Wednesday, November 5, 2008

11/5/2008 11:24 AM

here is waht elders say
jy moet glo
kind sal kom 23 eerste maand van 2011

what language is this? netherland? dutch?
that is ABSLOLUTELY imposible for me to have kids!!

yes vet ikke, it is dutch

The meanings is:

You have to believe (if glo = geloven, Nahoj saw that one)
The child will come the 23th first month of 2011

Again it can not happen.. and why dutch??
why is it so hard to tell something i can confirm?? like now..
i am highly spirritual, and if this was real (s)he would not have a problem with that.. there is also severall things (s)he could pick up that is important..
and now i remembered, the tsunami has been writen about also, so that does not count..

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 477041

helo vet ikke
me do pick them up
me decide not mention them here
me feel u know why
u give me permision me wil tel al ok