Wednesday, September 24, 2008

9/24/2008 12:18 PM

elder say this now
pruzika corprotia ben al simar
vini vest deruso
cum cast lumeria
est per nomum con seticur
nomus est deo
deneo cus domus
solay den viva uno domus
ra per atria

9/24/2008 11:03 AM

the son of the sun becomes the new sun as the old sun fades away. the moon is the son and the earth is the daughter...
Quoting: son of the sun 509328

helo son of the sun
me not say this
sun stay sun til 2010 when object crash swing jupiter 2 become sun
me already answer this many pages before ok

9/24/2008 10:45 AM

Hi OP! What can you tell us about the poster:white light1? Why is he/she so sick in the heart?
Quoting: OrangeRay3 509386

helo orangeray3
many wordings say litle
many wordings say same thing over and over again
me try give advise poster
when try convince people u should not atack or make enemy of yor audiance
if u make litle yor audiance u wil not have efect
me try tel u about color
poster try tel u about lite
color and lite not same thing wat me want try tel u

9/24/2008 10:37 AM

wile wait study initiations of sun
27 october begin sun initiations 4 many u here this line time
many wait 4 this long time

Hi Op, with "initiations of sun" are you referring to the sun? Or to the sun-worshipers, the mystery schools? I am not sure what to study.
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
me refer the sun it is yor solar system
yor solar sytem is ther because of yor sun
yor solar system is closer to change now ok
yes 4 many yor sun is god
sun is life yor line time ok

9/24/2008 10:19 AM

there's a big sunspot happening now, OP

does that mean the cosmosonicboom is arriving

thank you
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 456978

helo 456978
efect of cosmosonicboom alreay begin 10 september
climax wil come 27 october ok

9/24/2008 10:17 AM

What you said about 27 October is very interesting, is there anything I should do before that time?

Or just wait?
Quoting: 36burrows

helo 36burrows
tanku 36 burrows
wile wait study initiations of sun
27 october begin sun initiations 4 many u here this line time
many wait 4 this long time

9/24/2008 9:56 AM

Hi Op, this summer i learned a lot about reptiles. Will they become visible after 27 october?
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
me not cee this
many here already have lizard mind
many here already think like lizard instink
27 october change of orange begin slowly
27 october u not think wit mind anymore
27 october u begin think wit spirit al secret become clear 4 u who can unerstand and cee

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

9/23/2008 1:41 PM

sun not wite
sun yelow now
when sun become orange yor line time go 2 and 3 ok
me say probability sun go orange 27 october yor line time when cern go proper
china make big problem 4 yor leaders october 10 yor line time
china know time of orange ok

9/23/2008 11:49 AM

I must run - my daughter is still ill. Haven't had a lot of time to be here.
Quoting: Springsongs 226702

helo springsongs
daugter need tomato many ok
give daughter tomato 4 7 day
daughter b ok

9/23/2008 11:47 AM

helo darza
helo ahim sa
helo daughter of neptune
me have question
me ask question now ok
why u make wite color of so many thing u make u build yor line time
why u like color wite
color wite is big mind distract

modern human have been trained to be always needing stimulus.
Any color other than white stimulates one part of the brain.
White light color contains all seven light color. It's the greatest stimulus comparing to all other color!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 508864

helo 508864
wite lite has 24 color
cee is not true
cee and imagine is true only

9/23/2008 11:45 AM

helo darza
helo 340915
helo nonmaterial structure
helo springsongs
helo 476073
helo 508864
wite is not the color for human spiri focus
wite is human mind focus distract many ides
wite is mind
wite is dilute
orange is spirit of telepat focus
big secret ancient times is orange
orange is yor color 4 over come mind ides
orange is most powerful tool

9/22/2008 10:53 AM

helo darza
helo ahim sa
helo daughter of neptune
me have question
me ask question now ok
why u make wite color of so many thing u make u build yor line time
why u like color wite
color wite is big mind distract

Friday, September 19, 2008

9/18/2008 3:50 PM

Great news op! You'll get there one day!
You have taught us a lot, but are you learning anything from us?
It seems like your the one answering all the questions!
Quoting: 36burrows

helo 36burrows
tanku 36burrows
me also have many question stil 2 lern
me want ask more question

9/18/2008 3:47 PM

helo 36burrows
tanku 36burrows
yes elders say me can play watch and lern more
me not student anymore me grade become todai now
me come 6 of 24 student me clas me hapy but me far from elder yet

Congratulations Op, i am happy for you. You are the best Op i ever met. You are the Op i learned the most from without any comparison. You will be an elder in no time. Quoting: Darza
helo darza
tanku darza
u friens help me lern

9/18/2008 11:31 AM

Hi Op,

From the Flying Dutchman i received a few crystals. I use it to make crystal liquid.

You explained earlier the crystals would change, is this also a sign about to happen? Will they change color? Or crack?

helo darza
there is crystal yor paste your wording dna
yes al paste changings not only becuase of boom but becuase your reality of time change

Hi Op, i do not understand,

Do you mean the changes in the crystals are a sign of the changes in our dna? Change in the crystals is connected to all changes worldwide?
Quoting: Darza

hi darza
yor dna is crystal
proper dna crystal is 33 point cut like diamond

9/18/2008 11:29 AM

Good morning op
thanks for coming to visit us more frequently, always good to hear from you
Quoting: 36burrows

helo 36burrows
tanku 36burrows
yes elders say me can play watch and lern more
me not student anymore me grade become todai now
me come 6 of 24 student me clas me hapy but me far from elder yet

9/18/2008 11:19 AM

look 3 they r
they say time

9/18/2008 11:17 AM

Hi Op,

From the Flying Dutchman i received a few crystals. I use it to make crystal liquid.

You explained earlier the crystals would change, is this also a sign about to happen? Will they change color? Or crack?
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
there is crystal yor paste your wording dna
yes al paste changings not only becuase of boom but becuase your reality of time change

9/18/2008 11:14 AM

Hi Op,

Any new of the cosmic boom? The Three I Am posted it was expected to hit end september?

Hi Op, anything on the cosmic boom?

helo darza
some efect of cosmicsoundboom already here u already cee and feel
elders say sun help protect u but sun not abel absorb shield all that is coming
elders say wait for sun big sunspot
when this sunspot go many force of cosmicsoundboom hit ok

Thanks Op,

Ha, the sun protects the earth. I expected that much, all is within the divine plan. No need to understand it, it just is.

I feel a change in energy, like more excitement. Thought it had to do with Cern. Now you say the boom is also effecting us. This effect will also grow stronger from now on.

When i look into the future, the only thought that comes to mind is WOW.

Will keep an eye out for the sunspot, glp is great at that.
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
yes darza
me say other pages elders argue if sun protect or not
most elders did predict sun protect ok
boom efect on many level and line time

9/18/2008 10:54 AM

Hi Op,

Any new of the cosmic boom? The Three I Am posted it was expected to hit end september?

Hi Op, anything on the cosmic boom?
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
some efect of cosmicsoundboom already here u already cee and feel
elders say sun help protect u but sun not abel absorb shield all that is coming
elders say wait for sun big sunspot
when this sunspot go many force of cosmicsoundboom hit ok

Thursday, September 18, 2008

9/17/2008 4:10 PM

Hello op - are you a physical being? where are you from? Why r u here to tel us things?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 413801

helo 413801
sometime me use crystal body
sometime me use lite body when crystal body canot come with portal
me answer from be4 other page
me come because friends here cal me back ok
me not want be rude so me come back litel time

9/17/2008 4:00 PM

Hi OP!

Do you have information about the collapse of the US economy, or other information relating to the world money industry? Quoting: canislatrans
helo canislatrans
me answer be4
money is ilusion
many u wil cee this now
chani and elder tel u be4 u must unerstan these things
me tel u these things now again
u must unerstan the ilusion of infiniti
u must also unerstan the infiniti of ilusion
this mean noting but xplain everythings

9/16/2008 9:40 AM

What does karma mean to you, OP?

Will be interested to hear.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 502662

helo 502662
karma is 33 degree line
very ancient secret is 33
look tomb 33 for karma some answer ok
when wave comes only new 33 degree line safe place ok
me xplain karma beter when child stronger

9/16/2008 7:00 AM

me want xplain wording karma
elder ask wher is thefalseprophet

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

9/15/2008 8:56 AM

me here now

Hi Op, looks like a lot is happening since 10 sept. Is the hold on time you mentioned earlier lifted? Will the flow of changes go uninterrupted from now on?
Quoting: Darza

he darza
yes time catch up
ilusion catch up become real
yor money is ilusion
yor peace is ilusion
yor line time is ilusion
now many u cee ilusion

9/15/2008 8:52 AM

OP, inthestars again...

ok i read on another thread that someone called you EYE... so i have to ask,

are you Glowing Eye?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 489155

helo 489155
me is eye
eye is me
me not use wording i 4 respect god esence ok

Sunday, September 14, 2008

9/13/2008 4:54 PM

9/13/2008 4:48 PM

Hi Op, when you said "Rosenburg dead", i did a search. Found a Milt Rosenberg, talk show host, connected to Obama but he seems alive and well. Which Rosenburg did you mean?
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
rosenberg with law with lex with trial ok

9/13/2008 4:47 PM

tanku darza
me stil here
putin is tigerslayer in oss

Tigerslayer, that is great! Last week i saw a photo of Putin with a tiger.

When you say OSS, are you referring to the secret agency above the cia and the fsb? Those that talk to the Vatican directly?

Picture of Putin and Tiger below

[link to]

[link to]

Russia's Putin saves TV crew from Siberian tiger By Guy Faulconbridge

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was fetedby Russian media on Sunday for saving a television crew from anattack by a Siberian tiger in the wilds of the Far East.

Putin, taking a break from lambasting the West overGeorgia, apparently saved the crew while on a trip to anational park to see how researchers monitor the tigers in thewild.

Just as Putin was arriving with a group of wildlifespecialists to see a trapped Amur tiger, it escaped and rantowards a nearby camera crew, the country's main televisionstation said. Putin quickly shot the beast and sedated it witha tranquilizer gun.

"Vladimir Putin not only managed to see the giant predatorup close but also saved our television crew too," a presenteron Rossiya television said at the start of the main eveningnews.

The 55-year-old former KGB spy, who cultivated a machoimage during his eight years as the Kremlin chief, was shownstriding through the taiga in camouflage and desert bootsbefore grappling with the feline foe.
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
yes vatican orange order oss

9/13/2008 4:20 PM

Barack Obama = Renegade
Michelle Obama = Renaissance

John McCain = Phoenix
Cindy McCain = Parasol

Joe Biden = Celtic
Jill Biden = Unknown

Sarah Palin = Denali
Todd Palin = Driller

JFK = Lancer
Reagan = Rawhide
Nixon = Searchlight
Clinton = Eagle
Ford = Pass Key
Carter = Lock Master (or Deacon)
George Bush Sr. = Timberwolf
George Bush Jr. = Tumbler

And, inexplicably, Prince Charles = Unicorn.

I am curious what they call Putin.
Quoting: Darza

tanku darza
me stil here
putin is tigerslayer in oss

Saturday, September 13, 2008

9/13/2008 3:37 PM

From Chani, the mother about Chani the Crystal Child

Hi this is Chani,
My daughter Chani, is the light of our lives. She is my strength and my wisdom.

Who are you going to believe, the mother or this lying OP?
The mother of the child says the child's name is the same as her own.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 502644

me never tel u name of child
mother tel u name only ok
me sory me confuse u
me stop talk u no purpose only disturb harmonics

9/13/2008 2:58 PM

From Chani, the mother about Chani the Crystal Child

Hi this is Chani,
My daughter Chani, is the light of our lives. She is my strength and my wisdom.
I've said before there are miracles happing in our family since the OP arrived but I feel it is now the time to mention a few things for you to know. Chani was borne deaf and dumb, she can not speak or hear and has been
on kidney dialyses for 6 hours a day every three days for the past three years.
If you know the healthcare system in the UK you will know how frustrating this is and NOW she is getting a transplant later in June! we've been waiting three years already.
When this all started I was afraid that she was possessed by some evil spirit or demon. I've seen and read some post here accusing and suggesting the same thin,. I want to tell you, I was wrong in thinking this and so are those for suggesting it. She can now speak in tongues. I still can not understand what she is saying but she is able to make SOUND!.

The OP explained right from the start....

The mother and child seem to have the same name, Chani.

pg 144
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 502662

helo 502662
me cee mother tel u this
me not tel u this
mother is chani child is chaney mabe problem sound there ok

9/13/2008 2:42 PM

Thanks OP!
Obama renegade...ok...but is he good for the people?
Quoting: aquamarine 1+2 281061

yes but obama only good 4 u who have trinity of mind spirit and body balance
mccain good for evolve faster yor line time like hitler
renegade is name of ss
renegade is name of id 4 secret servicing

9/13/2008 2:24 PM

Hi Op,

I see you post more. Does Crystal Child Chani feel stronger? Have more energy?

helo darza
yes child strong
chani is mother of crystal child she not here now ok

I remembered the name of Crystal Child is also Chani, same as her mother.

I am happy she feels ok.
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
no mabe me make mistake but chani is name of mother not name of child
me not give name of child

9/13/2008 2:17 PM

Hi Op,

I see you post more. Does Crystal Child Chani feel stronger? Have more energy?
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
yes child strong
chani is mother of crystal child she not here now ok

9/13/2008 2:05 PM

Hi OP,

Have you heard about people from another world contacting us on October 14th? What do you know about this? Quoting: canislatrans
helo canislatrans
no me not sure but me contact u now
other worlds contact u every day already
always past always future other worlds contact u ok

9/13/2008 2:01 PM

helo darza
helo 36burrows
lisen the 3 they r
lisen thefalseprophet they make contact elders ok

Hi Op, with "3 they r" i am guessing you mean the poster "three i am". This is also a student?

I already guessed the false prophet, said he would compile a message and post it here, never saw him again.
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
yes the 3 they r have conection your secret leaders
yes thefalsprophet have telepatic conection 1 elder but not pure elder wory
they try again then u lisen beter ok

9/13/2008 1:38 PM

helo darza
helo 36burrows
lisen the 3 they r
lisen thefalseprophet they make contact elders ok

9/13/2008 1:13 PM

me tel u few thing ok
sharon is already dead
big secret of obama come october yor line time many u not like obama anymores
obama is renegade
biden is celtic
mccain not live long palin go top then mccain becomes phoenix
palin is denali
cheney is dead
cheney is cobra
flag with 4 colors become very important flag
revolt in omega network be4 october yor line time
very big moving earth africa
rosenburg dead
oss go undergrounds
oss hide very big nazi secret
u b aware renegade
u b very afraid phoenix ok

9/5/2008 12:41 PM

me cee many other me many other op
me also cee other student from other elder here
me must go now child very week
me tri come back portal 15 septembers ok

9/5/2008 12:36 PM

me here now short time 4 vesel very week
me lisen u cal me
me very difcult come back speak 2 u
me now must read many pages use al me energy