Saturday, April 12, 2008

4/12/2008 9:21 AM

only the I merge not the eye

Can you define "I" and "eye" please? I don't understand.

me already xplain I and eye other screen ok

For easy reading Op's posts are blogged at [link to]

Darza, can you give me your interporation of what he just said:

only the I merge not the eye"

I've not followed the thread fully and it's a bit difficult to find what he said previously when he uses "eye" to mean "I" all the time.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 371314

helo 371314
me xplain b4 other screen me say this
I is me god essence
eye and me is my thought and body
me not god yet so me not cal me I show respect god I me
hope u unerstran now difrencing