Any comment about gold / silver price ??
Yes, good question. OP, do your elders see the price of gold crashing? What do your elders say that us humans should do right now considering that everything in the economy is falling and failing? We want to keep our families safe and in good conditions.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 227248Yes, good question. OP, do your elders see the price of gold crashing? What do your elders say that us humans should do right now considering that everything in the economy is falling and failing? We want to keep our families safe and in good conditions.
me ask elders about gold
elders say eye must ask
eye ask now
where is this gold
yor leaders not keep gold
yor leaders not have many gold anymore
leaders always give yor gold to other planet beings
why u not know this
u not wory gold
gold not keep place safe 4 yor family u not eet gold
biger wory when oil gets sicness