Sorry for bumping this shithole thread.
Darza and op: FUCK YOU!
why u afraid
if u not understan something then not good reson to just dismis
or u wil go 0000 and start again as dust
I want to go to 0000 again and start as dust.
I do not understand WHY you do this shit correct yeah.
Do i want to understand NO.
Do i KNOW you are an idiot? Yes. Do i need to prove this?
No. You came here posting shit. I now reply by shit.
What Have YOU proved again? on the last 100 pages?
Nothing? accept that you are steve. But thats allright steve
NoBody is Perfect. Especially you
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 383715
me sory u go worse than dust
u go smal molucule of dna of plankton
me not steve me not know steve