Monday, April 21, 2008

4/21/2008 10:53 AM

op, you got the very moving earth on 17 aperils spot on. So what's the oil sickness you speak of? That seems a particularly important thing for us mere mortals?

helo 419570
yes me rite date but me wrong bignes
oil become dangerus 4 humans
yor leaders dicide spread sickenes thru oil and contaminate oil becuase al human use oil daily
with oil it is eazy to spread sciknes every day
when u tuch or smel oil you become sick die soon
yor leaders develops clean new safe oil to make more mony but that oil also kil eventualy

OP, are you talking about oil as our gasoline, or is it the oil we use for cooking and eating?? Is it because of the Genetically Modified vegetables??
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 416792

helo 416792
both but mainly me mean oil u make gasolin with and energy