Tuesday, March 25, 2008

3/24/2008 1:47 PM

Hello OP,

do people on your time line care about others before themselves? I believe people on earth need to have a service-to-others mind set and then we would be closer to living in a Utopian society. Unfortunately, the humans here are very selfish and greedy. I try to care about others and I am practicing, but I too sometimes become selfish and care only about myself at times. After May 15, would everyone be offered a chance to go to your time line and start a new life with a clean slate?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 289264

yes we care about other
but first we have service to higher god
by serving god u also serve others
when u take care of gods things then god wil take care of yor things
this way every1 gets service
people who can cee us 15 may wil get choice to stay or come with