I don't know how to say it more simply than that. What is thinking in the abstract? Can you identify what we're talking about. What is Love, for instance? It's not tangible.
There is an exercise in Yoga: "What am I".
And you follow that back as far as you can.
If you say you're this or that, it is you who are saying it and this or that is not you? It requires patience, and a little bit of ease (not dis-ease) to get back very far. And one of the key prerequisits of this journey from the little self to the greater Self is purity of self, cutting out things that are violent. For when we cut out things that are violent we can see a little bit further than we did before...
It's like looking into a lake and seeing all the beauty of the sky and landscape reflected in the still waters of the lake. The lake and water is symbolic of the emotion. When the water is turbulent we can't see very much. When the water is calm, we can see further. Same with the emotions and the mind. A calm mind enables Vision to come in, and we get insights that we didn't have before. We can say, "Ah ha, Now I see." Before I was blind, but now I see (a hymn?)
Purity enables Vision. We cut out what promotes turbulence.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 430172
me answer yor own question
truth more strange thsn fiction
me want help u belville ok