Sunday, May 18, 2008

5/18/2008 10:26 AM

hi OP

are we that didn't merge onto another timeline stuck on this one till 0000?

or was that just the beginning of the merger?

thank you. please excuse the bad harmonic here
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 434949

helo 434949
yes colide happen only in very short time
colide efects now completed the 144000 can cee us and we can now cee them
yes those u and other creaters who mised stay behind now til 0000
yor suferings and bad earth harmnics wil begin increse biger and mor regular now with big sickeneses begining faster
me wil ask elders if there come another merge or colide be4 0000
me think so becuase they alow me to play some more and lern