Tuesday, March 25, 2008

3/24/2008 3:09 AM

welcome back op

i will try to write more phonetically to help you understand more easily now that i have a clearer idea of how you are communicating ....

do not be distressed by the many scared and scary people who post fear and nonsense on this website .... if you ignore them they will go away eventually ....

i think you have done quite a good job of explaining yourself for those who do not have a one-dimensional mind (here on earth many people think only in a limited binary one-dimensional way while others are able to use a larger part of their minds) .... of course there are also many people, including myself, who are trying to think more laterally and open-mindedly but are also still practicing and learning how, and so we cood use a little more help ...

anyway i cant think of more questions for you right now

do you have more questions for us?

Quoting: mutedmuse

tank u mutedmuse
yes me have more question
me ask question now
why human not abel breath in water
u me have same organs but me can go under water also
maybe is becuase we have crystol likwid blood
me wil ask elders also why this