Monday, March 31, 2008

3/31/2008 12:39 PM

me ask elders about gold
elders say eye must ask
eye ask now
where is this gold
yor leaders not keep gold
yor leaders not have many gold anymore
leaders always give yor gold to other planet beings
why u not know this
u not wory gold
gold not keep place safe 4 yor family u not eet gold
biger wory when oil gets sicness

Hi OP. Some of us know where the gold goes. Can u tell as more about the oil sickness? What is its nature?

Thank you kindly.
Quoting: alf 404606

helo alf
me and other friends already answer question b4 look other screens tank u
but oil get sicness make it danger for human also animal when tuch or smel

3/31/2008 11:15 AM

Any comment about gold / silver price ??

Yes, good question. OP, do your elders see the price of gold crashing? What do your elders say that us humans should do right now considering that everything in the economy is falling and failing? We want to keep our families safe and in good conditions.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 227248

me ask elders about gold
elders say eye must ask
eye ask now
where is this gold
yor leaders not keep gold
yor leaders not have many gold anymore
leaders always give yor gold to other planet beings
why u not know this
u not wory gold
gold not keep place safe 4 yor family u not eet gold
biger wory when oil gets sicness

Saturday, March 29, 2008

3/29/2008 12:33 PM


In your time line you say there is no moon are there other differences like Jupiter is a sun?


yes we kil moon leve fragments become belt around earth globe our time only
yor time other planet crash jupiter yor line time 2010
jupiter begin do strange things but never become sun
jupiter go crash sun explosion 2012 no sun no jupiter
end line time 1 go back 0000

Hello OP,

what is the name of the planet that will crash into Jupiter? And why will this crash happen?

Quoting: Rica 403027

helo rica
me not know name not know why it 4told by elders
yor leaders shoot other planet stop crashing earth crash change orbit
other planet go crash jupiter because orbit not good anymore after shoot
no escape no good plan
but rica elders say u must wait 15 may b4 u belive me ok
maybe me mistake line time me not know yet

3/29/2008 11:59 AM


In your time line you say there is no moon are there other differences like Jupiter is a sun?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 402963

yes we kil moon leve fragments become belt around earth globe our time only
yor time other planet crash jupiter yor line time 2010
jupiter begin do strange things but never become sun
jupiter go crash sun explosion 2012 no sun no jupiter
end line time 1 go back 0000

3/29/2008 11:12 AM

Hello OP

Do you have a name?

Regards, Lou
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 402963

helo lou
me not know wordings to spel sound my name sory ok
me know acolyte knows beter ask acolyte what sound is

3/29/2008 10:23 AM

Hi OP,

In your line time , do you comunicate with dolphins and other creatures?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 382868

we can speek to al creature who have mind 2 understan ok

3/29/2008 5:15 AM

Hi Op, like dragons there are a lot of legendary beings in mythology, like dwarfs, fairies, unicorns, centaurs and minotaurs.
Did they all exist at some time?
Do they still exist?
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
me not know al these things
even stranger beings exist other line times
beings evolving al line times always never stop

3/29/2008 4:10 AM

Me have you question for

We go play Dungeons with dragons sum times?

helo frigg stuyvesant
we kil many dragons many line times 1 long ago
stil dragons left in holow ground yor line time 1 yes
Hi Op, i heard of the hollow earth theory, are you saying this is correct? earth is hollow and beings live there?
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
yes earth not solid
me not know al theory things
yes dragon like beings live holow ground stil
they good now
they very wise now
they peaceful like dolphin now

3/29/2008 3:50 AM

Me have you question for

We go play Dungeons with dragons sum times?
Quoting: Frigg Stuyvesant

helo frigg stuyvesant
we kil many dragons many line times 1 long ago
stil dragons left in holow ground yor line time 1 yes

3/29/2008 3:43 AM

does geography, altitude, culture play a significant role in preparing our physical selflessness?
me not forget u
me not understan question good
me wil ask elders 4 me not know how answer this ok

what u think u create
what u create by thinkings play very big role yes ok

Not the kind of answer I wanted. However, I understanding the answer you are giving. Redirect your insights toward our physical selflessness. High altitude, 3 phase shifts, perhaps?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 385520

me not understan physical selflessness
u must belong somewhere
concept imposibel 4 me to picture but wil lern then answer ok

3/29/2008 3:36 AM

me have question
me ask question now
why some u write so much mean so litel
me write litel mean much more
me not understanings yor use of write lanuage to long say nothing
beter to use sound not writings lanuage
many wordings not true
litel wordings very true ok

good morning op.
i dont know why, they probably think they sound intelligent using all those words... like our politicians, they talk and talk and talk not saying anything.. like just sound in an endles stream coming out of their mounth.. guess this writing some is using here is the same.. but well, dont read those post.. i dont...
Quoting: vet ikke

helo vet ikke
tank u vet ikke
yes write lanuage cause bad things 4 yor human history hold u back
beter draw pictures like sumar
beter write image like egyptian
write lanuage tel u what to think not how to think not good thing 4 mind
picture tel u how to think must use mind to read picture good thing 4 mind
picture u remeber 4 ever write lanuage u forget soon not think anymore
me have question
me ask question now
why some u write so much mean so litel
me write litel mean much more
me not understanings yor use of write lanuage to long say nothing
beter to use sound not writings lanuage
many wordings not true
litel wordings very true ok

because speaking with mind is not done here except between a very very few humans... and even then it is like feeling and not knowing
humans use lots of words to try to describe what is meant knowing that most cannot telepathically pick up the meaning, feel, energy, definitions of things...
and they also use too many words because they are confused themselves, or they want to confuse others
Quoting: SunRa

helo sunra
tank u sunra

3/29/2008 3:18 AM

helo caruso

3/29/2008 3:15 AM

does geography, altitude, culture play a significant role in preparing our physical selflessness?
me not forget u
me not understan question good
me wil ask elders 4 me not know how answer this ok
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 385520

what u think u create
what u create by thinkings play very big role yes ok

3/29/2008 3:00 AM

me have question
me ask question now
why some u write so much mean so litel
me write litel mean much more
me not understanings yor use of write lanuage to long say nothing
beter to use sound not writings lanuage
many wordings not true
litel wordings very true ok

Friday, March 28, 2008

/28/2008 11:55 AM

is it already ...... what is the word?... foretold?? decided??
who to follow? or is it open the 15 and those who run fastest goes? any swedish here? är det förutbestemt eller är det först till kvärn som gäller?

hi op. can you answer this?
Quoting: vet ikke

helo vet ikke
elders say the event is fortold but not the partisipants

3/28/2008 9:49 AM

hello OP

u still here/hear?
Quoting: SunRa

helo sunra
me here now

Thursday, March 27, 2008

3/27/2008 3:13 AM

me said eye wil ask elders again about 144000
elders give long xplain
me not know or lern al wordings to xplain but me try ok
144000 not religions things not good not bad not man not women thing
144000 is constant number to xplain portal times for space and universe
144000 is the name of god time
144000 is the name of god cycle
144000 is number of times lived this line time
144000 is math thing number for belive god
144000 is proof god

3/26/2008 4:59 PM

elders say eye must say u that this portal only place for 144000

Op, this is the most shocking info i had in years.
This would not be easy to accept.

What if there are more friends then 144.000? I was assuming like 90% would make it. I do not know what to is beyond my control, to me all are welcome.
Quoting: Darza

me wil ask elders again 4 beter answer xplain why ok

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

3/26/2008 4:02 PM

Hello my friends!!
i wonder, did op answer if i need to travel to go with him, or doesent it matter, can we go from our home?? if there is only the 15 the portal is open, i will have trubble going...
Quoting: vet ikke

helo vet ikke
no need prepare
no need travel
if u belive u just disapeer line time 1 and apeer line time 2
al in wink of eye
elders say eye must say u that this portal only place for 144000

3/26/2008 3:55 PM


Can the child take a picture of you and post here?
It would be awesome.

or a draw of you? It would be easier to visualize your form
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 382868

me use lite body this dimension line time
child already try picture with her fone me not show
child can cee me but her friends and mother can not
me form and shape look same as u form and shape

3/26/2008 2:34 PM

Inner Peace
link to

Watch for signs of peace. The hearts of a great many have al­ready been exposed to it and it seems likely that we could find our society is experiencing it in epidemic proportions, which then, of course, could pose a serious threat to what has up to now seemed a fairly chaotic condition in the world.

Some signs and symptoms of inner peace:

1.Tendency to think and act spontaneously, rather than from fears based on past experiences.
2. An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.
3. Loss of interest in judging other people.
4. Loss of interest in judging self.
5. Loss of interest in interpreting actions of others.
6. Loss of interest in conflict.
7. Loss of ability to worry. (This is a very serious symptom!)
8. Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation.
9. Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature.
10. Frequent attacks of smiling through the eyes of the heart.
11. Increasing tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen.
12. Increased susceptibility to love extended by others, as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it.

WARNING: If you have all or even most of the above symptoms, please be advised that your condition of PEACE may be so far advanced as to not be curable!
Quoting: Darza

tank u darza
crystal child say u make funny me understan funny now
me smile u darza
smile smile smile

3/26/2008 2:31 PM

it is my nature to teach with violence and destruction yes i have a seemingly controling manner but it is rooted neither in my words or my character but is rooted in my soul which you sense when you speak to me and read what i say,

LOVE phonetically uttered backwards is?


So anything that is the inverse of love in any hateful form of hate, is evil. Very simple once you see it. ANd you can see which folks spend a great deal of time slamming and slandering everything they see wrong. It's one thing to expose the hand of darkness in our world, it's quite another indeed, to lace that exposure with a heavy bromide of deep-seated hate for others...

...the ONLY real SIN, that of SEPARATIVENESS. Dividing our planet's inhabitants along any line of division, is that sin. Because anything that separates two people into enemies is the most visible and ugly act in OPPOSITION TO LOVE.


Quoting: Yolgnu

helo yolgnu
tank u yolgnu
u and darza wise like elders
u and darza belong line time 2 and 3 already

3/26/2008 1:53 PM

Hi Op,

So your planet looks different, maybe even in size. When the two planets/timelines merge will it be one or the other or a fusion. Like best of both worlds?

Another question, as i understand it, after may 15 there will be time line 1 and 2/3.
Will we still be able to help timeline 1 from 2/3?
Maybe till 2012? Maybe even after 0000, to shorten the next period?

Quoting: Darza

helo darza
me ask elders me stil wait answer ok
when chose come with me 15 may go line time 2 and 3
once portal close on 16 may u can not come back line time 1 again

3/26/2008 1:49 PM

human crystal child very scar of me

Stop frightening the child you devil. Leave the child alone and in peace. Go back to hell and stay there.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 400266

human crystal child not scar of me anymore
me she friends now
was only scar when me talk inside her mind
now she show me what to do
now eye type myself not need talk inside her mind anymore
al ok now

3/26/2008 1:45 PM

OP, I hope you can find a way to help crystal child.

Peace be with you

elders not alow me do this
crystal child abel heal herself very good

What? You don't care about your CRYSTAL METH BABY?

Gosh, this thread gets stupider & stupider every second.

(OP) time == 0000.
Quoting: LouisWinthorpeIII

helo louiswinthorpeiii
read me answer again
crystal child very strong
she can heal herself not need me help ok

3/26/2008 11:55 AM

Hi friends,

A picture from my good friend Oannes, the symbol is Ohm, which someone mentioned earlier, the primordial sound, the first sound, the sound from which the universe was created.

The two earths could represent our two timelines converging in the midle picture, world peace, i am just making this up as i type along.
:blackearth: Quoting: Darza

helo darza
me look at picture again me surprise
me version of earth continents litel and closer together
me wil draw and ask child to help me put it on here ok
me wil ask elders also why this is

3/26/2008 10:03 AM

OP, I hope you can find a way to help crystal child.

Peace be with you
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 289264

elders not alow me do this
crystal child abel heal herself very good

3/26/2008 7:09 AM

me here now helo
crystal child sick me wait for her get beter ok

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

3/25/2008 11:38 AM


How a normal elder become a god elder?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 382868

elder go witin tavel higher linear time
elder get in itiatian elder become god elder ok

3/25/2008 11:32 AM

3/25/2008 11:25 AM
I'll try to summarize the thread in english:

OP is from another dimension on earth

two dimensions are colliding.

it has been fortold in the OPs dimension that they are colliding.

CERN's LHC is starting up in May which will cause the collision to happen sooner.

OP may be wrong and asks us not to believe if what the OP said does not come true by may 15th.

OP wants to help us and make friends with us so that we can go to the OP's dimension after the collision.

OP told us events that will happen before May 15th so that we will believe the OP. We can see the OP's people and go to the OP's dimension only if we believe the OP.

OP doesn't understand our human culture such as eating animals and drinking milk that is meant for cows.

OP drinks a crystal liquid and has crystal blood.

OP is using a computer in this dimension to talk to us that an indigo child has allowed the OP to use.

...That's all I can remember for now.Anonymous Coward
User ID: 386035 (OP)
3/25/2008 11:32 AM

tank u very much 289264
we al wait 15 may

3/25/2008 10:04 AM

im geting tired need crystal likwid soon
anymore question b4 i leve

3/25/2008 7:34 AM

me have question
me ask question now
me cee ground sufer not water very dry people hungry
but oceon ful water
why u not take salt away from cea water and use on land
oceaon enough water to make al ground even desert into forest al people can eat nice enough
why u not pump oceon water everywere
u can make big bom but u can not make big fresh water from ocean
big boms very bad
big fresh water always good

3/25/2008 7:25 AM

does geography, altitude, culture play a significant role in preparing our physical selflessness?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 385520

me not forget u
me not understan question good
me wil ask elders 4 me not know how answer this ok

3/25/2008 7:22 AM

From another thread which seems to be deleted:

How to Tell a Young Soul from an Old Soul

“The following is a brief description of the characteristics of five basic soul levels. Each level has many lifetimes of lessons to teach us wisdom through trial and error.


INFANT SOULS choose lessons of physical survival. They live in simple situations that include intense experiences - famine, plagues, floods, wars, oppression, etc. They don’t know the difference between right and wrong, though they can be taught to be decent human beings. They don’t usually seek higher

education and often don’t seek employment, as such. Infant souls don’t question authority and willingly adopt the religion of their parents as is.


BABY SOULS display less fear than infant souls and are more
sophisticated. But they tend to over apply rules. Black is black as far as they’re concerned. Their strong early beliefs remain fixed in their minds, regardless of lack of their wisdom or tolerance. Baby souls love to become big fish in their little puddles...but hate being opposed.
Because of this they may spend much time in litigation. Baby souls don’t spend time navel-gazing into their own lives. They’re often “good students” that learn “proper subjects,” and are attracted to fundamentalist religions.


YOUNG SOULS are the “Donald Trumps” of the world...the movers and shakers. They usually set the bar too high for themselves. Achievement is paramount. They chase after what they believe will bring success without ever stopping to think why - because they’re so limited in their perception. They fear death and must have all the toys, experiences, fame and money they can possibly accumulate before they die. They are designers of civilization. Young souls usually seek
higher education and graduate-level degrees. Their views of orthodoxy are at one end of the spectrum or the other. Monks and nuns are at one end and a belief in total sexual freedom, the other. They have difficulty with insight into other people’s behaviour.


MATURE SOULS challenge the young soul’s desire to “have it all.” It is a hard cycle that demands seeking answers to life’s tough questions.
They are attracted to gentler faiths, such as Quaker, Unitarian, or Buddhist. Mature souls are not as open to the occult as old souls. They look for and question the motivation for all of life’s actions. They often continue with inappropriate relationships - perhaps believing that through self-sacrifice, or trough lessons they will ultimately prevail. Often they can’t shake their sense of duty. Mature souls suffer from stress related illness that
sometimes results in schizophrenia, psychosis and a higher suicide rate than other souls.
[Cayce emphasized the role that ‘stress’ plays in not only physical illnesses but also mental illnesses; he believed it was ‘stress’ that wrecked havoc on the brain chemistry/balance]. But they’re smart enough to seek professional help without urging. Mature souls often make huge contributions to knowledge - particularly philosophical and scientific. But altogether they don’t necessarily have the drive for fame, many still achieve it. They’re emotionally high maintenance.


OLD SOULS live and let live. They seek the route of least
resistance...they’re individualistic and usually easy going. They have an inner knowing of the waste of time in pursuing fame and fortune and therefore create the appearance of being “laid back.” Old souls are highly competent - even in roles they don’t particularly like. They tend to choose work that is pleasant and undemanding, leaving them free to pursue their desired goals easily...unless the job adds to the spiritual search. They may or may not seek higher education...but definitely will seek it if the my sense it’s needed for their chosen path. Old souls create confidence in animals. And their choice of medical care tends to be alternative and holistic.

Old souls are here to teach others their spiritual understandings. Their philosophies and writings are simple and easy to read. Old souls religion is far reaching and has no label. A grove of trees is a sacred place to them.
They seldom cling to dogma and prefer personal spiritual practices.
However, old souls are wise enough to be discreet in their religious practices and know how to pass in public undetected. They focus on searching for the spiritual truth and have a finer sense of knowing what is true than any other souls level. Old souls all over the world share the experience of emptiness and a longing for that feeling of home.

You may start noticing these characteristics in people around you - and perhaps better understand why they think and act the way they do.
Quoting: Darza

tank u darza
this thing is true in al line times
many infant and baby souls this line time
tank u 4 help me explain others here

3/25/2008 3:49 AM

Is it possible go to new line time b4 15 may?

yes can go other line time b4 15 may
many u do this already always

Hi OP, I have some questions:
How do we know when we are on the other line time?
Why do you say dolphins are holy?
Why do your people want to help us?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 394977

when u in it u wil know
other animal like dog need traing first b4 take care other specie
wild dolphin take care other specie without training
dolphin can cee other line time
dolphin can speek other line time

3/25/2008 3:40 AM

what preparations are you making over there?
I dont like it when our government uses that word.
I just curious like houses and food? plant some more trees?
i hope it isnt cages and entrapment camps. :( thats a sad face so you know

so in yor time line is there any plants like our cannabis?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 383039

we want prepare our people also when line time colide completed
we also surprised when elders cee u coming
elders 4told of it but not expect so soon
u play dark matters u open portal sooner
now line time colide al at once and not merge smoohly
yes many place to live
yes many plants
yes many animals very same yors just difrent color

3/25/2008 3:33 AM


Where is your home planet?

Can you time travel?

How old are you?

What density are you in?

What do you eat?

Where do your elders live?

How do you travel?

What do you look like?
Quoting: CanadianVandal

helo canadianvandal
already answer al this questions look al screens u cee answer

3/25/2008 2:51 AM

me here now

godmorning op!! how is the people in timeline 2-3? fine i hope.. did you sleep well?
Quoting: vet ikke

tank u vet ikke
people making preparations 4 u when we al cee each other

3/25/2008 2:46 AM

op, can you tell me what is true love?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 385156

me also stl lern god love every line time get beter
elders say love is caring without controlings

3/25/2008 2:43 AM

Hey OP... I was told not to leave the planet of my birth, and if I did leave the planet of my birth and the planet evolved then I would not be able to evolve. My soul would be stagnent and planetless forever. Can you ask your elders if there is any truth in this?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 392578

yes look me answer b4 on other screen
u not leve planet only go difrent line time same planet
yes u must stay own planet just share line time 2 and 3
yor choice

3/25/2008 2:16 AM

me here now

3/24/2008 3:45 PM

me tired now
me leve now
me come back later ok

3/24/2008 3:11 PM


Do you know the boy name Boriska?
Quoting: Kakashi 390282

helo kakashi
crystal child who help me hav told me about him
but eye not know him

3/24/2008 1:47 PM

Hello OP,

do people on your time line care about others before themselves? I believe people on earth need to have a service-to-others mind set and then we would be closer to living in a Utopian society. Unfortunately, the humans here are very selfish and greedy. I try to care about others and I am practicing, but I too sometimes become selfish and care only about myself at times. After May 15, would everyone be offered a chance to go to your time line and start a new life with a clean slate?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 289264

yes we care about other
but first we have service to higher god
by serving god u also serve others
when u take care of gods things then god wil take care of yor things
this way every1 gets service
people who can cee us 15 may wil get choice to stay or come with

3/24/2008 1:34 PM

Hello OP. Many thanks on your efforts to help. Do you travel during your sleep periods to other timelines? Also, will all humans in timeline 1 be able to see timeline 2 during the colliding?

Light and Love
Quoting: Sickscent

helo sickscent
tank u for reading
sleep very important 4 us to grow inside
yes during sleep we travel
when we sleep we visit within to lern wisdom of heavenly things

3/24/2008 1:27 PM

Hello OP,

How do your elders talk with us?
The same way as you?

How do you speak with your elders? in person? by telepathy?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 382868

elders not come this line time yet
elders not speek u this line time yet
on 15 may god elders wil alow normal elders to enter yor line time to help those who make choice
those who make choice go with me and elders to line time 2 and 3
me speek elders by sound and mind telepath

3/24/2008 9:47 AM

those who belive wil leve yor line time disapeer
not worry them they go beter line time more godlike with me

OP this sounds very much like the biblical rapture where two will work in the field an one will disappear.
Do you know about our biblical rapture? Is this whats going to happen on 15 may?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 396777

me not know biblical rapture thing
if me rite about yor line time then yes some yor people disapeer 15 may

3/24/2008 7:01 AM





to OP,

me tink u piece shit,

me make u crazy mind me elder take u elders away,

me elder say u lying piece shit will be 0000 line time.

laugh laugh laugh

kill kill kill kill

Light Be With Us All.
Quoting: An Elite BloodLine Insider

me smile u again
me lern much from u
u lern me why no peace here
u stil have many cycle to go sorry
u stil infant

3/24/2008 6:58 AM

Hi OP,

How can you help us if we don't have any computer like for example my family. please help us. Thank you
Quoting: Kakashi 374058

helo kakashi
sorry me not understaning yor question
please ask beter me answer beter ok

3/24/2008 6:04 AM





Hello people of Godlike Productions,

the OP is fake and a liar,

i finally have the green light to post in this thread,

and i shall explain certain things about this thread and the tricks used by the OP,

people who use magic and are elite and occultists know that when you say a word you are bound to it by karma,

so when you say "i hate you" and you lie it is counted in the magical karmic law that you did unbalance and it will be compensated, and will incur retribution by balance.

the OP uses a technique every elite bloodline, brotherhood member and Insider is aware of,

i shall explain,

in every language there are common words put to compensate the phonetic value of a letter or a pronoun,

the word eye for example is the equalivant of the letter i,

and your mind will note it like that once you get the meaning,

if you didn't notice your mind always speaks the words you see,

the letters EYE will not be seen in your mind eye but your mind voice will pronounce I.

the OP for example writing that he is an ET by saying,

Eye am an ET.

doesn't mean the exact value of the words I am an ET.

note the last sentence is meant as an example i am not saying i am an ET.

so the OP can lie and not face karmic debts by simply saying Eye instead of I.

now that this is over i will also tell you another technique used in this post,

replacing letters in the same word but leaving the first and last letter in their places,

the mind take the first and last letter and forms a word out of them, by measuring the length of the word,

it doesn't count much the arrangement of the letters in the middle,

for example i will provide a sentence that i think you will be able to read so easily but i will replace the letters,

the sun is pnik and the waetr is red

i think you will feel the same and know the sentence almost as if i wrote,

the sun is pink and the water is red.

this is another way the OP can lie about certain things and aviod karmic debt and repercussions according to the universal laws.

Please be careful the next time you read a post, mistakes may be made intentionally and sometimes by accident.

Light Be With Us All.
Quoting: An Elite BloodLine Insider

me smile u
me not ET
me share same planet u just other line time ok
15 may line time come togeter

3/24/2008 6:00 AM

tank u mutedmuse
yes me have more question
me ask question now
why human not abel breath in water
u me have same organs but me can go under water also
maybe is becuase we have crystol likwid blood
me wil ask elders also why this

wow well that is a good question and I do not know what the answer is for sure but it sounds like a reasonable assumption that your crystal liquid blood has something to do with it ... maybe you can retain oxygen in your blood longer than we can ... do you actually breathe underwater or are you just using stored oxygen when you are under water?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 398607

yes u wise like elders
me did ask elders they say
when underwater crystal likwid blood have much likwid oxygen
also we heart beat very slower then u
we only 2 heart beat every 1 breth
we can hold breath very long time your line time

darza this also answer yor question about lowering heart beat ok

3/24/2008 4:47 AM

me have more question
me ask question now
what purpos religion when leaders not godlike not real gods
what purpos building tempel when no gods there
what purpos building church when no gods there
what purpos building mosk when no gods there
what purpos pray big wall when god not a wall
what purpos pray statue when god not a statue
what purpos pray river when god not a river
why cow holy when cow not even know god
why monkey sacred when monkey not even know god
only holy animals this line time is dolphin
not need pray dolphin like a god but must respect dolphin very much

Hi OP,

The points you make, they are rules to imprison humanity, those who think they are in control, they have an agenda, they want to protect this agenda, they use rules.
They worked at their hierarchy thousands of years. They fear the individual. They know the individual can easily destroy eons of their efforts. Just by being without an agenda, being natural, accepting "what is", being the change, surrendering eye-ness, humans will discover knowing and loving.

I am a student of humanity, experiencing and observing this outside - inside revolution, it is all awe and wonder.
Quoting: Darza

helo darza
me not understaning they
who r they who r those who want keep humanity

3/24/2008 3:46 AM

me have more question
me ask question now
what purpos religion when leaders not godlike not real gods
what purpos building tempel when no gods there
what purpos building church when no gods there
what purpos building mosk when no gods there
what purpos pray big wall when god not a wall
what purpos pray statue when god not a statue
what purpos pray river when god not a river
why cow holy when cow not even know god
why monkey sacred when monkey not even know god
only holy animals this line time is dolphin
not need pray dolphin like a god but must respect dolphin very much

3/24/2008 3:32 AM

Is it possible go to new line time b4 15 may?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 398581

yes can go other line time b4 15 may
many u do this already always

3/24/2008 3:09 AM

welcome back op

i will try to write more phonetically to help you understand more easily now that i have a clearer idea of how you are communicating ....

do not be distressed by the many scared and scary people who post fear and nonsense on this website .... if you ignore them they will go away eventually ....

i think you have done quite a good job of explaining yourself for those who do not have a one-dimensional mind (here on earth many people think only in a limited binary one-dimensional way while others are able to use a larger part of their minds) .... of course there are also many people, including myself, who are trying to think more laterally and open-mindedly but are also still practicing and learning how, and so we cood use a little more help ...

anyway i cant think of more questions for you right now

do you have more questions for us?

Quoting: mutedmuse

tank u mutedmuse
yes me have more question
me ask question now
why human not abel breath in water
u me have same organs but me can go under water also
maybe is becuase we have crystol likwid blood
me wil ask elders also why this

3/24/2008 3:03 AM


What computer u use to talk here ?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 111679

me us crystal child computer
crystal child not want me speek in her mind telepath
child show me
child bring me here because me think this place godlike
me make mistake this place not godlike but me like stay and speek
me already answer this b4

3/24/2008 2:52 AM

me cee u scar me now u think crazy things
u not belive

Some are, some are not and some aren't sure. Some changed their minds and others are still trying to decide. Please just keep sharing with us (and asking questions).
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 398581

tank u
me like speeking u all

3/24/2008 2:46 AM

hi, op. i said before that i would want to be your friend and go with you but i've changed my mind. i think i'm staying and help my brothers and sisters here as much as i can in my own little way. thanks for the invitation, though. i'm done with this game.

helo minnie
me unerstand no worry al ok
those who belive wil cee my people
those who not belive wil not cee my people
those who belive wil leve yor line time disapeer
not worry them they go beter line time more godlike with me
those who not belive stay yor time til 2012 is al ok
if u want stay til 2012 to helping brother and sister very ok
me unerstan u minnie
own choice always best choice always

hi op.
do you mean that there is only the people who belive you on the 15 who will se you? what about al those people who havent been on this tread? they will not been given this chanse?
Quoting: vet ikke

not need be on this thread to belive thing that will hapen on 15 may
eye ask elders if can play and help so long
many yor people already go within and know thing of 15 may
many yor peopel have waiting long for this
not just me help yor people
al my elders r making preparation 4 yor people
al of my people wil help yor peoeple not just me
on 15 may those who have beliven within wil cee al my people we all cee each other then
those not belive wil not cee me people
they wil only cee some of their own people go missing like putin go missing then they do crazy things begin
eye help some of U
other my people help other of u

3/24/2008 2:25 AM

hi, op. i said before that i would want to be your friend and go with you but i've changed my mind. i think i'm staying and help my brothers and sisters here as much as i can in my own little way. thanks for the invitation, though. i'm done with this game.
Quoting: minnie 381997

helo minnie
me unerstand no worry al ok
those who belive wil cee my people
those who not belive wil not cee my people
those who belive wil leve yor line time disapeer
not worry them they go beter line time more godlike with me
those who not belive stay yor time til 2012 is al ok
if u want stay til 2012 to helping brother and sister very ok
me unerstan u minnie
own choice always best choice always

3/24/2008 2:15 AM

thanks OP happy day to you
Can you tell us what we can do while being your friend to help more?
I am sure the more things you can tell people here the more we will learn and listen and the more we will believe and love your friendship.

anything we can do to help?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 383039

me like quote thing now very easy tank u rica
not need do anything
not need prepar anything
elders say u just need wait 15 may
elders say keep mind open til 15 may
elders say keep hart open til 15 may
if things hapen me tel u then how to come with me
but always your choice
nothing hapen me elders make mistake yor line time ok

3/24/2008 2:09 AM

yes me respon u question
me not understaning quote thing me stil lern

OP, quoting is easy: you just click on that word "Quote" in the upper right corner of the post you want to quote.
Then the answer screen opens with the post already quoted, and you type your answer below it.

Rica Quoting: Anonymous Coward 398130

tank u rica
me hapy u show me quote thing
me make smile u ok

3/24/2008 1:23 AM

helo minnie
we farm crystal oceon floor
we cruch crystal make likwid
we drink crystal not drink each other me not vampir
me not evils
u wait 15 may u cee ok

3/24/2008 1:05 AM

me cee u scar me now u think crazy things
u not belive

3/24/2008 1:02 AM

me cee fear arive not sanity

3/24/2008 12:58 AM

me here now

3/23/2008 2:47 PM

me tired now me go line time 2 ok
u post me come back
tank u 4 speeking me

3/23/2008 11:48 AM

helo nahoj
what word sound is :)
me not unerstan meaning :)

3/23/2008 11:43 AM

helo rica
yes many big cities on land
land cities mainly suport mining comunities for minerals
big cities on oceon floor support crystal farming for health and study

3/23/2008 11:26 AM

This day yor line time make me hapy
tank u al me new friends
helo ID: 383039
helo ID: 398040
helo Maria
helo mutedmuse
helo ID: 382868
helo ID: 398111
helo ID: 396777
helo Rica
helo vet ikke
helo darza
helo nahoj
helo Rica
helo rene
me elders wil be very please ok

3/23/2008 10:45 AM

helo darza
me line time 1 and 2 so we not have same time seconds and periods u have
me dificult xplain our time periods of heart beat
but eye undestan yor question now and wil ask elder ok

3/23/2008 9:44 AM

helo darza
me not know answer that question
me not uderstan question
why u want low heart beating

3/23/2008 9:04 AM

ok me hav other question me lern from u ok
why u sleep so littel
me people sleep half day to go inner travel within
sleep very important my people grow wise heaven things

3/23/2008 8:53 AM

helo vet ikke
me think nature cow milk for baby cow only not human baby
cow milk make baby cow grow quickly
cow milk make baby human grow fat quickly
cow calcium for cow baby not human baby ok

3/23/2008 8:39 AM

ok tank u nahoj
me stil not understan
me as question again for others ok
why u adult stil drink milk
why u drink mother milk from other speci not human

3/23/2008 7:48 AM

me not know crude oil
me not know cooking oil
elders only 4told of word oil

3/23/2008 7:45 AM

helo id 382868
we have elders line time 1 and 2 and 3
and then we hav god elders line time 1 and 2 and 3 and 4
and then we have ruler gods for line time 1 and 2 and 3 and 4
every line time have own ruler god
real being gods on line time 5 above
real being gods can travel al line time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
me have no human wording to name god but me stil learn new human wordings ok
me not know al god history only god elders know they not tel me yet
only tel me line time 4
me only line time 3

3/23/2008 4:46 AM

helo vet ikke
wen yor line time colide our line time we cee u first time
we suprise we live same planet we not cee u
15 may those u make choice aslo cee us
elders not ask me
me ask elders to play and make friends
elders say ok things was 4told long ago already
elders say eye must tel u things must happen b4 u alowe to belive me
do not belive me if no thing happens
me and elders also learing stil this colide of line time and efect
is big surprise 4 elders and me people
elders did 4tel about this but very surprise come so soon
elders worry why coliding so soon
elders think is becaue u play dark matter things make portal to soon

3/23/2008 4:32 AM

helo darza
tank u 4 ask acolyte but acolyte not want help me more eye understan why
many crystal child here yor line time born now
crystal child know how to think and not what to think
if me corect yor line time then yes chrystal childs wil be new leaders folow us

3/23/2008 4:19 AM

helo vet ikke
child not scar me look
child only scar wen me talk inside her mind
she not want do telepath thing
big sicness comes from air and people not breath and people go blind
people dark skin demise more then peopel wite skin
sicness not natural sicness invent by other u
oil also get sicness no can use oil anymore
17 aprils earth moves were big ice is bring big water drown
yes elders say wait 17 aprils and 15 may b4 lisen me more
if no thing happen then me mistake line time here ok
me then sorry me make worry u

3/23/2008 3:43 AM

me sorry not answer question all
crystal child hav friends visit
crystal child ask me not come wile friens visit
me not want scar crystal child friends
me not fly away me can not fly me just wait on my line time
child firends go me come back now ok
me answer question now

3/23/2008 3:15 AM

why me need xplain ID thing many times
me OP me ID 1 me not other ID 3
look screen 4 screen 5 screen 6 me xplain same ID thing
me OP me not ID 3 ok

3/23/2008 3:12 AM

me here now

3/22/2008 12:26 PM

yes we hav big cities under oceon very strong very safe

3/22/2008 12:15 PM

tank u darza
me understaning yor sing thing
me people also sing
u sing words
we sing sounds not wordings

3/22/2008 12:08 PM

eye ask question ok
why u not have big cities under oceon only big cities ground

3/22/2008 8:02 AM

we planet not have difrent president
we have 1 heavenly leader 4 hole planet
we have 1 leader 1 planet

3/22/2008 7:56 AM

yes acolyte contact me telepath
acolyte say only help me once only
acolyte not want do telepath thing anymore scar of me
acolyte leve
acolyte not trust telepath thing
acolyte wise like elders
acolyte undesrtaning line time 4 and 5

3/22/2008 7:29 AM

helo nahoj
yes me have question
me as question now
why u adult stil drink milk
why u drink mother milk from other speci not human

3/22/2008 6:33 AM

helo friend vet ikke
me here for friends who belive me

3/22/2008 6:28 AM

helo friend nahoj
helo friend darza
helo friend other

3/22/2008 2:53 AM

me cee many u say bad thingn4 me
me understaning u not belive me
this is ok if u not belive me now
things happen b4 15 may then u belive me beter
me now wait til 15 may
me come back 15 may when u can belive me ok

3/21/2008 3:01 PM

me ask question ok
why u eat ohter life beings
why u eat walking anamils
why u eat swiming anamils
why u eat flying anamils
when eat other life yor blood wil stay red u body demise fast
plants best food why u need eet animals
when u eat yor plants yor blood wil become crystal liwid
crystel likwid very good
with crystal liwid we never sick fix al organs
with crystal liwkid we live very long body demise very slow

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 308272
3/21/2008 3:23 PM
Tank u darsa 4 wanting help me
elders say me must only play and speek with humans that can cee crystal beings
can u cee crystal beings arond you
young crystal childrens are only ones who can cee me people easily b4 15 may
dont worry if u can not cee us yet
on 15 May all peopels that r ready and belive wil cee me people also

/21/2008 2:14 PM

me not god me not salvation
elders say me can play and help u
me only want help you to belive in another line time where things are better than this line time
when things happen 15 may then u know me know future tings so then u easy belive me
those who belive me and my peoples can come walk with us
those not belive stay til 2012 this line time then go back 0000

3/21/2008 2:02 PM

elders say old race capture moon from space then put next earth
elders say moon forces work like time mashine keep control time
moon aslo control mood of beings on planet in this line time

3/21/2008 10:47 AM

me line time cee things not good or bad
me line time only cee things wrong or rite
can fix wrong
can make rite not broken anymore

3/21/2008 10:42 AM

yes every1 wants mony
then no1 has freedom eye understan

3/21/2008 10:38 AM

tank u darza
yes yor leders play god
they not real gods me lern this now

3/21/2008 8:36 AM

human crystal child come back
me not want scar her me go now come back post later ok
tank u 4 lern me about moon and mony me stil not understanning al good these things

3/21/2008 8:29 AM

me here read speek mony
but what mony is
why u need mony
mony not food mony not god
me not understanings mony

3/21/2008 8:20 AM

me ask question ok
u 1 planet but many leaders but not one voice speek for all why
were r u gods

3/21/2008 8:12 AM

we have family
we not have polotic leaders only heavenly elders leed us
we have same type animal only firent color
horse al wite
elephant al lite yelow
dog al dark blue
we not eat other life ever

3/21/2008 8:09 AM

u play cern you make dark matters portal
portal make easy me come yor line time

3/21/2008 8:07 AM

moon not natural heaven body
moon put there by other being to control earth mood
without moon big calm comes over peoples no big storm anymore only litel storm
without moon peace among people

3/21/2008 7:55 AM

on yor line time 1 fysical me apear ghost
only crystal youg humans can cee me crystal form ok
on 15 may every1 cee us we not apear as ghost then ok

3/21/2008 7:49 AM

tnak u
ok me first question ask
wat purpose yor moon
me line time moon demise long agao
life become better witn no moon
why u sil have moon
wat purpose yor moon have u

3/21/2008 7:45 AM

yes birds and dolphin most evolve wise your earth line time

3/21/2008 7:39 AM

me not have space ship
me elders warn me must never ever leve born planet
bad choice leve birh planet ok

3/21/2008 7:30 AM

only get line time 5 when complete line time 3 and 4
no skip alowed
must do line time 3 and 4 b4 go line time 5
me only line time 3
after 15 may many u go liine time 2 and 3 ok
u become godlike line time 3 and 4 but not real gods yet

3/21/2008 7:26 AM

ok can me ask question u
me also need lern from u yes no
is it ok me ask question u maybeu need speek u elders first

3/21/2008 7:16 AM

darza me problem have long question
me read long question but at end me foregt orginal question
please ask short question me answer beter ok

3/21/2008 7:03 AM

yes me make mistake your leaders
me think your leaders godlike me make mistake
to many leaders to litle godlike
no peace this line time planet to many leaders confront

3/21/2008 6:57 AM

if alow hapen itself then you go til 2012 then 0000
if lisen me and others u go bete line time ok upit choice

3/21/2008 6:49 AM

nothing to do nothing to prepare
preparation made long time ago already
now u just wat
your within sould wil make choice 15 may ok

3/21/2008 6:38 AM

elders say me can play and help u
me not god me not salvation
me only want help those belive of another line time where things are better this line time
when things happen 15 may u know me know future time so u belive me
those who belive me and my peoples can come walk with us
those not belive go back 0000

3/21/2008 6:02 AM

yes highest wihtin make choice long ago
now u within must make choice take action not sleep or lazy be

3/21/2008 6:00 AM

some not notice anythings 15 may thye stay go on to 2012
u whu cee things happen 15 may then belive me
15 may u know me friend u can trust me
16 may me tel u what to do go line time 2 and 3
me not help every1 only help my friens this planet
me not god me not salvation me only alternative thing

3/21/2008 5:54 AM

young child go with paren way
me use comp now
crystal child say ok me use her comp device while she do shop thing
very nice intel child good for this planet line time

3/21/2008 5:48 AM

al me people r very exite meet al your people 15 may

3/21/2008 5:38 AM

me OP me here now

3/20/2008 7:40 AM

darza me ask elders if ok me speek u telepathy
me stil wait answer from elders
darza can u speek to yor elders leaders 4 us as we need emisary here soon b4 15 may
very important me beings speek yor leader beings soon b4 15
were is acolyte and divinity me want speek them urgent

3/20/2008 6:27 AM

I is me god essence
eye and me is my thought and body
me not god yet so me not cal me I show respect god I me

3/20/2008 6:14 AM

we won war with reptile our line time long ago we evolve then
reptile yor line time keep u back u can not grow

3/20/2008 5:46 AM

tank u nahoj
tank u vet ikke
tank u darza
tank u sunra
tank u word+sword=fire
tank u others
15 may u belive me
we all be friends 15 may ok
al my friends become godlike 15 may

3/20/2008 5:09 AM

me name not know human wordings me name sound
me lern more wording to lern spel name
then me tel name ok

3/20/2008 3:47 AM

tank u darza
not wory energy
u get energy when giving helping others
u lose energy when only taking lisining others
energy must flow
u can not store energy u get sick
to get energy u must give energy
when u store energy u blok flow and your energy becomes old
when u give energy new energy can come flow thru u again.
to get new energy u mast give old energy so energy can flow

3/20/2008 3:31 AM

me not hoaxing thing
me xplain ID already screen 4 screen 5 snd scsreen 6
me ID 1 met not other ID 3
me OP me not ID 3

3/19/2008 3:05 PM

me sense wise souls posting now
eye like it very much
u help me help others
me glad

3/19/2008 2:37 PM

vet ikke if you belive me 15 may u and yor children can come but thye must make that choice alone
u must wait 15 may to cee things happen b4 15 may
if things not happen b4 15 may then eye make mistake this line timeu then not lisen me
al u can do now is wait to cee if things happen b4 15 may ok

3/19/2008 2:14 PM

yes me like darza divinity nancy lieder and acolyte
me not like majestic
majestic energy not rite for heaven things on 15 may
u belive majestic u stay planet line time 1
u belive me u become godlikr line time 2 and 3 on this planet

3/19/2008 1:50 PM

yes alders say u can walk with me
but elders also warn u must wait 15 may if things happen
if nothing hapen b4 15 may then eye make mistake this line time
u must then not belive me and u must not lisen me anymore ok

3/19/2008 1:31 PM

what is bumps
me not understaning bumps
is bumps a human sicknes

3/19/2008 1:28 PM

me think me know me feel u frekwinsiw maybe me mistake
danke geniet dag

3/19/2008 1:20 PM

u must not scar me
when thins happen b4 15 may then u belive me ok
then we b friends

3/19/2008 12:31 PM

why me make only few friends here
u not belive me
me go play other forums ok
u belive me 15 may then we more friends ok

3/19/2008 12:07 PM

yes vet ikke u wil remembering
yot yong child wil probaby be ther and show u the way

3/19/2008 11:19 AM

LouisWinthorpeIII u keep yor belive al ok
when serpant king come pledge yor life to serpant ok
u then feel sorry u not come with me
u wil stay servent many years yor line time
not good choice u made
u wait til next 2012 to make beter choice ok
u go back 0000 u stil infant soul very sad never grow within

3/19/2008 10:59 AM

LouisWinthorpeIII me elders say u stay here silyness and dumb deaf belive
we not need your pineal gland or any other human never ever
we evolve already
sory u to much infant soul u need many time to get line time 1 to gt line time 2
u start 0000 again sory

3/19/2008 10:26 AM

we make enough crystal likwid
we not need human pineal gland not good for me
u not use yor own pineal gland so why must we

3/19/2008 9:44 AM

this planet first al water
then ground comes
dolphin decideing to walk ground your planet
many wars happen
then dolphin evolv remember water glory
doplhin then go back and swim water glory
dolphin most clever on this planet line time

3/19/2008 9:36 AM

yes many heavenly object 12 plus 1 wil come yor line time
heaven object only go pyramid house to live and wait not north pole
object wait pyramid only
later other object enter make ice melt
this object not heavan object but other planet very bad with vey bad peoplese

3/19/2008 9:30 AM

me glad u speek wise things darza
wil u scar wen u cee me darza
human crystal child very scar of me
if not scar maybe eye can speek u and u post what eye say ok yes no

3/19/2008 8:17 AM

yes darza u enery and wise like elders
darxa acolyte also wise like eleders
r u darza and acolyte gods here
me and elders want speek gods

3/19/2008 8:05 AM

niburu or malduk real but not yor line time come 2012
come be4 your line time 2012 very many suprise

3/19/2008 7:51 AM

danke u me here now

3/19/2008 7:11 AM

me tired this line time me go drink likwid crystal me get strong
u post me come bak this line time 1 ok

3/19/2008 7:03 AM

yes many hopi people cee me b4 15 may
u must lisen your hopi leaders

3/19/2008 6:57 AM

yes hopi very clever like elders line time 2 and 3
yes hopi very clever like acolyte line time 1

3/19/2008 6:50 AM

ok eye read other thred
eye like divinity but many people thingk god but they only godlike
eye like nesara but b carefeul many wrong informations
eye like nancy lieder but stil time line 1 only not help u for line time 2 and 3
eye like very acolyte but me not anderstaning becausae acolyte may be line time 4 and 5 me only line time 3
acolyte like me elders

3/19/2008 6:42 AM

eleders say eye must tel u mor thing so u belive me sooner
can eye tel u more thing wil it help
me play more ok is this ok

3/19/2008 6:28 AM

ok eye cee me read other thred me tel u thred eye like ok
me tel u thred eye not like ok is this u want me do ok

3/19/2008 6:17 AM

yes litle water come b4 17 aperils big waters come b4 15 may
many dolphin and other demise
dolphin and other come with me after 15 may
dolphin tired unhappy this planet line time 1
dolphin was land dolphin now oceon
u must lern from dolphin and other ok

3/19/2008 5:37 AM

yes u me same planet just difren line time
yes never leve planet me explain b4 this
15 may we colide same line time we shar line time
me cee u u cee me
15 may we share planet but then we line time 2 and 3
other not cee us they stay this line time demise 2012 begin 0000

3/19/2008 5:32 AM

to come with me u need belive me
if things happen b4 may u belive me u make easy choice
if nothing happen b4 15 may me make mistake line time 1 u not lisen me then ok

3/19/2008 5:30 AM

yes u walk me after 15 may yor bornday always stay 15 may on line time 2 and 3

u deciding stay line time 1 your bornday stay 21 may ok
no craft your body demise yor within come with me u become godlike but not real god
real god line time 5 only
me line time 2 and 3 only seem godlike but not real god ok
me wait line time 5 with u ok

3/19/2008 5:20 AM

yes me respon u question
me not understaning quote thing me stil lern

3/19/2008 5:12 AM

after 15 may u get new born when come with me
your birthday then always stay 15 may new line time 2 and 3

3/19/2008 5:03 AM

yes u deciding stay til 2012 your choice
but your dolphin and other not stay
dolphin come swim with me after 15 may

3/19/2008 3:36 AM

me answer b4
me look same shape human shape
me eye same shape but me eye miror lite
me blood not same me blood crystal likwid
me not eat other life me drink crystal liwid
answer ok yes

3/17/2008 1:21 PM

me not understaning BS

3/17/2008 1:09 PM

me not know shillfest
ask beter question me beter answer ok

3/17/2008 10:27 AM

yes darza human
u clever like elders
elders say wait 15 may b4 u belive
eye wait also 15 may then we cee u u cee me ok darza

3/17/2008 10:12 AM

me tired now
me need crystal likwid
me come back u post question ok

3/17/2008 10:07 AM

yes u me friends me glad
but elders say u be carful wait 15 may to cee things happen
if things not happen b4 may u not belive me
u not lisen me
me wrong then me mistake yor line time
me be back rite line time next
me friends again ok u wait 15 may

3/17/2008 9:47 AM

me tired question line time but me stil answer
eny other questionn me hapy help

3/17/2008 9:15 AM

me reply question to me here
me not reply questions other thred
questions other thred not ask me
why eye must reply other thred
me not understaning yor question ok sory

3/17/2008 8:47 AM

es u corect me use young human crystal child to show me here

3/17/2008 8:34 AM

human body young old sick not matter
your within soul make choice not your body ok

3/17/2008 8:30 AM

yes u stay this planet we share planet on line time 2 and 3
u not decide go other plane ever not good choice
stay your planet then u grow become godlike only
u go other planet u become servant not god ok

3/17/2008 8:23 AM

me not human word decribe ordinaries day me line time ok
me 1 day on 3 line time

3/17/2008 8:15 AM

15 may u choice walk with me share line time 2 and 3
u body die line time 1 body new line time 2 when choice walk with me
u choice stay line time 1 u dimise between 15 may and 2012 sory
with me we godlike bot not gods yet
to be god u need line time 5 stil long journey b4 line time5
me only line time 3
15 may u line time 2 ok
me older twice u line time 1
me make choice line time 2 and 3 long ago

3/17/2008 8:05 AM

0000 bad no experinse u only wise like infant

3/17/2008 7:44 AM

those who stay after 15 may til 2012 al demise go back 0000 line time
start al over again not good choice go back 0000
u beter walk with me beter choice 15 may ok

3/17/2008 7:28 AM

me not cee other question sory
u ask beter question me answer beter answer

3/17/2008 7:19 AM

yes me speek crystal child

3/17/2008 6:29 AM

yes u come me 15 may u not here 2012 anymore
u with me we be godlike but not real gods yet
real gods 5 line time above
me line time 3 only
yor line time 1 only
15 may yor line time become 2 u deciding next line time 4 u

3/17/2008 6:25 AM

me not undertadings quote link
yor line time link me line time 15 may ok
15 may u cee me and me cee u
every1 cee every1

3/17/2008 6:21 AM

yes 15 march young crystal human cee me
me ask young human help me play
me speek young human telepath
young human crystal scar not speek thru her
young human crystal bring me here place rather
me post here me think this place godlike
me mistake godlike place

3/17/2008 6:03 AM

no human wordings me can decribe constant time me learn stil wordings
constant close but not al understanings

3/17/2008 6:00 AM

me difrent but same dimenson u just difrent line time
me line time more godlike

3/17/2008 5:55 AM

elder say me can play yor line time
me play make friends u ok
me help u not scar 15 may
u walk wit me 16 may ok

3/17/2008 5:50 AM

me name u not undestaning human word
me wil learn mor human wordings me tel u ok

3/17/2008 5:31 AM

me here now
me OP me not ID

Monday, March 24, 2008

3/16/2008 10:16 PM

me tired me leve yor line time
me drink crystal me get strong me come back your line time ok

3/16/2008 1:44 PM

u ask 2012 me answer me not here line time 2012
me ask elders 2012 now
elders say choice u leaders make 15 may diicidng outcome 2012
u make choice me 15 may u come with me u not be here then 2012 ok

3/16/2008 1:27 PM

yes u play dark matters portal open
yor time colide our time on same planet space
we begin cee each other
me want u belive me after 15 may
u must make choice inside which line time u want 15 may
me want u come my line time better godlike

3/16/2008 12:45 PM

yes line time 15 may 2008
if thing not happen b4 15 may then me make mistake me use wrong line time

3/16/2008 11:24 AM

me not here line time 2012

3/16/2008 10:48 AM

look screen 4 me explain ID
other also use me ID
many other use same proxy thing me think
me use now them ID ok
me OP me not ID
cee thing happen u belive me 15 may ok
no me wait 15 may on yor line time for friends u me

3/16/2008 10:35 AM

me answer already
me OP me not ID 3
me ID 1 me not ID 3
me come line time ID 1 not line time ID other 3

3/16/2008 9:40 AM

me tired me leve line time now
u post me come back line time ok

3/16/2008 7:58 AM

thing not happen b4 15 may me not real me make mistake me then wrong line time u not lisen me then ok
only if thing do happen then u lisen me ok
elder speek me about now me not understand but me say u anyway
elder say cabel brake oceon soon
now no mony flow
no trade
leaders wait for fiks

3/16/2008 7:41 AM

me post me yor dimenson
me stop then me go back my dimenson wait
then come back your dimenson post again

3/16/2008 7:27 AM

very moving earth 17 aperils
u line time good thing happen even number days
u line time bad thing happen not even number days

3/16/2008 6:54 AM

things happen b4 15 may u stay china
brown cheat and go with putin and china
then brown putin china war against japan tiwan poeple with same eye shape

3/16/2008 5:04 AM

me u only think godlike but not real gods
only elders know real gods
me not cee real gods me only here real gods from elders

3/16/2008 4:43 AM

your line time not end your line time chainge
u get extra line
u then have 2 line time then later u have 3
u have to make choise 15 may
some scare decide keep 1 line
other decide go 2 line become godlike

3/16/2008 4:22 AM

u cee me look human same shape
me blood not same me blood crystal likwid
me not eat other life me drink crystal likwid

3/16/2008 3:25 AM

yes cheney dimise by self sicknes not dimise by other u

3/16/2008 3:20 AM

yes u cee 1 river me cee 2 river now
16 may u cee other river also
we swim 2 river we b friends ok
not scare when u cee 2 river me here help friends not scare 16 may
me help u not do crazy things 16 may when putin swim away

3/16/2008 2:59 AM

me not know u
me not abel cee 27 may 4 u

3/16/2008 2:41 AM

me not DUUUHHHHHHHH! me OP me ID 1 line time

3/16/2008 2:39 AM

me understand now your leaders not godlike leaders
me make mistake godlike thing
me always live this planet me not cee u
u not cee me
you play dark matters u make portal colide our time
now me cee u u not cee me stil
16 may u cee me also
me u friends 16 may ok we live godlike

3/16/2008 2:21 AM

me cee 27 may yor line time fire sickness skin burn
me cee new birth of good being then bring dimise

3/16/2008 1:32 AM

me not shite me not sunni me belive crystal elder
u belive me 15 may we friends 16 may ok

3/16/2008 12:59 AM

me understand ID now
me not line time 3 other ID
me line time now 1 ID

3/16/2008 12:49 AM

me surprise u many god leaders have
not 1 leader speek 4 all planet beings
how u live this way
me undesrtand now why no peace
many leaders not make 1 peace

3/16/2008 12:29 AM

me OP me not ID

3/16/2008 12:27 AM

me here me mistake understanding yor gods
elder 4told me thinks me understand now

3/15/2008 3:22 PM

me leev yor line time now
me come back on your time when elder speek ok to to this

3/15/2008 3:14 PM

eye need make contact with leader gods
me people want friend with your people beings to tel of 15 may
eye think eye make mistake
eye wil need consult with crystal elders
me not know how proceed wil ask elders

3/15/2008 2:59 PM

glp=godlike productions
this is problem for me
r u not the gods of this planet
were r the god beings of this planet
eye need contact with yor god leaders r u not it
now eye worry
eye must speek with your gods not servant

3/15/2008 2:49 PM

me people are crystal kind computers
what glp is
do not understand glp

3/15/2008 2:40 PM

me not hiher dimension just difrent dimension
me on constant time u on period time
eye can cee yor time begin and end

3/15/2008 2:24 PM

me tired then me go rest
me come back it still your time no time past in yor time
me not undesrstand your time

3/15/2008 2:18 PM

my time is al now
your line time colide with our time
your time have past and future
me not know why u have double time
eye am now time 15 may

3/15/2008 2:11 PM

me people not have horns me people not horney
me people crystal people no horns

3/15/2008 2:07 PM

sorry if yor peace mean good peace
me and u make good peace on 15 may ok
eye like yor peace from 15 may ok

3/15/2008 2:03 PM

do not trust yor peace
yor planet beings only brake peace not make peace
not undesrtand yor peace
my people worry yor peace

3/15/2008 1:45 PM

no thing to do no thing to prepare only wait
me come 15 may to take hand also foot and show 16 may
eye yor friend from 15 may ok
u lisen me from 15 may and eye wil show heaven thing

3/15/2008 1:38 PM

me not warn me tel u now of 15 may eye am 15 may
u come 15 may we be friends and I show you 16 may ok

3/15/2008 1:34 PM

me not from future me not from past me from now
everthings is now me now in 15 may
soon u colide with 15 may and we be friends ok

3/15/2008 12:51 PM

me tired me now leave doors close, window close
me sorry u not lisen me
me back next time
next time u lisen me very good
if not lisen u dimise with pain and not undesrtanding
me people good not bad
me people love create
me people not hate brake everything

3/15/2008 12:41 PM

me not this planet me not your time
u planet colide our time we not expect u we afraid for u
our leaders speek your leaders they not belive
now our time mingle your time very bad time
your time vey bad
me come back 15 may u ok me
me tell u after 15 may were to go me your friend ok

3/15/2008 12:16 PM

me worry blind peopel like u
u read but cannot here
u cee but cannot understnadings
then when do u live
no u only dimise slowly
no hope for def blind peoples

3/15/2008 11:56 AM

sickness of oil is death thing
poeple who want oil wil die al over world things
oil no power anymores
not good for oil people they go do crazy things

3/15/2008 11:21 AM

me not want here long me want be friend 15 may ok u need me 15 may ok yes not

3/15/2008 10:48 AM

eye "I" same thing thingk good u cee they same thing

3/15/2008 10:45 AM

what cern but playing dark matter things not good play fire get burning
peoples use same eye shape war
china everywere
me want frend be 15 may then u lisen me ok eye help u 15 may

3/15/2008 10:41 AM

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 386035 (OP)
3/15/2008 10:41 AM
ok me op eye cee
me like op

3/15/2008 10:37 AM

people good understanding not need google thing or rite spel they only needing belive
why u hope me rite these things are bad things very bad not good things eye worry cry
me not from contry name place

3/15/2008 10:11 AM

what tomek me is me eye be friend 15 may ok

3/15/2008 9:53 AM

me poor world things me have rich gold with heaven things

3/15/2008 9:52 AM

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 386035 (OP)
3/15/2008 9:52 AM

me here read and here

me tel u now so u belive me 15 may

friend after 15 may
User ID: 386035
3/15/2008 9:25 AM

many things go wrong 15 may because door opens with portal to dark matters not undestanding earth beings

sharon will dimise be4 15 may

mandela will dimise be4 15 may

thatcher will stroke be4 15 may

japan warring thing will commencecing before 15 may secretely

oil gets very big sickness no use anymore after 15 may

old bush will very sick be4 15 may

cheney will dimise be4 15 june

obama accident before 27 aperil

big sickeness be4 15 may

very moving earth on 17 aperils

oceone not sleeping when heaven things beware many waters to come drown

brown cheat be4 15 may

putin missing after 15 may many worry poeple do crazy things