Hello Op, nice to hear from you, greetings to your hosts and elders. My prays go out for a good operation. flower
I have a question to your question.
"helo the flying dutchman r u bird people of deep earth"
please explain your view. i am a blue overtone eagle if that says anything to you ?
a request from me hf
Is it possible for master Zelanus to come among your elders, and does he have anything to say or add after 65 years ? I'm very curious :)
As far as breathing the gas on the ocean floor, we are already trying to drill to it ?, don't think our bodys are up to inhaling this, but it might solve energy needs partly, that your right. it is so abundand and also crystaline forms. please check the link
[link to www.whoi.edu]
Cheerio superman
Quoting: the flying dutchman 358200
me understan now yor name is only a name here
there are biengs in yor hollow earth which fly like u fly ok
these beings also need comne above 4 mother earth need clensing soon inside and out ok 4 every earth creature to cee