Tuesday, April 22, 2008

4/21/2008 10:46 PM

The OP is a liar. He said if his prediction failed he would not return but unfortunately he returned anyway. Now all of you know the OP is a liar, and if you still want to believe his lies then you are willing dupes. How desperate you people must be.

He predicted earth shaking so technically he was right...though it wasn't as bad as he first said it would be

Technically, the OP was completely wrong because he led everyone on to believe a major earthquake would occur on April 17th and it didn't happen. And he indicated in his twisted way of writing that if it didn't happen he would never return but he returned. So..................HE LIED!!!

I guess some of you are going to say, well, technically the liar did not predict an earthquake for April 17 he predicted it for Aperil 17! Not April but Aperil! Pathetic! I pity you people.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 420575

me say if nothing happen them me not come back 4 u not belive me anymores
something did happen some did belive some cal me back
so eye come back 4 me not want be rude me make friens here they help me lern so eye can compleet my study