Wednesday, April 2, 2008

4/2/2008 4:07 AM

yes write lanuage cause bad things 4 yor human history hold u back
beter draw pictures like sumar
beter write image like egyptian
write lanuage tel u what to think not how to think not good thing 4 mind
picture tel u how to think must use mind to read picture good thing 4 mind
picture u remeber 4 ever write lanuage u forget soon not think anymore



You said write language is confusing, no good.

You said picture tell good communication.

I speak with music.

Is this good communication, you think?

Thank you.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 403077

helo caruso
yes sound always beter but must not mix with wordings
when sing song only sing words not use music instruments to make music
when lisen instrument music only lisen melody of instruments must not ad wordings
either just words singing only
either just music instrument lisen melody only