Tuesday, November 4, 2008

11/3/2008 7:32 AM

Hi OP,

Two questions;

- HOW did your people kill your moon?

- What whould make the sun go orange?

(please give some more info than just cosmic boom)

Must be my 4th or 6th time I've asked this :-)

helo el tigre
with crystal magnitise ok
3560 year cycle make sun orange
it is time 4 orange now ok

Thank you for answering OP.

Okay... the cycle is clear to me, that makes sense. (we could even refer to the Mayan cycle here)

The Crystal Magnitise, that's a tough one... You destroyed your moon by using magnitized crystals and now it is in pieces and formed a ring around your earth....

Wouldn't parts of the moons explosion have caused enormous devastation on your earth? Not to mention a new iceage?
Quoting: El Tigre

helo el tigre
first we move moon orbit save from me earth
then we use magnitise crystal to make iner explosion moon go gone
u must know yor earth much older than yor moon
moon only come later to halt evolve
moon place there by beings me canot mention name
these beings place moon 2 regulate yor evolvmenting
be4 moon many yor beings live below surface very long time
when being me canot name put moon there theses beings revolt but lose war
they take al this time to gather force and teknol to fight war again as cycle predict
war come soon not only earth but yor heavens also