Tuesday, May 27, 2008

5/27/2008 9:39 AM

helo truthsneaker
me try xplain but u not lisen only think next question ok
gold only good for alien
gold not good 4 save human chemistry virusing element
coper only safe 4 safe human only against al chemistry sufering this line time ok

OK, I understand... But it is logical that the Vatican also knows that and that they have built a bunker out of copper?

So gold has absolutely no use for us in this time line?

So what is the problem, if it's all worthless I say we give it all to the aliens.
Quoting: TruthSneaker

helo truthsneaker
me xplain be4 on other screen alien use yor gold particle for shieldings
yor gold no more
yor leaders lie thers is no more gold in yor banks or knox very litel left if true
al yor gold already give difrent alien specie for protection from 1944 yor line time as per contract your leaders make

5/27/2008 9:18 AM

But pope has a big, great bunker under Vatican.

Surely with his army and infrastructure he will be OK.

I hear the bunker is made of solid gold.

helo truthsneaker
if bunker was built with coper he wil survive

Well, of course there is a layer of copper around the main dome. But the interior is all in gold. Gold destroys any bacteria and virus.
Quoting: TruthSneaker

helo truthsneaker
me try xplain but u not lisen only think next question ok
gold only good for alien
gold not good 4 save human chemistry virusing element
coper only safe 4 safe human only against al chemistry sufering this line time ok

5/27/2008 9:04 AM

But pope has a big, great bunker under Vatican.

Surely with his army and infrastructure he will be OK.

I hear the bunker is made of solid gold.
Quoting: TruthSneaker

helo truthsneaker
if bunker was built with coper he wil survive

5/27/2008 9:00 AM

dolfin die 2 balance harmonics make u suffering les

Hi Op, all OK ?

How do the harmonics work and change for our human suffering perception by giving up their physical bodies ?
Wat fields are affected ? if you have problems by thinking in pictures, you can always describe things you see in our nature. all geometry and patterns are present there (wink)

This sound a bit like 2000 yrs ago from another perspective, mankind, kicking and poluting the seas, and the dolphin cricifies himself for us.

Thanks you, please also remember my other questions, these are for the poeople once you are gone from GLP, your real heritage here. (i think)
Quoting: the flying dutchman 358200

helo the flying dutchman
the reason sumaria write in picture is they want last generation u to unerstan 2000 years later ok
if they rite data on disk u not abale deciferings disk 4 u not have same reading device 2 read their data 200 year later
sumaria write on stone to survive al yor tecnonoly ok and alow u to stil unerstan 2000 years later simple ok

5/27/2008 8:50 AM

I'm the one who posted your "news" on the frontpage"screen". However there are some legitimate confusion and questions from other posters on that thread..
Our science have taught us that sound cant travel in a vacuum and space is a vacuum. Could you or your elders please explain or clarify what is meant with a "cosmosonicboom" as opposed to a "sonicboom"(sound wave)?
You also mentioned that sound can get magnetized when these waves retracts like an ocean wave and that it then goes "electric". This is a totally foreign concept to us. Could you please provide some more clarity on this phenomenon?
Thanks :-)
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 420891

helo 420891
tank u for post
me wil ask elders ok
but me know sonicboom not same as cosmosonicboom ok

5/27/2008 8:47 AM

What news do you bring OP?
Quoting: Flaming Sword 433379

helo flaming sword
no new news
but me cee harmonics go bad
pope stil not lisen and not want leve rome
soon very moving earth wil come rome and japan soon
pope must leve 2 fulfil prophecy yor original generation this line time

5/27/2008 8:31 AM

It seems I will have missed you again OP.

Why would the dolphins and whales commit suicide if they are where it is safe? I do not understand this.
Quoting: Springsongs 226702

helo springsongs
me xplain this be4
dolfin die 2 balance harmonics make u suffering les

Monday, May 26, 2008

5/26/2008 10:25 AM

me xplain difrence between wrting language and picture langusge long screen ago
why u think sumarina write in picture
writen language big disttraxion cee screen where me xplain this ok
me and child get tired now ok
me not know why me need xplain reason and proof me stil
me leve yor line time soon ok
why u rude when me mean good
me not unerstan human think anymores

5/26/2008 9:53 AM

Hey WTF is going on in this thread...
Op who are you, who are these elders and why do you speak like a 7 year old child?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 116378

helo 116378
yor history wil show this thread be neglect becuase dibelief
the elders r me elders
me speek because what me speek make more reson than corect writing
me cee in pictures

5/26/2008 8:33 AM

why some things me post not show screens
other things show then go gone
why this hapen
r me doing something wrong

5/26/2008 8:25 AM

me not want here long me want be friend 15 may ok u need me 15 may ok yes not
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 386035

elders say most likely survivors r from cretures of specie or region or navy or country under or above oceon
so me think u be on or under oceon u be safe ok

5/26/2008 7:53 AM

everything then go electric speed ok


in that case, it would have reached us about the same time as the light, as electromagnetic waves propagate about the speed of light in vacuum ...
Quoting: lamâshtu

yes u corect somewhat that obsevartion
but elders ask when did sound become magnetic elders know when retract begin
elders say sound become magnetic when wave begin retract like oceon wave in water
that hapen yor line time 3 months later now everything go electric speed minus 3
me advise u please do lisen elders they not wrong ever ok

5/26/2008 7:28 AM

u know lite travel faster than sound ok yes
on 9 january yor nasas cee lite of 2 star xplode ok yes
elders calculate that from now it is time for sound wave of 2 star xploding
come hit earth anyday soon now

Can I ask a question, OP?

The galaxies in which these two supernovas are located is NGC2770 in the constellation of Lynx, near Leo Minor. NGC2770 is 90 million light year from earth.

If the X-ray light was discovered in January (Dec 31 for sn2007uy and Jan 9 for sn2008D, both in NGC2770), what is the speed of light in a 90 million light year journey compared to the speed of sound? You are saying that in five or six months in a 90 million light year journey the sound will arrive after the light wave. I find that incredible.

Can you please explain how the sound can arrive just six months after the light arrived in a 90 MILLION light year journey.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 430172

elders say what u and yor science cee is bent lite many and many and many times over
sound not bend but travel strate path
sound take shortcut many more time than lite ok
also yor science very wrong on sound particle when get magnitised ok
everything then go electric speed ok

5/26/2008 6:08 AM

Hello OP, maybe your elders make a mistake like last time?
This cosmosonicboom sounds like doom!

GLP specialises in doom
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 335304

u must not compare me prediction with elders prediction ok
me prediction me make many mistake
this predction and probabilties from elders beter u not ignore this

5/26/2008 4:49 AM: two exploding stars

me tel u day be4 me have important thing 2 tel u
elders finish calculate they say ok me can tel u this important thing now
so me tel u know in best wordings me have lernt
on 9 january yor astronomers cee 2 star xplode yor line time
this 2 star xplode is part of yor 2nd witnesing prophesy
now u must lisen me very good and lisen warning ok make yorself ready
u know lite travel faster than sound ok yes
on 9 january yor nasas cee lite of 2 star xplode ok yes
elders calculate that from now it is time for sound wave of 2 star xploding
come hit earth anyday soon now
window open from today til end july yor line time for when wave hits
why nasas wait so long 2 tel u on 14 may only about this me not know their
reason 4 delay
me lern wording sonicboom
me tel u know what is coming yor way wil be a cosmosonicboom
this sound wave wil change many things and cause big disasters and many
this sound wavings make comets ignite ok
this sound wavings make moons forget placing ok
this sound wavings make planets lose or change orbit ok
there is no more forgivnes earth this thing is coming
yor leaders get desperat want escape try use cern but make things worsening
but not sure yor leaders try haarp only make earth angry
me sory 4 have to tel u this bad news ok sory
but elders give some beter news also
elders have problem calculate where yor sun wil be position when wave hits
if earth is behind sun when wave hit earth sufering wil be much les ok
sun wil absorb much damage
but then sun damge wil have efect tranfer on earth also but not as big if
not behind sun
elders not al agree but many say earth wil be behind sun so this some good
news ok
u just be ready in mind spirit and yor body ok
please tel every1 everywhere be ready with body and spirit from today
can 1 u please post this front screen to warn
me also need leve yor line time soon ok
me witnesing completed soon

Sunday, May 25, 2008

5/25/2008 7:49 AM

You know, they have retarded kids swim with dolphins.
Just sayin'
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 272356

helo 272356
yes sound dolfin make heal brainwave of al creature earth
dolfin sound cause synaps make beter contact in brain make miracel hapen
dolfin balanse harmonics of earth vortex ok

5/25/2008 7:39 AM

deep oceaon have al answer for cosmic travelings this line time why u ignore this in your history

Hi OP - I am wondering if the answers for the cosmic travel are
something we would learn from those who live in the ocean, or are there
portals in the ocean, or is there science that we have yet to learn
about the ocean that will help us create the means for cosmic travel?
Will you clarify OP?

Thank you!
Quoting: Springsongs 226702

helo springsongs
yes many being live deep oceon and holow earth can give u human answer and helpings
when u unertand oceon u wil unerstan how cosmic travelings work easy ok
oceon have same compositing than space same element ok
u unerstan salt and water and magnet u wil unesrtan life and everything living

5/25/2008 7:34 AM

^^ sorry,
Hello Op,

I understand you didn’t reply my questions, think I’ve should have asked Chani instead ?

Hello Chani,

Please will you request the elders for me to ask for master Zelanus
(5th line) to descend, and he might share his knowledge, also for Op on
the hollow earth, hollow moon, and why we have the moon and op’s moon
is dissolved because it served her goal in Ops timeline and has just no
need for existence. Perhaps also some light on the relation hollow
earth, growing earth, electric universe ?

I do not know if the elders themselves are overseeing this ?hf

Thank you Quoting: the flying dutchman 358200

helo the flying dutchman
me did post reply but me cee my reply not on screen
why some me postings never show on screen
me give question elders ok
elders say they wil ask question godlike elders and spirit gods ok becuases normal elders not abel answer this

Saturday, May 24, 2008

5/24/2008 11:50 AM

OP: a peaceful pathway is the only one I trod; you didn't inconvenience me at all.
Quoting: gsbltd

helo gsbltd
me sory me think u negative
yor reward me cannot describe
me feel and ove u greattly

5/24/2008 11:33 AM

Jesus, H Christ, end this fucking thing already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quoting: LouisWinthorpeIII

me not know how answer yor question ok

5/24/2008 11:27 AM


To answer your question regarding my user I.D.-

The "GSB" are the initials of my given name. The "Ltd" is the
English-language abbreviation for "limited". I have used this
combination for over thirty years as the name of my business
corporation. The 'limited' refers to my corporate structure: I rigidly
limit all outside influences, and the ventures in which I will invest
my interest and time.

As in all life... there is nothing random in what comes from my keyboard.

Quoting: gsbltd

me sory for put u on spot
me unerstan now
u and me go in peace now ok

5/24/2008 10:51 AM


I don't know how to say it more simply than that. What is thinking in the abstract? Can you identify what we're talking about. What is Love, for instance? It's not tangible.

There is an exercise in Yoga: "What am I".

And you follow that back as far as you can.

If you say you're this or that, it is you who are saying it and this or that is not you? It requires patience, and a little bit of ease (not dis-ease) to get back very far. And one of the key prerequisits of this journey from the little self to the greater Self is purity of self, cutting out things that are violent. For when we cut out things that are violent we can see a little bit further than we did before...

It's like looking into a lake and seeing all the beauty of the sky and landscape reflected in the still waters of the lake. The lake and water is symbolic of the emotion. When the water is turbulent we can't see very much. When the water is calm, we can see further. Same with the emotions and the mind. A calm mind enables Vision to come in, and we get insights that we didn't have before. We can say, "Ah ha, Now I see." Before I was blind, but now I see (a hymn?)

Purity enables Vision. We cut out what promotes turbulence.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 430172

me answer yor own question
truth more strange thsn fiction
me want help u belville ok

5/24/2008 9:54 AM

me need go now child get tired and
me need crystal likwid stay this dimension this line time ok
me come back soon 4 very importnat me tel u what gong hapen soon yor line time because u not revolt against yor pop and leaders

5/24/2008 9:37 AM

Hello Op, nice to hear from you, greetings to your hosts and elders. My prays go out for a good operation. flower

I have a question to your question.
"helo the flying dutchman r u bird people of deep earth"
please explain your view. i am a blue overtone eagle if that says anything to you ?

a request from me hf
Is it possible for master Zelanus to come among your elders, and does he have anything to say or add after 65 years ? I'm very curious :)

As far as breathing the gas on the ocean floor, we are already trying to drill to it ?, don't think our bodys are up to inhaling this, but it might solve energy needs partly, that your right. it is so abundand and also crystaline forms. please check the link
[link to www.whoi.edu]

Cheerio superman
Quoting: the flying dutchman 358200

me understan now yor name is only a name here
there are biengs in yor hollow earth which fly like u fly ok
these beings also need comne above 4 mother earth need clensing soon inside and out ok 4 every earth creature to cee

5/24/2008 7:31 AM

Sorry for bumping this shithole thread.
Darza and op: FUCK YOU!

why u afraid
if u not understan something then not good reson to just dismis
or u wil go 0000 and start again as dust

I want to go to 0000 again and start as dust.
I do not understand WHY you do this shit correct yeah.
Do i want to understand NO.
Do i KNOW you are an idiot? Yes. Do i need to prove this?
No. You came here posting shit. I now reply by shit.
What Have YOU proved again? on the last 100 pages?
Nothing? accept that you are steve. But thats allright steve
NoBody is Perfect. Especially you
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 383715

me sory u go worse than dust
u go smal molucule of dna of plankton
me not steve me not know steve

5/24/2008 7:26 AM

Thank you OP
If it is of assistance I am willing to help.
Quoting: Flaming Sword 433379

helo flaming sword
me wil anounce what to do what to help on 27 may ok

5/24/2008 7:00 AM

Sorry for bumping this shithole thread.
Darza and op: FUCK YOU!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 383715

why u afraid
if u not understan something then not good reson to just dismis
or u wil go 0000 and start again as dust

5/24/2008 6:58 AM

Hello people.
Nice to see the anger and hate sudside.
OP, I am ready.
The work is done.
The window of Grace can remain open for only so long.
I welcome release from this corrupt hateful world.
Lets get out of here.
Whats worth saving will float...God help the rest

subside ye morons.
Quoting: Ignatius J. Reilly 351931

elders say me must tel u
me tel u now
yor healing not good but yor healing get very beter soon help many others ok

5/24/2008 6:36 AM

me have question
me ask question now
me cee u xplore mars planet with many mony and resourcings
why u not xplore deep oceon yor own planet with same many mony and rerourcings
deep oceon give al aswers yor existencing and future
deep oceon have much knowledges u stil need lern
me tel u some secret
some places deep oceon water presures so big that air u breeth can not buble to surface
this air traping cause big caverns where humans can live and do breathings of good air and plant and live very wel
deep oceons have many crystal solves al yor energising needs no polution
u ignore yor best lifeline by not seekings answerings from yor own deep ocean
god provide deep oceon why u not use what is given
earth is a water planet yet u leaders look answers in space why
deep oceaon have al answer for cosmic travelings this line time why u ignore this in your history
when u solve mysteries of deep oceon u wil solve mysteries of space ask dolfin they tel u this ok

5/24/2008 5:55 AM

helo orangeray3 what is 1 and 2
helo 438162
helo 423347
helo the flying dutchman r u bird people of deep earth
helo darza
helo gsbltd why u have name like this maybe randoms u use 10 finger name on kebord
helo 438266
helo dolfin
helo dolfin again
helo paperina and dolfin again
helo 434160
helo flaming sword
helo ignatius j reilly
me here now

Friday, May 23, 2008

5/23/2008 10:48 AM

me need go now child need kidnie mashien ok

5/23/2008 10:24 AM

me cee many dolfin and whale go suicide

me cee very big and final earth war this line time but u can stop stil

Hi Op,

With the dolphins, this is already happening according to the news. Is this the godlike action you mentioned earlier? I have difficulties seeing suicide as a godlike action. Accepting death when it arrives ok, but willingly killing oneself.

I also read on glp a lot of frogs are moving, i remember Bakersfiels California and in China were the earthquake was. Also a mention on ants acting strange.

You say you see wwIII happening? I do not see it, i see many attempts made towards it, but somehow they all get stopped.
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
me not know how answer yor question ful ok
many dolfin already sacrifice for keep harmonics balance yor planet and make yor suferings les
very very big sufering coming and dolfin can not stop this even they try be brave but not enough
u must lern harmonics yor planet soon or u demise not knowing anything and begin 0000 again

5/23/2008 9:57 AM

me post probabilitys ok
me cee crash plane on deck of us war ship 55 dimise
me cee us bomer crash sea
me cee many dolfin and whale go suicide
me cee 250 plus more demise acident and crash of plane europe people
me cee this site go down 25 may for ss short time questions ask owners
me cee very moving earth again people of same shape eye japan
me cee sicknes go people of india and people of korea
me cee very oil sickess people of america grow biger not aford buy oil anymores
me cee america peopole very angry go damage monument there capitol ok
me cee very big and final earth war this line time but u can stop stil
me have more but me post later me stil lern ok
u ask me then post ok me stil need lern much more ok

5/23/2008 8:33 AM

me have question
me ask question now
me have more predictions want post here this line time
can me post this here 4 u me and u 2 lern
me know beter wordings not prediction but probabality so me have more probality
can me post this probibility whithout negative responsing

Thursday, May 22, 2008

5/22/2008 9:58 AM

Welcome Chani! Thank you for the information. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

I am curious if you could ask the Elders about OP's first post and predictions. Can they give us OP's "test score" so to speak. It would be nice to see what OP's corrected list of predictions would be according to the Elders.

I know this is a learning experience for you OP, but there are many of us who would like to have a clear demonstration of perhaps three predictions that will, with certainty, come to be. Then, if they do come to be, as foretold by the Elders, there will be many more of us who will work with you in your learning process and hopefully less of those who doubt you.

I know you did well with the very moving earth, many waters, and Obama. So perhaps we do not need this demonstration by the Elders.

And yet, in the spirit of communication, sharing from one time-line to the other, and in consideration of the well-being of many who live on our planet, it would be a very interesting excercise to have your Elders give us some predictions.

Thank you, OP, Chani, Elders...

Many Blessings to All
Quoting: Springsongs 226702

helo springsongs
me fail test me not pas ok
that why me stil here me need lern more 2 calculate beter ok
me read and observe yor frogs yor rodents yor pilot whales yor dolfins
yor creatures know what is coming u must go high ground soon no more forgivnes ok sory

5/22/2008 4:20 AM Chani, prophecy 2

Hi this is Chani

Here is another narration by an Elder from the same sacred text ( I Think??):

There are two kinds of prophecy, or two ways to prophesy. For example, the
ant and the bee, and many animals, prophesy in regard to an approaching
winter. Even birds begin to fly toward tropical regions whilst it is yet
warm weather.

These creatures prophesy by the direct action of vortex currents upon
them. They feel what is approaching, BECAUSE THE UNSEEN CAUSE IS ALREADY
UPON THEM.[my emphasis]

Humans can learn to acquire the same kind of prophecy. And this is different
from the prophecy herein before mentioned, because he prophesied in this
last method without rules or calculations.[my first post]

To attain this kind of prophecy, the following discipline is requisite:

To live in the fields and forests, and study the action of unseen forces
upon himself; to eat not fish, nor flesh, nor any food that cometh of
animals; to bathe daily; to permit no passion to enter his mind; to abnegate
self and to wed himself to the Creator for righteousness sake, and to do
good; to discipline his mind, to remain in any given direction on any
subject, for days if necessary; to become oblivious to pain. After which he
shall receive anointment from one who had previously attained the seership.
[ I told the elder that this is nearly impossible in our day and age and he
indicated that we created the environment we live in so we must UN-CREATE
IT or NATURE WILL DO IT FOR US!!!(I think we can all see around us that
nature has started this process of cleansing)]

To attain such prophecy is to forfeit sexual powers; to forfeit appetite; to
forfeit ambition for leadership and fame; to forfeit concern for the
opinions of the world. In fact, to become a Bridegroom (or a Bride) to the

Not all persons can attain to this; but some are born closely allied to it.

There is also another kind of prophecy, wherein man prophesied by spirits
speaking through him. This is dangerous, for lying spirits may come to him.
[so even the OP and this channeling could be a lie or deceiving]

Rather, let man seek to become one with the Father, making close
observations of the rules of vortex motion and current; for in this he
provided for the development of all his faculties. [we have everything we
need, we just need to learn how to use it]


Monday, May 19, 2008

5/19/2008 12:01 PM Chani

Hi, this Chani

This is my first full attempt to post a telepathic channeling from one of "OP/ME's" elders and I'm exited and hope it will benifical to al who read it. Althouf it is short I had to re-write and study my notes over and over again to place it into context.

My previous attempts was basically just chatting back and forth and not really focusing on one specific question. This was done as an exercise regime and to make me more comfortable with the process and technique.

Two issues that came up frequently and which "ME/OP" could not explain properly was the issue of "Creation Harmonics" and how student-prophets (like "OP/ME") can use these harmonics to better calculate or make more accurate predictions. (Simply put:" How does the OP employ/read the harmonics to make better predictions")

So for my first full attempt I decided to ask about harmonics, what it realy is in our context and how we use it.

To my surprise , the first response from the Elder was that he would telepathically narrate it to me from a sacred text we ALREADY have. It apparently comes from the Emissary Scroll of the Order of Orange and has many names. (I'm still researching this, perhaps someone here know what text the Elder is narrating from)

Q: What are The Harmonics of Creation and how can we use it to predict events?

A:. The same force, prevails and propagate the entire universe, but differently, according to volume, locity and configuration.

Colors are not substances or things in fact, but records of currents of vortex motions, and are in proportion to their deviation from linear to adverse parallelism. These fall under the divisor, or multiple, 3 (primaries), yellow, blue and red, corresponding to the times, 11, 33, 99, and so on.

The same rule was applied by the ancient prophets in music, making three primary sounds, e, o, ih (the words of the wind), but giving all other sounds to the beast (66), which was supposed to cover the number of sounds from the lowest bass to the highest treble, that could be procured from the animal creation. And these ranges of sounds are manifest in man, whether singing or talking, according to the kind of vortex motion currents that fall upon a country and the grade he holdeth in resurrection. So that even a whole people in one country will utter sounds higher or lower than in another country, some through the teeth, some in the throat, and yet others through the nose.

Sounds, as in music, are not substance, but currents of air in motion, which register their broken discharges on the drum of the ear. So that it is possible for the ear to be so cultivated that it can detect these velocities, so as to determine colors thereby. For, of a truth, in entity, sounds and colors are one and the same thing, but registered, one on the eye and one on the ear. In other words, the two organs of sense discover the same thing differently: To one it is music, to the other it is color.

If a man be given to re-call(reverie) because of music or colors, his soul travels in the currents thereof, and he becomes oblivious to his surroundings. The vortex motion currents in that case pass through him uninterruptedly.

If one instrument in a same room be played upon, and other instruments in the same room be in tune therewith, the currents of vortex motion will cause the others to give off sounds faintly. If said instruments be connected by wood fibres, the sounds will be louder. If the person in reverie holdeth the hands of others in the room, the same current will run through the whole. Hence music is the greatest of all harmonizers. A person may be a great lover of music, but be so discordant in his disposition as not to enter the ecstatic state of reverie. Another person may not know how to sing three notes, but have so concordant a disposition that he is at once carried into ecstacy by music, or by colors, or by viewing the great Harmonies of Creation.

The true prophet is such as hath attained con-cordance. The vortex motion currents of any and everything pass through him. He seeth and feeleth with his soul. He is a perpetual register of everything near at hand. And if he cultivate his talent so as to estimate results therefrom, the future and the past are as an open book to him.

That which is erroneously called instinct in animals, is the capacity to be moved by the positive and negative vortex motion

Were the positive and negative currents equal in duration, the sexes born into the world would be equal in number. Males are the manifestation of positive vortex motion, and females negative. The more positive the female, the less fruitful; but the opposite of this is the male's power.

Herb-food for man cultivateth the negative condition; flesh-food for man increaseth the positive: Which is to say, flesh-food carrieth man away from prophecy; away from spirituality. A nation of meat-eaters will always culminate in disbelievers in spirituality; and they become addicted to corporeal passions. Such men can not understand; to them the world is vanity and vexation, if poor; or, if rich, a place to revel in for lust's sake.

Let the prophet steer clear of them; nor marry with them; nor have anything in common with them. For though a man learn all the motions and powers of the corpus worlds, his information is still but as a drop of water compared to the ocean, when measured by the seer and prophet that seeth the atmospheric and etheric worlds.

Thai's All Folks :-)

5/19/2008 10:11 AM

did you ask the elders if there will be another merger before 0000? to your timeline or other timelines
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 435409

helo 435409
me ask elders
elders answer like this
yes there wil be more windows and probabal more colidings but no more mergers are fortoled

5/19/2008 10:06 AM

me have good news u
me lern mother of child how speek telepatic 2 me and elders
mother very gifted crystal adult
mother unerstan wordings beter and lern from elders mind quikly
when mother ready he wil post from elders speek 2 him ok

5/19/2008 9:55 AM

me her now
sun not go dark 18 may me wrong again sory
becuase me stil lern beter me not give precice date anymores
becuase me stil lern beter me only give probabal dates ok

5/18/2008 10:54 AM

Hi Chani - Hi OP - Hi Young One Who Speaks for OP

It sounds like life in your household had been quite interesting! And challenging. It is wonderful to know that there have been some very positive manifestions in your life since OP ("me") came to you. It would be nice to hear more of your thoughts, Chani, about what OP is saying.

OP - are the children who crossed to your time-line the ones who recently died in Myanmar and China? Or are they children all over our world?

It sounds like those of us who are still here are going to 0000. Is that correct?
Quoting: Springsongs 226702

yes the 144000 was for those children mostly and thos with chidlike open mind
it was theire choice made on another line time be4 get born in that place
elders deicde must take only children who made choice first and spare from coming bad hapenings
the children are godlike
their childlike mind makes them easy to become a godlike mind

Sunday, May 18, 2008

5/18/2008 10:26 AM

hi OP

are we that didn't merge onto another timeline stuck on this one till 0000?

or was that just the beginning of the merger?

thank you. please excuse the bad harmonic here
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 434949

helo 434949
yes colide happen only in very short time
colide efects now completed the 144000 can cee us and we can now cee them
yes those u and other creaters who mised stay behind now til 0000
yor suferings and bad earth harmnics wil begin increse biger and mor regular now with big sickeneses begining faster
me wil ask elders if there come another merge or colide be4 0000
me think so becuase they alow me to play some more and lern

5/18/2008 10:03 AM

me here now

5/17/2008 2:29 PM

This is a note addressed to the Space-Beijing; "ME"

ME is the third tone from DO. I would like you to talk to me
tonight in my dreams and let me know what is really going on.
I will then transmit your 'feeling' into words. think your job is not finished yet, as you need a better
Quoting: Hunter 1 434525

helo tank u
helo friend eye wil try speek u tonigh ok
me and elders must speek many u who can vey impotan be4 0000

5/17/2008 2:13 PM

me here now stil

5/17/2008 6:56 AM

Good day, this is Chani

I've followed this thread the past few days. I'm not the OP you've come to known I'm using my child's connection which I understand is a proxy on your site.. I'm the proud mother of my oldest daughter who were able to channel this loving entity. We never felt any threat and because of his presence, remarkable miracles have manifested within our close family life. Myself and my husband and two children are changed people.
We are not blinded anymore about what other people think, judge, or what the government or institutionalized religion tell us to think. My child has become somewhat of a prophet amongst her friends and teachers. My husband and I feel very blessed about this entity and felt proud that the he chose our child and family to bring the message of witnessing across.
When I heared about the 2nd witnessing I started to read and have now become a fanatic reader/student on the end time prophecies.
My child is very sick and need another kidney to survive but since "me" came into our lives we had no less than three kidney donors. Only one matched and a transplant is set for 26 June

All I want to say is that "me" is real and I don't care how you ridicule him on this stupid vindictive site. You were blessed with spiritual greatness but decided to rather ridicule and judge using physical teknonology. Your technology cant even explain God so how will you even understand what happened with your misguided and preconceived technology mind set.

I'm ashamed at calling myself an open minded spiritual being.

Chain ( Chandelle)

Friday, May 16, 2008

5/16/2008 2:26 PM

hello Op

What is the dark sun ?
Can we see it in our timeline ?

Thank you
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 358200

yor leaders begin war and make sun dark with dust
yor mother earth get angrty turn sun dark with cloud and eruptionings

5/16/2008 1:49 PM

me here now in this new short line time be4 the end 0000
this is my first post on this new line time be4 end 0000
we got al 144000 to keep them from suferings comimg 0000
144000 mostly children and they are now al safe and hapy
no need wory them anyore me firend al them now
althoug these childdren needed to die they now al live as godlike line time 2 and 3
some godlike children wil try talk telepatic to thier parents here me wil help them also
elders can now cee yor line time til 8 july be4 jupiter becom sun
if leaders not stop then dark sun wil come 18 may ok
then no more forgivenes everything will begin to go very bad from 18 may onwarsd if dark sun not give sign
u most hope sun come dark 18 may if not then very big sufering big sicknes and angry earth and nmoving eart get worse ok

Oh christ this shit will continue for another 1000 pages?

Can we like block this shit so I don't even have to see it?
Quoting: LouisWinthorpeIII

u do not have 1000 pages left

5/16/2008 11:48 AM

me here now in this new short line time be4 the end 0000
this is my first post on this new line time be4 end 0000
we got al 144000 to keep them from suferings comimg 0000
144000 mostly children and they are now al safe and hapy
no need wory them anyore me firend al them now
althoug these childdren needed to die they now al live as godlike line time 2 and 3
some godlike children wil try talk telepatic to thier parents here me wil help them also
elders can now cee yor line time til 8 july be4 jupiter becom sun
if leaders not stop then dark sun wil come 18 may ok
then no more forgivenes everything will begin to go very bad from 18 may onwarsd if dark sun not give sign
u most hope sun come dark 18 may if not then very big sufering big sicknes and angry earth and nmoving eart get worse ok

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Text file of 'Friend after 15 may' 's posts

For Darza
User ID: 430172
5/12/2008 6:34 PM

Text file of 'Friend after 15 may' 's posts

me tel u now so u belive me 15 may

5/14/2008 12:01 PM

me here now
this me last post this line time
me whish u nice grace and journey ok

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

5/13/2008 1:26 PM

me calculate me think dark sun wil come yor 18 may
me try answer al question ok but me must leve now child very tired ok

5/13/2008 1:11 PM

helo darza
yes u xplain very good beter me tank u
u know think child mind u wise u go line time 2 and 3 when yor time comes me cee u then ok

5/13/2008 12:50 PM

whatever happens we're going to continue to come here and still be friends, bumping, woowooing, doooming and debunking each other

lets play catch... it's your turn

what does the two lite suns mean?? is it 2 full moons left??

1 - the sun light
2 - a train coming towards you

3 - 2 dawns

2 nights.. the moon being the the lite sun?? my 2 cents
Quoting: vet ikke

helo vet ikke
yes two sunrise left for 144000 portal complete al childres go
me calculate 18 may dark sun come yor line time
me sory me can not help u when dark sun come
pope not lisen good pope wil fal pope already fal once
other dark pope need tel u true origin
then witesesing complete line time 1 we go line time 2 and 3

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

5/13/2008 10:38 AM

OMFG... OP do your race still use Internet at Mars?
Your parents shouldnt allow you to acess the net because there are some bad humans out there that could cause you harm.
Be carefull junior.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 116378

helo 116378
me not know u question sory but me tank u stil ok
ask beter question me try beter answer ok

5/13/2008 10:29 AM

thanks Op, A good observation, a fault I fear I have carried through many ages.
I will carefully and respectfully consider your words, but I do have many, many questions too, still to come, but for now, thankyou.
Quoting: Flaming Sword 421863

helo flaming sword
tank u
u no need feel bad or need feel sad or apolygy
al human kcan now answer within from spirit already but they keep lisen writen wordings from other humans
u do very good to realise this line time 1 already
u wise and u wil not need repeat 0000 again u go line time 2 and 3 when demise
me wil try answer al yor question be4 next two lite suns

5/13/2008 10:17 AM

This thread reminds me of a star wars movie r2d2 is that you?
Quoting: ZOSIME

helo zosime
yes theer is war between people same shape eye
soon harmonics wil cause war everywere

5/13/2008 10:15 AM

Ok, so what of the Nordic tradition, of the warriors and princess/' returning?
What about native traditions?
Many, many people are seeking the truth here?
Why do your elders nominate 144 000, as does the Bible speak of the elect 144000?
Help me out here please?
Are these questions of benefit?
Quoting: Flaming Sword 421863

helo flaming sword
u not lisen me answer insted u think about next question
u answer yor own question and not know it
lisen yorself u have al the answer within u

5/13/2008 10:03 AM

Just wondering OP
you seem able to easily discern peoples intent, however, your intent is vague.
On the face of it you present stark sobering information, based on calculations.
Given that we are all on a learning curve, I would be very interested in the type and methods of calculations used.
You also posed a question (kwestun) regarding the identity of a certain Jesus.
To illuminate your knowledge, yesterday I posted a sermon he gave, at the garden of Gethsemene, I am sure that as you closely observe our culture, you will find His words truly inspiring and fascinating.
Also our culture uses axpressive language which conforms to long standing conventions as to the use of such things as style, substance and syntax.
We all here agree that we live in uncertain times, and we use communication and the written word to convey thoughts and ideas. We use a common style even for the spelling of words! our world is a great place!
ok eye cee sum pepl sau u rite lik u do to so the carmic det of fuling peple is reduced...
I think, OP, that if you are looking for Godlike leadership, then a frank commentary on my kwestuns would be in order.
Respectfully etc
Quoting: Flaming Sword 421863

helo flaming sword
me not sure what question is
elders not cee jesus yor true history origin of u
elders not cee jesus yor true history to come
elders cee jesus in yor old wordings of religion only
elders say religion not yor true orgin history and not yor true end
religion and jesus is only word of human and not even godlike human but many human combine for control how u think
man think godlike rulers use history for good
that history not yor real history ok
idee of religion good but purpose of religion not good ever

5/13/2008 9:40 AM

wondering about the vortex
what are they
and where?
Quoting: Flaming Sword 421863

Helo 421863
me not know plase me not know how answer this
elders say best vortex is where ansient monument from 1 origin generation is

5/13/2008 8:26 AM

Thank you, OP

Is Philadelphia safe place to be? What is the best thing to do right now?

Much Love
Quoting: Friend 432322

safe plase is only where vortex is
vortex safe from harmonic war
best thing ask yor leaders stop play dark maters
yor leaders bring 0000 very soon if keep on playing
beter u ask leaders stop playing dark maters now ok
if leaders lisen then 0000 comes slow with les suferings ok

5/13/2008 8:16 AM

How about use some common sense, think for yourself, and hope that someone will delete this monstrosity.

I don't know how someone with the grammar skills of a six year old child manages to convince even one person that they are wise to any global catastrophes.

And something about manatees and dolphins saving us?

100+ pages.. putin
Quoting: Love ya 411220

helo 411220
yes it is the human childrens who wil unerstan and those who have children mind and unerstaning
we here take the childrens now
u wil cee the children demise and go gone look u cee this is true
yor childrens are the 144000 it was forteld by yor 1 origin generation ok

5/13/2008 7:24 AM

Go to the following pages and search for OP's user ID:
[link to www.godlikeproductions.com]
[link to www.godlikeproductions.com]

Now STFU being gullible retards and let this BS thread die.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 371314

helo 371314
me xplain this already screen 4 and 5 and 6
me id 1 not id 3
crystal child share same id as 3
me have question me ask question u now
why u not unerstan yor own teknonolgy why u afraid me
me go 2 more lite suns then u can stop afraid me ok
u keep sleep u wait til 0000 ok

5/13/2008 7:14 AM

Hi OP!

How will this timeline changes effect us directly, like our physical bodies?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 412164

helo 412164
me xplain beter this
yor line time not change yor line time only colide our time 2 and 3
me elders then abel cee yor line time 1 also
elders reelise about witnesing and fortelling yor history
elders decide beter warn u about yor line time when 0000 end is close to come
yor 0000 is close to come now
elders send mesage pope and other true leader not godlike
me elders not change yor line time
colide not change yor line time
colide only make me elders cee what going to hapen yor line time stil ok
elders decide prepare 144000 send students come lern and witnes as fortolding yor origin histories
elders become line time 2 witneses as fortold ok
me and other students must leve be4 next two lite sun
when sun comes dark with smoke and cloud we gone ok
we finish witnesing
we did get al 144000 to portal as fortold ok
portal now ful no space
elders say now time for me and other students need leve come back next portal colide
16 may me friends with 144000 we al cee each other on line time 2 and 3
those who stay behind not cee us
u stay til 0000 hapens ok
u al begin again

5/13/2008 7:08 AM

Hello OP :-)
Do you see more earthquakes during upcoming days?
Thank You
Quoting: Me 396768

helo me
yes moving earth not stop since 17 aperils deep within
me make mistake calculate al hapen at once me wrong not al hapen at once
al hapen begin 17 aperils ok moving earth get biger stil deep within
earth not sleep anymores

Monday, May 12, 2008

5/12/2008 12:24 PM

hi OP,

how have the Dolphins and Manatees recently saved us?

thankyou, good to see you and hello to the elders
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 429995

helo 429995
tank u
watch were dolfin go do this week u cee godlike action ok
dolfin help 0000 aline line time beter 4 many bring les suferings
but 4 most not can help no more forgivnes becuase pope not lisen
dolfin help make harmonics beter ok
u need watch and lern from yor animal cretures this week they give warn u

5/12/2008 12:03 PM

me here now short time

Saturday, May 10, 2008

5/10/2008 4:22 PM

me need go now
child tired and me need crystal likwid ok
me come back when elders say ok me play

5/10/2008 4:14 PM

This is not my language, i do not know what manity means, according to the urban dictionary it is short for humanity, but this does not fit well.
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
manity is other godlike creature like dolfin ok
7 students here to help dolfin and manity this line time ok
u need whatch dolfin this week u lern much godlike action

5/10/2008 3:43 PM

dolfin save u but u not cee
manity safe u but u stil no cee
me not know how to tel u more
me be ban soon me know this sory
me post other op id u hope lisen me stil ok

5/10/2008 3:20 PM

OP - there are many who come here who are your friends. You need to learn how to skip over posts that look negative so you do not take in that energy. It is easy to see when someone is about to say something awful. I just don't read those. Ignoring children who misbehave is one of the best ways to get them to stop! LOL
Quoting: Springsongs 226702

helo 26702
me know what u say me lern lot u reaction
peoples negative need more than help people positive
some belive be4 hapenings they not need belive anymores
belive not waht u cee belive only what u feel and know

5/10/2008 2:53 PM

me here
but me need much energy from child not good ok
many things hapen but u stil not belive u stil not me friend me sad

5/10/2008 11:50 AM

Hi Op, 15 may is only a few days away, is this still the merger date?
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
yes u wait 15 16 17 18 19
me rite u very sufer ok

5/10/2008 11:40 AM

helo me here now
elders say harmonics get beter
me here now 4 short time this line time ok
me love frineds u me here now ok


do you have any new information for us?
Quoting: canislatrans

yes u watch dolphin u need study dolphin reactions now ok

5/10/2008 11:36 AM

helo me here now
elders say harmonics get beter
me here now 4 short time this line time ok
me love frineds u me here now ok

hey fuck off ok? we know your a scam now
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 426978

helo 426978
me elders know u scam me not deny
me elders know u stil need grow
me eldred know u stil need wait lern cosmic truth
u child stil u have no pasport u stil stay repeat line time 1

5/10/2008 11:08 AM

helo me here now
elders say harmonics get beter
me here now 4 short time this line time ok
me love frineds u me here now ok

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

5/7/2008 1:57 PM

OP - I know you are playing it safe because your elders told you to be more careful about disrupting the harmonics. But it doesn't matter what you say on this forum - there will always be those who are not in harmony and who will respond with negative energy. The nature of the internet is that it opens free channels of communication for any level of being.

Where are you staying now?
Quoting: Springsongs 226702

helo springsongs
me not go anymwere me here line time stil
me just wait watch lern from u reaction and action
elders say me must not answer any question
me must wait 4 rite line time to answer begin
me stil need lern me already make mistake some line time yor hapenings
me not want be rude but me must lisen elders ok so me can not answer yor questions ok
u keep safe from siknes now ok

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Message to the pope

User ID: 308272
5/1/2008 9:15 AM

Ok, I think I can post it now, I've got nothing to lose :)
Here is the message as best as I could recall and reconstruct from my notes and telepathic memory. I unfortunately cant remember all of it.
(If I knew beforehand that this whole issue was going to cause me such embarrassment I would have paid more intention, I'm sorry, but I believe everything happens for a reason)
Your eminences the last pope of earth time
you've been waiting for the 2nd line time witnessing, we are here now to do the witnessing from 2nd line time
your leaders is about to change the polarities of your planet and solar system interaction
by playing with dark matters on nearby 15 may your line time
here and hear is our warning and divine request and 2nd line time instruction
emissary of the dark light it is time for you to leave your Rome lay down and
admit your false rule
your real creator's and planers are about to return this fantasy and lunar madness is ending
your creators are not god humans they are from a different specie and a
different race far more intelligent than any of your earth beings and godlike/liking masters.
your creators are not real gods they are other beings
not imagined by your ignorant and false egotistical believing you are of importance
your order have always known this yet you prolonged the fantasy
al this is foretold in volume xxiv of your orange order
you must leave Rome now and allow the other pope/papal to open and read the
13th emissary scroll to all human peoples of this earth at this line time(timeline) and fulfill the foretelling/prophecy of your mystic first generations of peoples many times ago
here is the scribing code you and predecessors have been waiting for to allow/confirm 2nd witnessing from line time 2(two) to begin their missionary workings
[I'm sure this is Latin but I could not get a translation that makes sense so I'll just leave it as is from my memory and notes(not sure about the precise spelling either)]
"locas anum der nimus per vidi cum dous ivu des non per nominus est cac les dor plurimus den
vindicatios ras cum ser vamitimus estr peran des non sequitorus lemu ma lex
atlantios ver conficumus lemurios lemuria des deo aqua"
all your god wisdom choices have been in error on human side
prepare the 144000 now not tomorrow and not later but now before 15 may
so they may leave and spared all injury and sufferings to come this line time
your companion rulers and rulings have selfishly taken this wisdom from the public and
used it against the public peoples and all creatures here for the last 1000 gracious and forgiving years
no more forgiveness when the witnessing begin to speak their missionary workings
[this is all I can remember]