Welcome Chani! Thank you for the information. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
I am curious if you could ask the Elders about OP's first post and predictions. Can they give us OP's "test score" so to speak. It would be nice to see what OP's corrected list of predictions would be according to the Elders.
I know this is a learning experience for you OP, but there are many of us who would like to have a clear demonstration of perhaps three predictions that will, with certainty, come to be. Then, if they do come to be, as foretold by the Elders, there will be many more of us who will work with you in your learning process and hopefully less of those who doubt you.
I know you did well with the very moving earth, many waters, and Obama. So perhaps we do not need this demonstration by the Elders.
And yet, in the spirit of communication, sharing from one time-line to the other, and in consideration of the well-being of many who live on our planet, it would be a very interesting excercise to have your Elders give us some predictions.
Thank you, OP, Chani, Elders...
Many Blessings to All
Quoting: Springsongs 226702
helo springsongs
me fail test me not pas ok
that why me stil here me need lern more 2 calculate beter ok
me read and observe yor frogs yor rodents yor pilot whales yor dolfins
yor creatures know what is coming u must go high ground soon no more forgivnes ok sory