same changes taking place now within our solar system and planet were occurring when the dinosaurs became extinct — a time that marked a gigantic shift in the earth's climate and weather patterns, and perhaps a pole shift, as well. Our planet hasn't flipped its Magnetic Poles in 780,000 years and may be long overdue.

Scientists from the Russian National Academy of Science in Siberia have come to the conclusion that we have moved into an area of space that is different and has a much higher energy level. The Russians are reporting changes that are being recorded in space that have never been seen before. The Russians have looked at the leading edge of our sun's heliosphere and they have observed glowing, plasma energy.

The Russian National Academy of Sciences doesn't give us a time-line, but the change from what was known and accepted to the way it is now represents a 1000 percent increase. And the Russians say that this change in the Sun is changing how the planets function and what kind of life they could support. They even report — but don't explain — that the DNA spiral itself is altering.

They feel that the continued expansion of the heliosphere will eventually take us into a new level of energy, that there will probably be a sudden expansion of the basic harmonic wavelengths that the Sun emits as it radiates energy out of itself, and that this increase in energy emission will change the basic nature of all matter in the Solar System.

Sun's protective 'bubble' is shrinking

New data has revealed that the heliosphere, the protective shield of energy that surrounds our solar system, has weakened by 25 per cent over the past decade and is now at it lowest level since the space race began 50 years ago.

Scientists are baffled at what could be causing the barrier to shrink in this way and are to launch mission to study the heliosphere. Dr Nathan Schwadron, co-investigator on the IBEX mission at Boston University, said: "Around 90 per cent of the galactic cosmic radiation is deflected by our heliosphere, so the boundary protects us from this harsh galactic environment."

The heliosphere is created by the solar wind, a combination of electrically charged particles and magnetic fields that emanate a more than a million miles an hour from the sun, meet the intergalactic gas that fills the gaps in space between solar systems. Without the heliosphere the harmful intergalactic cosmic radiation would make life on Earth almost impossible by destroying DNA and making the climate uninhabitable.

If the heliosphere continues to weaken, scientists fear that the amount of cosmic radiation reaching the inner parts of our solar system, including Earth, will increase. This could result in growing levels of disruption to electrical equipment, damage satellites and potentially even harm life on Earth.

Sun Blamed for Warming of Earth and Other Worlds

It has also been postulated that this is the real reason for both global warming since higher energy levels of the Milky Way are almost certain to cause our Sun to burn hotter and emit higher energies. This is why other planets in the solar system, like Mars, Neptune, and Pluto are also warming up. Temperatures have been seen to rise on virtually all the planets in our system. This seems quite apart from any local phenomenon like greenhouse gases etc.

Habibullo Abdussamatov, the head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, recently linked the attenuation of ice caps on Mars to fluctuations in the sun's output. Abdussamatov also blamed solar fluctuations for Earth’s current global warming trend. His initial comments were published online by National Geographic News.

Benny Peiser, a social anthropologist at Liverpool John Moores University who monitors studies and news reports of asteroids, global warming and other potentially apocalyptic topics, recently quoted in his daily electronic newsletter the following from a blog called Strata-Sphere: “Global warming on Neptune's moon Triton as well as Jupiter and Pluto, and now Mars has some [scientists] scratching their heads over what could possibly be in common with the warming of all these planets ... Could there be something in common with all the planets in our solar system that might cause them all to warm at the same time?”

During a 75-year period beginning in 1645, astronomers detected almost no sunspot activity on the Sun. Called the “Maunder Minimum,” this event coincided with the coldest part of the Little Ice Age, a 350-year cold spell that gripped much of Europe and North America.

New Studies Indicate how sounds from the sun affect earthquakes on earth

Scientists from the European Space Agency's Ulysses mission have proven that sounds generated deep inside the Sun cause the Earth to shake and vibrate in sympathy. They have found that Earth’s magnetic field, atmosphere and terrestrial systems, all take part in this cosmic sing-along.

Although these tones are all around us, it would not be possible for us to hear them, even if we listened very closely. Their pitch is too low for the human ear, typically 100-5000 microHertz (1 microHertz corresponds to 1 vibration every 278 hours).

The scientists say data from the Ulysses project provided an important clue as to how these sounds generated deep inside the Sun reach the Earth. Measurements made by the Ulysses deep space probe, which was launched in 1990 to orbit the sun, have shown that the pressure created inside the heliosphere by the solar wind has been decreasing.

Here's How it Works

The Researchers believe that the key to the problem is magnetism. They suggests that specific tones described as g-mode vibrations are picked up by the magnetic field at the Sun’s surface. Part of this magnetic field is then carried away from Sun into interplanetary space by solar wind. The magnetic field of the solar wind in turn interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field and causes it to vibrate in sympathy, retaining the characteristic g-mode signals.

The motions of the geomagnetic field then couple into the solid Earth to produce small, but easily detectable, responses as Earth, with many of its technological systems, moves to the rhythm of the Sun.

The Solar System

The atmospheres of five of the planets and the Earth's moon are changing. The earth's atmosphere in the upper levels is forming HO gas that didn't exist in the quantity that it does now. The Scientists from the Russian National Academy of Science say it's not related to global warming, CFCs or fluorocarbon emissions. They claim the atmospheres of Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are also are changing. The Martian atmosphere is getting sizably thicker than it was before.

The Mars Observer probe in 1997 lost one of its mirrors, which caused it to crash. This happened because the atmosphere was about twice as dense as NASA had calculated.

The brightness and magnetic field of the planets is changing

Venus is showing marked increases in its overall brightness. Jupiter's energetic charge has risen so high that there is actually a visible tube of ionizing radiation that's formed between the surface of Jupiter and its moon Io. You can actually see the luminous energy tube in photographs that have been taken recently.

Uranus and Neptune also are becoming brighter. The magnetic fields of Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune are changing. Jupiter's magnetic field has more than doubled and Neptune's magnetic field is increasing. All three of these planets are becoming brighter, and their atmospheric qualities, say the Russians, are changing — but they do not explain what is meant by this.

The Russians report that Uranus and Neptune appear to have had recent pole shifts. When the Voyager II space probe flew past Uranus and Neptune, the apparent north and south magnetic poles were sizably offset from where the rotational pole was in earlier recordings. In one case, it was 50 degrees off, and in the other case the difference was around 40 degrees.

What Is Going On?

Since 1900 we have gone from riding horses to launching satellites into space. From sending letters by horseback to firing them off with instantaneous email, cell phones, and faxes. On the other hand, we have gone from warring with primitive weapons to atomic bombs and bioterrorism.

And perhaps even more significantly, in 1900 the Earth had 30 million species, species which took billions of years to create. Now, we have less than half that number — fewer than 15 million species. And this all happened in 100 years: a geological blink of an eye. Disturbingly, we may be at the bring of World War Three following an economic crash of the world economy.

This new information about the changes in our solar system comes at an interesting time for our planet. It could be possible that for some time celestial events may have been playing their part in shaping our way of life on the planet, and that these changes that we are now seeing with our sun, magnetic field, and solar system may be the very thing that changes our world as we know it into something new.

Only time will tell, but it appears that the future may already be here....