Sunday, April 13, 2008

4/13/2008 8:12 AM

Hello EYE!
Thank you for sharing. My family and I would like to be your friends. We live here in Switzerland in Wettswil.
The back of my house is the forest. And if you don't want to be seen, we can meet there. I enjoy the way you talk. Your words are like riddles and yet easy to understand.
For somebody who doesn't know the English language, you are doing well explaining things.

I don't have a crystal liquid to offer, so just bring your crystal drink, okay?
Quoting: diana gnehm 389010

helo gmehm
tank u gnehm
yes me want speek telepath al
me speek acoluye b4 but acolyte go scar not want speek me anymores
me stil try send telepath signal al but no reply
now me wait only me give out signal now cee who respond me