Hello OP, I have read quite a bit of these pages of your ongoing communications with GLP community, and might I say good choice. Let me say that I am Human and all who share this planet including animals and other living things are Earthlings. Some do not act out of LOVE/COMPASSION for one another. This is a fact and not a judgement. There are sefless and selfish here on Earth. This date MAY 15th which is coming upon us quicker than most will admit is concerning me as a parent more than most issues because unlike most adults who have some years on Earth and a little more experience and understanding about life, the Children suffering or potential for experiencing GREAT suffering destroys my "HEART OF HEART" which means the soul and core of this body I occupy. Wether my own or anothers child I would LOVINGLY give my last breath to protect the children from impending doom. Children to me a very special and above all else can heal in adults here what we as "ALL KNOWING ADULTS" have much trouble in life trying to forgive ourselves for past mistakes. I love my children beatifuly and wish them a better world than what I "SEE" coming on the horizon for us ALL. No lies or jokes or deceptions OP just one simple question to your MAY 15th event. Will everyone be "offered" this choice to move to a more harmonious time line and If so how will the "choice" be "GIVEN" to decide and exactly how "long" after deciding will we experience the effect.? Is it painful? What will happen exactly? Will those that decide to choose new timeline be seperated from thier loved ones at any time? I have more questions but from what I have posted here, I hope you realize I speak with true compassion for my fellow man and for a possible peace between your kind and ours and a lasting relationship of harmonious gratitude.
Quoting: JasonRM222 411215helo JasonRM222
tank u JasonRM222
me try unerran u question but to many wordings me confuse sorry
if ask 1 question me try answer only 1 question at time ok
me like al question but me stil lern wordings and unerstanin so many question wordings